Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

3 SOJ Yogis rose early to the damp courts of No Toll for some preDoozyQ Broga. Legs, Arms and Chest were all utilized along with the always popular Savasana at the end. Great work this morning.

An enlightened 11 came out to HBR to see what damage the storm a few hours earlier did. No rain and cooler temps were what we found. COP: SSH, Don Qs, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Flutterkicks, Scorpion Kicks (per pax request) Mosey over to PES for Dora 123: 100 Burpees, 200 Jump Squats, 300 LBCs. This took a while. Then over to MS basketball courts for: 10 HRMs at each hoop with bear crawl between baskets. 60 HRMs in total. Then wheelbarrow length of blacktop. Down to the Jerkin Gym, for Nomad’s sake. 4 sets of 8 Jerkins followed by 60…

Warm Up – Started this thing off with some SSH, arm circles, donquixotes, LBCs, merkins, scorpions and reverse scorpions Tennis Triple Check – Partner up and while one does the ab exercise the other does forward jump squats to the first corner, bernie sanders to the next, lunge to the next, then run back. Repeat till each group gets through 3 rounds. The Ab rounds were 1: Mountain climbers in plank position 2: V-ups 3: spider man Native American Base Run – Bear crawl native american run around the bases of the baseball field. Last person does 5 hand release…

11 Gloom warriors found their ways out of the fart sack to see what Doozy would have on tap for today. COP DQ’s, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers – Run a lap around the parking lot Imperial Squat walkers (apparently at a faster than usual pace), Russian soldiers – Man Killers Line up on the end line of the parking lot Parking lot crawls – Bear crawl to each line do a merkin at the first line and add a merkin at each line after until you reach line 10. Crab walk back with LBC’s at each line increasing by 2 at…

Yardsale sent out a group text to see if anyone is coming to Anvil last night, YHC checked the Q sheet and signed on to try out a new additional bands for a Tabata Circuit routine. We had 5 brothers at this Monday morning event and here is what went down: COP 20 SSH, 10 DQ we are ready to roll. THANG So YHC was having difficulty getting timer and Tabata to work, we also had to distribute bands, and lay out the work out cards with Exercises. Here is the list and we split this up as some lighter…

A mighty five, undeterred by the heat, started the week off right. Based on a sequence of events described by the bikers, dog walkers, and teens enjoying a cool drink, the workout went something like this. Mosey to the shade for COP, working in EF’s foot slow and steady. Don Quixotes, Helicopters, SSH, Russian Soldiers, and Freddy Mercuries. Plank position for a quick ring of fire in which the merkin exercise was called and everyone does 10 and then passing it around the ring. Such favorites such as diamond, wide, normal, hand release and something else kicked us off with…

Fifteen gathered for Saturday’s GridIron. Short mosey up the driveway and oval up on the pavement for warmup with SSHs, IWs, DQs, Squats, and Arm Circles. Clear the driveway for a few late arriving PAX members early in the sequence. Move off the pavement and into the park to the nearby bars. Break into three groups of five and take a position on the perimeter of the bar box. One guy from each group finds a bar, completes one Pull Up, then holds the pull while PAX, from Plank position, counts down from 12. Switch guys and do the same…

Most recent Punisher started and finished at Strangeways on Dabney Road. Nice afternoon for a social.

6 gloom warriors braved the humidity of Satan’s Hill this morning to start the week the right way. YHC was inspired by POG’s Deck of Death at SOT last week and decided to keep the gambling theme going. COP: 20 each: SSH, LBC’s. 10 each: DQ’s, Helicopters, Dead man hang, Imperial walkers, Russian soldiers, Merkins. The Thang: Craps. Roller craps out we run 2 equals top of Satan’s hill, 12 horseshoe. Roll for point doing # of roll x called exercise until roller craps out or get point. Any of the hards includes a run across the lot. Exercises were:…

Uno Amego out for a run at BWES this morning. YHC decided to run the Tarrington route today but took the wrong right turn after the first round about and ended up cutting off about a mile and two hills. by the time YHC realized his mistake it was too late to back track. Run must have been right around 4 miles and the pace might have been around the 8 min mark. YHC no longer has a fancy GPS watch so distance and pace are difficult to keep track of.

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