Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Mondays on the hill continue to grow!


8 men posted this morning at Satans Hill as attendance continues to grow!

COP – SSHs, DQs, Copperhead Squats, Imperial walkers, Flutter Kicks, Rosalita, Hello Dolly, Stretches

Mosey to Satans Hill.

Love Hill – runner to top and back, Bear Crawl, Lunges, Broad Jump burpees

Cul-de-sac tour – Exercise at top of hill, repeat at bottom, return to top and repeat again. Hit 5 different cul de sacs.

WWIIs, Dying cockroaches, Monkey humpers, Squats, Pickle Pounders

Back to Satans Hill – reverso on the Love Hill to get back to bottom.

Then mosey back to the top and lunge toward wilsons house.

100 LBCS, and back to the flag

Hold 6inches for 2 sets of 30 secs

Numberama, Namearama, Rosco took us out!


Anyone know someone in Chester? Florence is starting a new AO, will post details on Slack.


McGruff and Vagabond continue to post after joining the PAX last week as FNGs. Strong work gents!! Oyster checked off the Summer Tour box for SH this morning, we were expecting Gyspy but that will have to wait! Rosco and POG lead the PAX out front today, also strong work! Way to work men, make it a great day and be a beacon of light for someone today!



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  1. Great Q Duke! I was telling Rosco after the Q that Satans Hill should have an extra “s” at the end to make it plural haha. Did a lot of hills this morning. Good stuff.

  2. How were those hills uphill both ways. Solid beat down this morning. Thanks for the push McGruff.