Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

A. banger from The Clash’s seminal 1979 album London Calling B. Zara White’s signature move in Buttman’s European Vacation C. pretty decent F3 name D. YHC’s isometric gluteal workout for the last 2 miles of the run Answer: All of the above. OG Tarrington route today — things got dicey there in the end. So to speak. Make it a great one! Doublemint

This Friday evening we are launching a ruck out of the Hoedown AO at 8pm. This event is open to anyone interested in a brisk, weighted 90-minute hike through the surrounding neighborhoods. In the spirit of the holidays, we want to provide a positive impact in our local communities by collecting canned items for the food bank. The Pax will leave the AO with empty rucks and visit F3 houses in the Tuckahoe nano-region to pick up any canned items that you wish to donate. If you are within a three-mile range of Hoedown and want to be on our…

In honor of my birthday, we did 69 Burpees! It’s great to be here! Warmup: Corner Parking lot: 20 SSHs, 10 Man-maker Merkins, 15 knee-ups, stretching exercise Warmup: Upper Parking lot: 20 IWs, 10 Diamond Merkins, 15 American Hammers, stretching exercise Warmup: Corner Parking lot: 20 Russian Soldiers, 10 Shoulder slap Merkins, 15 Crunchy Frogs, stretching exercise Warmup: Upper Parking lot: 10 Don Quixote, 10 Hand Release Merkins, 20 Dollies, stretching exercise Upper parking lot: 5 minutes of burpees Wall Courtyard: 10 single count air-press (People’s chair), 10 BTTW hip slaps in cadence, 15 Donkey Kix OYO Wall Courtyard: 10…

9 men ready to shred the pumpkin pies, the pecan pies, the bread, the stuffing, the casseroles, the hams, the turkeys and the extra gravy.  After all that who wants a Potato?? Warmarama: Nancy Lopez starts us off: Run in a circle, shuffle left, shuffle right.  SSH, DQ, Jazzercise, Helicopters, Merkins, LBC.  The THANG: Nancy Lopez – Mosey down Otterdale to the new side of NewMarket. Street Patrol:1st Street: 10 WW22nd: 20 Carolina dry docks3rd:  POG audible.  10 WW2, 20 Carolina dry docks, 30 merkins4th: 10 WW2, 20 Carolina dry docks, 30 merkins 40 imperial walkers. Work our way back to the 1st dropping 1 exercise.  3rd:   10…

Many thanks to Upchuck for organizing this opportunity to help others! YHC cooked a hot lasagna meal for 8 folks at Breaking Bread on Saturday 11/27. The meal included Caesar salad, lots of bread, cookies and pie for dessert and a few options for drinks. Per Upchuck’s sage advice I did not opt to bring a Turkey meal! While we are not currently allowed into the building to help serve, it was a great way to help others who need it. My son helped me prepare the meal which provided us some time together.

The usual…Doozy and Florence at Rock N Roll. Here’s what happened. Warmarama : 20 SSH IC, 10 Don Q’s IC, 10 Cherry Pickers IC, 10 Russian Soldiers IC, 10 Imperial Walkers IC, 10 Merkins IC THE THANG : Mosey to parking lot behind playground merkin ladder – Start with 20 merkins. Sprint 100 yards to other end of parking lot. 19 merkins. Sprint back 100 yards to starting point. Repeato decreasing merkin count down to 1 merkin for a Total 210 merkins. Mosey to basketball court Squat Jump Holds (do Squat Jumps counting down from 10 to 1 then hold…

2 delivered for 8 at this evening’s version of Breaking Bread. Temperatures remained steady at 70 and conditions after dark remained sunny. According to Veers, YHC’s 15-year old, the following might have happened: Dinner of warm ham, buttered green beans, homemade mashed potatoes, King’s Hawaiian rolls, chocolate chip cookies, and some tea / lemonade. YHC and Veers were even allowed inside briefly to drop the food. Several appreciative guests thanked us. NMS: Barbara thanked us for the successful weekend meals (last night via Pucker as well as this evening). She remains exceptionally appreciative of this group. She mentioned that the…

Eight on two feet and three on four-feet launched at 7 with temps sunny and 70. According to the fur-lined lady, the following may have happened: Route: 3 plus Sally and PETA took on Buttermilk to North Bank, while 4 walked Buttermilk to Reedy Creek, back on the gravel path with Walter. Note: Offshore is concerned about Pigskin. YHC apologies. Pigskin ran out and back – YHC believes his normal 20-20 out and back loop. Announcements: Walter’s prostate is clear. NMS: Plans well underway for a next set of ultra tests in the spring. Nice to see Ollivander again. YHC…

With it being about 25 degrees outside I was driving up and I guess they were playing a doubleshot of Foreigner on 96.5. The song that came on was “Cold As Ice” by Foreigner. We were happy to have a FNG from Jersey and Ukraine join us. He came in a fancy Porsche (not to be confused with no frills Porsches) so we named him Yugo. I guess if you can afford New Jersey property taxes you can afford a nice car. Welcome Yugo! The exercises went something like this: COP: Lap around parking, lot, DQs, CPs, Freddie Mercuries, Arm…

COP: Arm Circles, Cherry Pickers, DQs, SSHs, Mt. Climbers, WWIIs & Merkins. The Thang:Burpee Back Mountain – I wanted to pay homage to DTH with this one. Without his push, I would have never stepped up to Q. I’m grateful for that push to step outside of my comfort zone. And the time he did Burpee Back Mountain, after I laughed at the name, I thought it sounded impossible (another push for growth). It’s a Dora of 100 Burpees. P1 does those while P2 runs up and down the amphitheater. To get out of the amphitheater, at each level, we…

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