Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Stretch Armstrong


Five pre-turkey day warriors showed this morning for a hot potato, or should YHC say hot mashed potatoes – pun intended.

Swirly took the first hot potato and lead us over to the carillon for some stretching. We started with the deadman hang – always a crowd favorite. Then we went into some more stretching, and some merkins. Swirly then moseyed us on over to love hill. Partner up, one partner is at the bottom making their way up alternating between polar bears, lunges, and broad jump burpees.

Oyster then took the hot potato and we headed over to the amphitheater. Box jumps up the amphitheater with ascending merkins at each level. With each level added one more merkin. Then once we all got to the top we went over to the poles for 10 leg lifts each while the others waited at 6 inches.

Hot Potato was handed off to YHC, went over to the circle for what YHC does not have a name for but hands on the curb and feet on the pavement and sideways walked around the circle.

YHC then took the group back to the flag with a native american run, but stopped at the Carillon for 10 burpees. Back at the flag we ended how we started with some stretching, deadman hang to start then the ‘have a nice day stretch’ to finish it out.

Names, numbers, and good conversation to end off the morning.

Slipping Jimmy took us out with some thoughtful and thankful words.


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