Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Ghost Flag

What was that play that the Eagles called that caught New England by surprise and secured the W? The Philly Special! YHC strolled in this morning with the ominous Ghost Flag in hand. Swoop definitely had a great Q up his sleeve but YHC fooled the PAX and did what had to be done to secure the W. Here’s how it went down… Warmarama – Moseyed into the woods for a quick lap around the gazebo. Circled up, explained the rules of the Ghost Flag, gave the F3 mission and got into it…SSH’s, Cheery Pickers, Dead Man Hang, LBC’s, Rosco’s…

After getting the Q ghosted from me at Satan’s last Friday – YHC was ready for some payback! Bitter sweet seeing the sad look on Rudy’s face when he rolled into the parking lot – but now he’s got the flag for some future payback! State Farm is the captain now… Warm-up: Indigenous plate run two groups (Rear pax does one burpee, runs to front and takes 10# plate) Circle UP – Disclaimer – Various IC XO’s – F3 Mission and Credo Tennis Court – Merkin jax suicides 1rep/4reps – perfect merkin then plank Jax Bear crawl to net 2reps/8 reps…

17 HIM’s converged at Satan’s Hill to discover a brand spankin new SOJ GHOST FLAG planted by YHC to usurp the Q. The planned victim was WARBY, but after his recent calf strain he had asked STAE FARM to cover the Q, and as excited as SF was to lead the bootcamp, it was not to be… The THANG:  WARMERAMA:  While WARBY left for a walking tour of the neighborhood, the rest of the PAX took off up the Hill, then returned to circle up in the parking lot Welcome & Disclaimer Variable IC Reps to get the muscles warm…

Nothing shakes a handsnake like the haunting groans of jorts-sporting ruckers handling huge wood. But by the size of his own tent party it was clear Handshake enjoyed every second of this morning’s SOJ/GTE Ghost Flag takeover. A new record was set as 25 HIM’s descended on First Watch, startling a few locals out of their shavasana meditation and tackling the latest GrowRuck Training regimen, as follows: The THANG:  WARMERAMA: Mosey loop around the parking lot and circle up (more of a rectangle to fit the small space) Welcome & Disclaimer Variable IC Reps to get the muscles warm top…

4 Davillians made the trip south of the wall and join 9 other of RVA finest for a takeout Q. This how it went down Mustang’s Q Mosey over to the traffic circle for COP COP (mostly IC) – SSH’s (until the PAX got quiet), Stretches, Imperial Walkers, Ukraine Soldiers, Arm Circles, Squats Bulkhead’s Q Mosey to the amphitheater Prison Burpees – Head up the amphitheater box jump follow by burpee. Increase burpees each row. Audible was called after the 10th or 11th row to complete 10 burpees each row till the top Corned Beef’s Q Mosey to the triangle…

Fourteen ghastly creatures, including the Joker and his brood of SOJ henchmen, emerged from the darkness seeking light but found only a series of horrid adventures. Here are the terrifying Tales from the Crypt: Mosey over to the DogPile Graveyard COP (IC) Ghost Jump Ropes Goblin Squats Zombie Soldiers Scary Rockettes Sweat Devils Freddy Kruegers Heels to HELL Grave Digger Merkins Mosey to the street corner A Nightmare on Blanton Avenue 2 Burpees per Lightpole down one side, back up the other Mosey to the Haunted Carillon It Follows P1 – Murder Bunny P2 – WWZs x 10 and chase…

The South has risen again! 7 SOJ versus 5 Tuckahoe natives = successful Q steal from Kubota, in spite of some initial protests about technical clown car regulations (this is where NTB hangs his head in shame). Kubota was made to poke a couple holes in his weinke and wear it like a ghost sheet for the entirely of the following workout: The THANG: MACHISMO: Warmerama DIRTY SOUTH 4 Corners – Hillbillies, APD’s, Humpers, & Lt Dan’s DTH: Mosey behind the church OLD HUNDRED with movement exercises between descending sets Mosey BTTF for final x10 Burpees COT: Counterama # 12…

The Ghosts from SOJ arrived in the clown car to steal the Q. 10 men were ready for YHC to lead back to school session kettlebell style. Warmup- mozey around the parking lot followed by SSH, helicopters, cherry pickers, Merkins, LBCs THE THANG – BILLY MADISON – kettlebell style 12 reps for each exercise- stacking the exercises as we go. lap around the parking lot between grades 1st grade- Squats 2nd grade- Squats, halos 3rd grade- squats, halos, chest press 4th grade- squats, halos, chest press, lunges 5th grade- squats, haos, chest press, lunges, swings 6th grade- squats, halos, chest…

Rules are rules: 1 car + 3 + dudes + different nano region = Q takeover. Mosey to ‘Murica blacktop for warmorama: SSH Deadman hang Ukrainian Soldiers LBCs Scorpion Stretch Merkins Stretch 30 seconds OYO The thang: TYAs Thanksgiving 11s: 11s on the field using the 10 big oak trees along Cary. Start with 10 squats on westside of field, run to first tree for 1 merkin, run back. Repeat, but keep adding merkins and dropping squats, moving to the next furthest tree. Finish with 10 merkins on east side of the field and return back. Indigenous person run: Mosey…