Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: NoToll

Huguenot Park

7 SOJ PAX and 1 Q from Tuckahoe met up at No Toll this morning in the humid gloom.  Greetings were exchanged and at 5:30am, BOOM, off we go! Mosey to first field on left for: COP: SSH x 25 Helicopters x 15 Imperial Walkers x 15 Don Quixotes x 15 Heels to Heaven x 10 Hand Release Merkins x 10 Arm Circles x 15 Forward x 15 Backward Mosey to saturated, just aerated, sprinklers on, muddy field on the right for: DORA: Partner up.  One partner runs across field through or around sprinklers and back to picnic pavilion…

YHC arrived at the fertile fields of No Toll at 5am sharp and secured the AO with the flag.  Soon, 11 more stalwarts had rolled in, including a Summer Tour participant and a clown car from New Market, and the Dirty Dozen were off.  Honeydo had apparently heard the rumor I planted in the Q sheet about this being a Hot Potato, though some others thought YHC was taking over No Toll.  No sir, just an unusual opening on the Q sheet at No Toll and an opportunity to pass the potato around.  Instructions were to take 10 minutes and…

Six men felt the peer pressure and left the comforts of their fartsacks to post at No Toll this morning.  The AO was secured at 5:00 and all was quiet, save for the rain for a while until Swiper showed up and then walked off.  Where did he go?  YHC began to wonder if it was really Swiper at all.  Eventually he wandered back, the others showed and we were off.  This is what went down. Thang: Mosey to nearby lot for COP and to gather stragglers.  All IC: 60 x SSH, 15 x helicopters, 10 x Don Quixote, 10…

10 Warriors arose from the fartsack on nice and humid morning to grace the well manicured and perfectly watered fields of No Toll for a mid Summer beatdown! COP- SSH x 20 DQ x 10 Arm Circles X 15 CopperHead Squats x 10 Merkins x 10 LBCs x 25 5 Burpees OYO Mosey to back field 4 Corners Diagonal Style Round 1- Corner 1 – 10 Burpees, run to corner 2 diagonally Corner 2  – 20 -Monkey Humpers Corner 3 – 30 WWIIs, run  to corner 4 diagonally Corner 4 – 40 SSHs – run backwards to corner 1 Round…

11 strong NoToll High 60s THANG COP – SSHs, DQs, Copperheads, Merkins, Scorpion Kicks, Crab Cakes, Flutterkicks Indian Run big perimeter Partner Love Field – Polar Bears, Lunges Ring of Burpee Pops – elbow plank, 3 burps, al gore, pass it 20 minutes of Ultimate – 5 vs 6 Mosey to SF – American Hammers, Hello Dollies COT – Wilson NAKED MOLESKIN Given the strong numbers and knowing Lab Rat was leading a PAX playing across the Rivah YHC couldn’t miss another chance to play some ultimate. Beautiful morning for it…and sadly the days are getting shorter. Respect to return…

10 strong attacked No Toll this morning in the 81 degree warmth with no air movement.  The only breeze created was when the PAX was moving around.  Here is what went down: Mosey to the far field for: COP: Invisible Jump Rope x 15 Helicopters x 15 Don Quixote x 10 Hillbillies x 15 Merkins x 10 Scorpion Kicks x 10 Crab Cakes x 10 Doracides (w/Big Cones) Partner up.  One partner runs to first cone and performs one Burpee then runs back and touches partner.  Run to second cone and perform two Burpees then run back and…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9myYc8Pn8o The allure of the HR Derby brought 23 willing participants to the ball field in the gloom this morning, including the man, the myth, the legend…Kevin (McRib) Bacon and 1 FNG. The PAX signed in (for BB purposes and for the batting order (but more on that later)) and formed up on in right field for COP to get loose, including: SSHs DQs Cotton Pickers Helicopters Imperial Walkers Poles – Sprint from the foul pole to the left field foul pole, do 10 merkins, sprint back and plank up for instructions. Instructions were simple – 3 swings – over…

The F3 Mid-Summer Classic All-Star break, and related HR Derby, comes early this year.  YHC will be lobbing softballs and testing the PAX’s hand-eye coordination and seeing who can do their best Aaron Judge or Mike Trout impression next Tuesday at Huguenot Little League. Don’t post to NoToll because nobody will be there.  Instead, head to Huguenot Little League – 2801 Robious Crossing Drive, Midlothian, VA 23113.  Fields are right behind Robious Elementary School. Depending on numbers, we may skip the usual calisthenics and jump right into the competition, so get there early and get ready to swing out of…

An elite 8 came out into the humidity this morning to tackle the fields of No Toll.  The sprinklers were a nice added touch. YHC was hoping for bigger numbers this morning but guesses the pull of Ultimate Frisbee at Heartbreak took some away. Here’s what went down. COP: 6 burpees OYO 19 LBCs 38 SSH (that’s right, 6,19,38 – today is YHCs 38th bday) 15 DQs THANG: Mosey to corner of back field. Hindenberg BLIMPS Run to each of the 4 corners of the field and perform exercise: Round 1: 5 Burpees Round 2: 10 Lunges Round 3: 15…

An old Polish joke: After a particularly nerve wracking landing, the pilot of Polish Airlines flight 704 wipes the sweat from his brow and turns to the co-pilot: -Pilot:  WOW!  Was that not the shortest runway you’ve ever seen?!? -Co-pilot:  YEAH!  But look how WIDE it is! 14 pax showed up this morning to see what this Ultimate thing was all about.  A few followed directions and brought a light and dark shirt, but most didn’t.  Posh rolled in late to provide black shirt team with a rotation to keep play at the legal ULTIMATE number of 7 on 7! …

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