Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: #SOJ

12 HIMs skipped beach week and instead joined a VQ on a 70 degree morning with sauna-esque humidity. A few sleuths noticed signs on buckets and boxes spread throughout New Market, foreshadowing what their Friday morning beatdown had in store. There’s been chatter about SOJ needing to work biceps more. Perhaps another day, today was leg day (don’t skip). A quick mosey to the stop sign and back got our morning started right. WARMORAMA: Being YHC’s VQ and with an FNG in attendance, started with our mission statement and F3 educational information/principles. SSH, Imperial Walkers, Copperhead Squats, Ukrainian Soldiers, Merkins,…

4 HIMS showed up to a damp court this morning hoping to get some basketball in. With a light team we called an audible and made the most of it. warmarama- SSH, Imperial walkers, dead man hand, merkins, lbc’s Lap around the school and the courts and the game of PIG began ( 4 rounds ). missed shot is 5 merkins and for every letter its 5 burpees. Futon and Crabgrass battled to the end with mid range jumpers. Suicides – at each line we had excercises 10 burpees, 20 squats , 30 merkins, 40 SSH Back to the court…

…was going to be the title of this backblast until Snip came screeching into the parking lot at 0530 to join Purple Rain and YHC for another storied beatdown at The Forge. Temperatures were sunny and 70 with a humidity of 102%. Warmarama at the flag pole and then mosey around to the amphitheater courtyard for 11s hill-style! Hand-release merkins at the top of the hill accompanied by SSH at the bottom. With our bodies warmed up and hearts pumping a little harder it was time for the main event back at the amphitheater. Ascend the amphitheater steps, executing the…

A fantastic foursome set off from Stony Point shopping center at 0500 burdened with the tried and true stressors of work, newborn babies, and backpacks full of heavy $%@#! Approximately 3.15 miles were logged on a new route through the neighborhood and the PAX ended with 10min of weighted movements in the parking lot so our pump was fresh for crushing bagels and coffee at Einstein’s afterwards. Many great topics of discussion today including the joys of newborns, government contracts, “loving” your mammon (Q-Source word for job), and which state has the most ridiculous legal pitfalls to traverse.

5:30 and we’re off! Quick mosey round the school. Nice intimate group today, good chatter, good vibes, high humidity. An eclectic playlist and some serious work going on. But first… Andy Dufresne, straight up, over to the R then L, helicopters in cadence, grass grabbers in cadence, dead man hang, straight down, to the R then L, hold a deep squat and maybe bounce a little bit, butterfly stretch, lie on back R leg held to chest then L leg, 10 merkins in cadence, the wives stretches The Work: All of the following 4 blocks of 3 exercise pairings performed…

YHC was joined by Broadway and Pool Boy for some morning Pull-up and dip training. Excellent having the group together. Warmup Escalator Pullups (1, 2, 3, and reset) in a group EMOM Pullups – 4EA – Plank In between EMOM Straight Bar Dips – 10 EA – SSH In Between “Pulse” Pullup Burnouts – 3 Sets each Too sweaty for the weight vest on the Oyster Q – this burned me out! LFGO! -State Farm

Man. A week from the gloom is too long (was away on vacation). Small showing by the Rountree/NM crew today. I even brought an FNG. Shame shame. Warmorama. F3 intro statement etc etc. Mosey to front of pool entrance for a “quintuple check”. Damn right we did. Runner goes to towards entrance at Woolridge and back. Exercises were LBCs, squats, Drydocks, and SSH. Some excellent mumble chatter (first watch level) on the possible FNG names (rhymes with beef?) inspired the sounds of a wet lower back on pavement. This took awhile btw To the bunker! 11s starting with Merkins to…

3 Savages took on a workout that I came up with, that was inspired by Iron PAX workouts. The 11 Pull ups were added to it yesterday by State Farm’s request. Mudslide thought it would be a good addition for his Spartan preparation. I think it was Iron PAX worthy. Here it is. 11 Pull Ups 22 Thrusters 33 V Ups 44 Merkins After 3 sets of each run 1 mile Do as much as you can in 45 minutes 2 rounds would be optimistic in 45 minutes. Mudslide was the closest to accomplish that feat (Beast!), State Farm was…

2 HIMs came out for Premature Acceleration Goyne Park version. In preparation for the Homegrown Half in 2 weeks, Boberry and I decided to go for a 10k. We managed to get it in with a few minutes to spare. Ran through some neighborhoods, a trip down Karma Rd. Then the second half we made a short trip down Iron Bridge Rd. Always great to catch to catch up with Boberry.

A half-dozen deep South gloom warriors rose to the challenge this morning conquering both a Goyne Hard and then also the following coal-stoking sweatfest in the engine room of the pain train: The THANG:  WARMERAMA: Moseyrama around the front field (chase a goose) and then circle up near the pavilion Welcome & Disclaimer Variable IC Reps to get the muscles warm top to bottom COP #1: Mosey back out to the parking lot BROAD JUMP HERPEES x10 parking spaces COP #2: Mosey to the tennis courts HARD-CORE FOUR CORNERS: Bear crawl between corners, adding reps each corner in escalator fashion…

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