Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

Jumping Jacks, Copperhead Squads, Merkins Jack, Spiderman, LBCs, 1& 10 (Merkins + Burpees + run at 75%), Bear crawls in line + run after 5 jumping jacks, 3x 1min each: Donkey Kicks, Side Squads, Back planks, Ball dippers. run 0.25 mile, Bear crawl backwards + run after 5 squads, run, Burpees to the thunderstruck song.

Eight of us gathered on a crisp spring morning for a run/walk session. Four of us, inspired by Mr. Rogers’ discovery, took on the challenge of running Glen Eagles Drive, complete with its inviting cul-de-sacs—a route thoroughly enjoyed by all. Meanwhile, Blue Moon and Pig Skin circled the school grounds, and E.F. Hutton was rucking in preparation for May 4th, with Handshake providing companionship. The runners logged five miles in total. At the conclusion, we gathered to send our prayers for Gypsy’s success in his upcoming half-marathon—a challenge he triumphantly met.

Eleven young men & a Cat made the journey to Trinity United Methodist Church this morning for some self reflection. Well….. Bodos seemed more interested in scoping out the competition. Finding no souls to save we went to work.  We partnered up and the timer ran counter clockwise around the playground while his partner did WW2 x2, Scissor Kicks x2, Scrunchie Frog x2, APD x2. We slow moseyed to front of Trinity and took a moment to admire the cat. Señor Frog considered taking him home than thought better of it. We did 11’s instead. Dips with Bear Crawls. X11 …

16 roadies came to check out the Birthday Q at the Alamo this morning! YHC turns 38 today, therefore 38 was the repetition number we went to, and it was at that moment that I realized 38 is getting up there! During our warmup a group of women dog walkers cat called to us then picked up their pace when we invited their husbands to come join. Here is how it went down: Warmup mosey up the hill across from the alamo and back to the parking lot for the following exercises: SSH, Copperhead Squats, Deadman Hang (C/R/L), Knee to…

*slow, mournful, sad 5 guys got up this morning to kick it off the right way on a glorious morning. COP — DQ, helicopters, flutterkicks, LBC’s, Freddies, IW, rosalitas, Lugubrious merkins –1 merkin, 1 squat5 seconds down, 5 seconds up merkin5 squats10 seconds down 10 seconds up merkin10 squats15 seconds down, 15 seconds up merkin15 squats20 seconds down, 20 seconds up merkin20 squats25 seconds down, 25 seconds up merkin25 squats30 seconds down, 30 seconds up merkin30 squats dora100 step ups200 dips300 SSH4 corners10 WW220 Am Ham30 LBC’s40 Flutterkicks10 Donkey kicks, run to 1st island15 donkey kicks, run to second island20…

YHC’s birthday is tomorrow, and man was it a gratifying gift to be able to cook dinner for 11 residents at The Daily Planet. I took the time to allow my daughters to help with the grocery shopping, cooking and delivery of the food. I explained to them the small blessings of life that we take for granted each and every day. We truly are blessed and don’t appreciate all that we have, but being able to provide for those that don’t have much, if anything really makes you take a step back and opens your eyes. YHC and 2.0s…

Sixteen men started their Friday off by taking on Satan’s Hill. We kicked things off with a mosey up and down Satan’s hill, followed by SSH, Don Q’s, Cherry Pickers, LBCs, and Merkins. Next, each of us grabbed a rock to run with for a set of 11’s in the parking lot that included squats thrusts, and skull crushers. Afterward, we partnered up for a Dora, pushing through 100 Merkins, 200 squats, and 300 LBC’s while alternating running to the top of Satan’s hill. We wrapped up with some tunes: “Green Sally Up” w/ squats, “Thunderstruck” w/ burpees, and a…

11 PAX came ready to rock in the far West End. Some were getting ready for the big convergence on May 4th at Dogpile. Some are getting ready for the Whitesnake Bluegrass next week. So much to do! So little time! COP: The normal Fireman Ed special: DQs, DMHs, merkins, FMs, ACs. Seymour says now I will show up. Head to field. Cumulative exercises with 10 HRMs, 20 WWIIs, 30 Carolina DDs, 40 jump squats, 50 LBCs. Mosey to side of field. First round: wheelbarrows across field, bernie back. Round 2: Bear crawl halfway across field run rest of field…

Bulkhead warmed us up and started with some Triple Checks at the playground. Surf N Turf had us do some 4 corners at the basketball court. Yard Sale had us do some suicides at the basketball court followed by some boat canoes in the parking lot that had some heels to heaven mixed in for fun. Numberama, Namarama, announcements and Surf N Turf took us out with a prayer. SYITG

2 Early birds got up and got some worms in another edition of Premature Acceleration. Rosie was looking to test our fitness in preparation for Grow Ruck next week. Did a little warm up run, then 2 minutes to complete 40 hand release merkins, then a quick mosey to rest up to do 50 WW2s in 2 minutes. Then the final test before the TWO Bootcamp Beatdowns was to complete 2 miles in 18:30. Glad to see Rosie come out and push us with this fitness test. Both PAX passed just barely, and were the only ones to complete the…

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