Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

8 Bootcampers and Runners hit the pavement at 530 this morning at SOT. COP Helicopters, SSHs, DQs, Imperial Walkers, Hello Dolly, Jazzercise, LBCs Mosey to track Partner up – Runner Does a Lap, Partner does exercise Lap 1 – 25 Box Cutters, 25 Heels to Heaven Lap 2 – 25 WWIIs, 25 Dying Cockroaches Mosey to baseball field – From 1st base bear crawl to second, 20 merkins, lunge to 3rd, 20 merkins, bear crawl back to second, 20 merkins, lunge to first, 20 merkins Dora – Runner – 100 Dips, 100 Modified step ups, 300 Squats Catch me if…

So YHC was ready for a hot evening workout with the sun out all day; however, there was a nice breeze to welcome this beat down. Here is what happened on Monday Night: COP We start with 10 SSH, 10 DQ, 10 Helicopters and we mosey to exercise bag. THANG We pull out the exercise Bands and exercise cards with rice counter weights in ziplock bags. Lockjaw panicked and thought we had to counts the grains for the number of reps…thankfully this was not the plan what was the plan was an 8 station Tabata and you worked out for…

One PAX returned to the pre-COVID AO for the most recent edition of The Shopping Trip (not to be confused with The Field, which is a beat down). Conditions were sunny and 70 (with a side order of humidity). According to the series of business park Security Guards, this was the route: north on Pine Island, east to 8150, then through 8151, past the LaQuinta (no police / obvious arrests today), left on SW 10th, left on SW 78th, left on Federated to Broward. Reverso and BTTVSF. Name, number, YHC took us out with a quick RIP for Omar’s (see…

The heavens declared 8 warriors worthy to ascend the mighty Ridge, including one yet to earn his place among the brotherhood. According to legend, and the gawking herd of pay-up-to-workout “Reload” clowns cramping our parking area, this is what transpired: The THANG: COP #1: Mosey up to the grass field and circle up for Welcome, F3 Disclaimer, and a fair number of Tryhard-style Warmerama exercises in-cadence, broken up with short runs around the lacrosse goalsHolding elbow plank at the end, YHC provided a little review of the F3 principles and outline COP #2: Mosey to the base of Heartbreak RidgePartner…

After a few week hiatus, YHC put the call out last night for a Pre Posey Broga session. A trio of agile brogiis arrived early to the steamy courts of No Toll to test their flexibility. It has been a few weeks so back to the basics with a few new poses, Proud Peacock seemed to be a Chaplain favorite and one that will be brought back in teh future. Savasana is always popular with YHC. Good to see Doublemint join us early morning as a break from his BRR training. A bit more humid than prior weeks made for…

Six early risers stepped onto the grounds of Atlee High School unsure of what the Q had in mind. As the Q accessed who had posted, it appeared that a simple but active workout would occur. This is what might have happened. Mosey to practice football field COP – All IC 20 SSH10 Don Quixotes10 Helicopters10 Small, 5 Big Arm Circles, ReversoLunges – 10 with left then 10 with right5 Merkins, then lower to 2 inches with 5 Merkins, then back to plank with 5 Merkins20 LBCs10 Heels to Heaven10 Rosaletas10 one legged APD, reverse Mosey to middle school basketball…

9 old guys and 1 young guy made their way out of the fart sack to see what the plan for No Toll was. This is what was reported to have happened. COP Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, DQ’s, Heals to Heaven, Merkins Mosey to the pavilion Elevens: (10) 2 count Ball Dippers, cross the field, (1) Chuck Norris Mosey to the base line Beast: Merkins, American Hammers, WWII, Squats, Box Cutters, Shoulder Taps Mosey to the basketball courts 2 sets of suicides: (1) regular, (1) Bear Crawl down run back Mosey BTTF: Merkin Ring of Fire Numbers / Names / Doozy…

First Punisher after July 1st hosted seven. Mosey to the tall grass on the western edge of LHES for starting COP with SSHs, DQs, IWs, Helicopters, Suzanne Somers, Rosalitas, and Arm Circles. Mosey through the nearby tree line to the elbow in the gravel road entering the property from the west. Complete six rounds of a mosey to the road entrance and back, completing 50 Carolina Dry Docks after each run to complete a 1K run with 300 total CDDs. Relocate to the outdoor classroom’s picnic tables. Spread out and complete, OYO, 20 Dips, 20 Step Ups (10 per leg),…

8 men posted this morning at Satans Hill as attendance continues to grow! COP – SSHs, DQs, Copperhead Squats, Imperial walkers, Flutter Kicks, Rosalita, Hello Dolly, Stretches Mosey to Satans Hill. Love Hill – runner to top and back, Bear Crawl, Lunges, Broad Jump burpees Cul-de-sac tour – Exercise at top of hill, repeat at bottom, return to top and repeat again. Hit 5 different cul de sacs. WWIIs, Dying cockroaches, Monkey humpers, Squats, Pickle Pounders Back to Satans Hill – reverso on the Love Hill to get back to bottom. Then mosey back to the top and lunge toward…

10 mighty not so old folks stumbled upon Hoedown on a fine humid Monday. The workout went like this: COP around the large mulch pile: DQs, CPs, derkins off the mulch pile, LBCs and arm circles. Mosey to Bodos’ primary parking lot. Elevens with merkins and WWIIs. I mistakenly ended with 10 merkins and 10 WWIIs. I never thought of myself as an overachiever. Mosey to blacktop and walkway to blacktop. Next exercise is similar to the Gridiron special last Saturday. We did a series of arm, leg and ab exercises. It was noted that the box jumps were not…

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