Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

That Beach Body! Am I right?


9 men ready to shred the pumpkin pies, the pecan pies, the bread, the stuffing, the casseroles, the hams, the turkeys and the extra gravy.  After all that who wants a Potato??

Warmarama: Nancy Lopez starts us off: 
Run in a circle, shuffle left, shuffle right.  SSH, DQ, Jazzercise, Helicopters, Merkins, LBC. 


Nancy Lopez – Mosey down Otterdale to the new side of NewMarket.  

Street Patrol:
1st Street: 10 WW2
2nd: 20 Carolina dry docks
3rd:  POG audible.  10 WW2, 20 Carolina dry docks, 30 merkins
4th: 10 WW2, 20 Carolina dry docks, 30 merkins 40 imperial walkers. 
Work our way back to the 1st dropping 1 exercise.  
3rd:   10 WW2, 20 Carolina dry docks, 30 merkins
2nd:  20 Carolina dry docks, 10 WW2
1st:  10 WW2

Nancy Lopez passes the Hot Potato to Oyster

Oyster: Run back down Otterdale to the pool.  Swim suits boys!!

Grab a Rock.  Rock Triple Check 1
Partner 1:  Run with rock to the curb. 
Partner 2: Rock burpees
Partner 3: Invisible jump rope

Mosey to the start of Satan’s Hill with your rock.  Bring the Rock!

Rock Triple Check 2
Partner 1:  Mosey with the Rock uphill to the 2nd Mailbox.
Partner 2:  Rock Flutter Kicks
Partner 3:  Rock Curls

BTTF:  Mosey back to the flag.  Nancy Lopez took us out.

NMMS:  I hate the Rocks and I hate Satan’s Hill.  So why not combine the hate.   Great work today fellas.   Felt good to burn off some of that Thanksgiving meal this morning.  What a way to start the week off.




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