Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: WDog

Byrd Park

Five brave PAX showed up in a relatively warmer morning for the beatdown. Here is how it went: Mosey to a small circle court on the way to the tennis court. COP:10X dead man hang, 10X helicopter, 15X arm circle, 10X imperial walker, 10X merkins, 15X LBC, 15X American HammersMosey to the tennis courtExercise #1Elevens: run to the other side of the court and 10 merkins and bernie sanders back and 1 reverse crunch and 9 merkins and 2 reverse crunchs, and so on.Exercise #2Four Corners: 1st Round – run to each corner and do the following exercise. 1st corner:…

Six fellas pulled into W Dog ready to make F3’s presence known. With a couple flurries at the start, it was of course 70 and sunny the rest of the way. 5:30 turned up and then this is what occurred: Warm Up: SSHs x 30, Imperial Walkers x 15, Helicopters x 10, Don Quixotes x 10 Enough of that.. Mosey to Love Hill Partner Up for the last stretch of Love Hill: One partner runs to the gate and back while other Partner completes the following to the gate then switch from where they are at: 1st: Polar Bears…

Six spud loving PAX members showed up for a warm morning and here is how it went down: Mosey through the Bump House to get to the bottom of the triangle hill next to Carillon Courtyard for some warm-ups–it was a little less than a mile run.COP: Deadman hang x10, Arm circle x10 (both direction), DQ x10, Helicopters x10, Imperial Walkers x 10, LBC x 20, Merkins x10, American Hammers x10, Flutter Kicks x 10. YHC wanted to do something different and may botch the explanation. It is a Dora: partner#1 is at the bottom of the hill going through…

7 eager and ready warriors showed up to a crisp and windy, but always sunny morning for a W Dog beatdown. According to the racoon in the tree Swirly saw while pulling in here is what may have happened… COP IC: SSH x 20 IC: Imperial Walkers x 20 IC: Helicopters x 10 IC: Dead Man’s Hang x 10 The Thang Mosey to the Football Field and Partner Up Wheelbarrow to other sideline, do 20 Leg Raises then switch with Partner x 2 Mosey to Burpee Row 3 Burpees at each Street Lamp until the turn, then on the way…

In a crispy cold morning, seven strong men showed up for the beatdown. Here is how it went down: YHC moseyed through the Bump House to get to  the Carillon Courtyard for some warm-ups–it was about a mile run. Arm circle x10 (both direction), DQ x10, Helicopters x10, LBC x 20, Merkins x10, Scorpion Kicks x10 OYO. First, YHC broke PAX into two groups. Circumnavigate inner and outer Carillon Field, running lengths, bearcrawl far end, returning to the courtyard to complete reps IC for the SIX. Each group took turns in running inner and outer the field: Round 1: 20X…

Eight strong men including a visitor from Hampton Roads showed up for the beatdown in a beautiful morning. Here is how it went: Mosey to the Carillon Courtyard for some warm-ups: Arm circle x10 (both direction), DQ x10, Helicopters x10, SSH x10, LBC x 20, Merkins x10, Scorpion Kicks x10 OYO. Exercise#1Circumnavigate Carillon Field, running lengths, bearcrawl far end, returning to the courtyard to complete reps IC for the SIX.Round 1: 20X Merkins, Round 2: 20X LBC, Round 3: 20X American Hammers, Round 4: SSH x 20.Exercise#2Mosey to the amphitheater for quadruplet-triple checkPartner 1 box-jump up stairs and run back…

In a cold morning (~25°F), three brave men showed up for the beatdown. Here is how it went: Hitchhiker led warm-up and first exercise. We moseyed through the Bump House to get to the Carillon Courtyard for some warm-ups–it was about a mile run. Arm circle x10 (both direction), DQ x10, Helicopters x10, LBC x 20, Merkins x10, Scorpion Kicks x10 YOY. First, DTH’s warm-up exercise. Circumnavigate Carillon Field, running lengths, bearcrawl far end, returning to the courtyard to complete reps IC for the SIX: Round 1: 20X Merkins, Round 2: 20X LBC, Round 3: 20X American Hammers. Shiplap led…

Seven pre-Christmas warriors joined YHC for what will not be an annual work out. At the request of Hitch YHC prepared a Christmas music playlist to accompany the workout. YHC is not a DJ and relied upon the Spotifiy gods to recommend holiday season themed workout tunes, and a mashup of obscure songs that make brief references to the Christmas season ensued. In writing this now YHC realizes that no disclaimer was given at the start as to YHC’s lack of professional training credentials. We started off with some light stretching, right leg over left leg and hold it, then…

On the evening before a Q, YHC typically reads through some previous BB’s from other AO’s for inspiration and tries to taylor the morning workout to compliment other workouts that the PAX may have attended. I saw in my research that Bodos sent out a link to an article from Outside online about Wim Hof and his extreme cold and breath techniques to enjoy a healthy and vibrant life. Last night I thought it might be cool to try to have the Pax strip down to T-shirts and Shorts (caps and gloves optional); however, when gathering with the PAX we…

Another beautiful and hot morning to start off the first of many solo Q’s for Shiplap. Have co-led some hot potatoes and with the wedding, marathon, and Thanksgiving now done, it was about time I stepped up and lead these great group of men solo. And no better time than at W Dog, one of my favorite AOs. Pulling in, it was nice to see more than the usual number of cars anxiously waiting to get rolling. Here’s how it went down: COP: SSH x20 Helicopters x10 Arm Circles x10 Reverse Arm Circles x10 Cherry Pickers x10 Merkins x12 Mosey…

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