Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Source of Truth

Midlothian Middle

Are moms hot? Are ball dippers single count or double count? 100 reps then 200 reps then 300 — how does that work? Eight seekers of knowledge posted to Source of Truth; here’s what they learned: COP: Invisible jump ropes x 20 (Tclaps to OC for the Floyd Mayweather flair); hillbillies x 15; Don Quixotes x 10 (YHC almost blew an O ring in this one); cherry pickers x 10; Suzanne Somers x 10 per side; Heels to Heaven x 20. IP run (The Six does 3 Hand Release Merkins then pursues) to the track THANG 1: BBC Catch Me…

Nine committed men stepped out of the car and into the drizzle minutes before the start at SOT this morning. Idle chatter and YHC almost missed 5:30. The Thang Mosey to the west end of the school and circle up. DQsWindmillsSSHs in cadence x 10 then Merkins x 10. Repeat 3x Monkey Humpers in cadence x 25 then Carolina DDs x 10. Repeat 3x Mosey to the loading dock and partner up for a failed experiment. Partner 1 performs Merkins and Squat Jumps while P2 hops up and down on the loading dock. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough room on the…

9 Warriors posted to SOT this morning, with multiples inquiries as to who grabbed the Q…….Duke it was and we were off! Down the hill to COP COP SSH x 20 DQ x 10 Imperial Walkers x 15 Helicopters x 10 Mosey to track! 50s! Perform the exercise called for 50 reps run 1/2 a lap, perform 50 more reps and complete the lap. Goal was to get 10 laps, PAX Completed 8! Exercises included : LBCs, Carolina Drydocks, Arm Circles, Monkey Humpers, Squats, WWIIs, Flutters, Alabama Prom Dates Mosey to the Hill, Lunge up the Hill, 20 Secs left,…

Seven gloom warriors posted to the Source of Truth this morning to free themselves from the bonds of sloth, indolence and excess adipose tissue. Here’s how it went: COP – Imperial Walkers x 20, Russian Soldiers x 20, Don Quixotes (muy rapido!) x 10, Cherry Pickers x 15, Freddie Mercuries x 20, Rosalitas x 20; recover and mosey to the lower parking lot. Thang 1 – Parking Lot Ladders: bear crawl one parking spot, then 25 squats; bear crawl two spots, then 20 squats, etc. and end with bear crawl 5 spots, then 5 squats. Repeato with crabwalks and side…

11 came out in the cold for what some thought might be a run heavy POG Q. Here’s what actually happened… COP -SSH, Merkins, DQs, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers Thang Started with mosey to wall for 10 merkins (in cadence) followed immediately by holding balls to the wall while each PAX did 5 donkey kicks down the line. Rinse and Repeat. Next up-7 of Diamonds At each corner of the diamond do the following exercises 7 burpees (28 total) 14 (4 count) flutter kicks (56 total) 21 merkins (84 total) 28 squats (112 total) 21 WWIIs (84 total) 14 ball dippers…

14 strong posted, better than the average number at SOT. Perhaps due to pax members skipping the monsoon yesterday morning The thang: Mosey to lower parking lot – SSH, Don Q, Slow Squats, LBCs, reverse LBCs. Track – partner up, run opposite directions and meet on other side of track, perform exercise with partner, run back to point of beginning and perform exercises with partner. First exercise is 10 boo ya merkins for 4 total laps, or 40 total merkins. Second exercise was 25 leg throws, with 3 total laps or 75 total leg throws per person. Last was plerkins…

YHC came in hot…with only enough time to tie his shoes, and it was time to set off. Rumor is that the beatdown went something like this. THANG Mosey to front of school for COP: SSHs, DQs, Imperial Walkers, Copperhead Squats, Merkins, LBCs Mosey down to track, plank for the 6 Run a lap around the icy track and back to the field house Form groups of 3 for Triple Check: Walk walkers, Box Cutters, Run up hill and back down Plank-o-rama once complete. Mosey back to bleachers for Chiabattas: 8x 20s on, 10s off – Step Ups then repeato…

A PAX of eight hit SOT this morning for the 2nd annual advent calendar beatdown. Here’s what went down: Mosey to front of MMS. COP: SSH x 25 DQs x 12 Russian Soldiers x 12 Helicopters x 15 Advent Calendar: At each door, perform exercise (x door number…doors 1-5 are exceptions) Door 1: 1 dozen Crunchy Frogs Door 2: 2 dozen Crunchy Frogs Door 3: 3 dozen 2-count Flutter Kicks Door 4: 4 dozen LBCs Door 5: 5 dozen LBCs Doors 6-10: Burpees Doors 11-15: WWIIs Doors 16-20: Donkey Kicks Doors 21-22: 2-count American Hammers (in cadence) Doors 23-24: Merkins…

11 strong PAX decided to brave the rain and snow for the POG VQ. Full of Q energy 5:30am hit and we were off… Mosey to COP in parking lot: SSH, DQs, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Bolt 45s Mosey to wall around school for Donkey kick line of fire: PAX holds balls to wall while man on end starts set number of donkey kicks, move down the line one at a time until finished. First round 5, second round 10. Next up Burpee Catch me if you can Indian Run…A combination of Catch Me If You Can and a traditional Indian…

Eleven gloom warriors posted up at SOT for a fridged grunt of a workout. What was to be a Duke Q turned to a Nancy Q due to a Duke illness (Get well Duke). YHC was short on ideas but long on enthusiasm. However that Q adrenaline wore off in the end. COP Mosey to the front parking area and to the light. Circle up: 20 SSH, 10DQ’s, 10 Jazzercise, 20 CHS’s, 10 Russian Soldiers, 20 LBC’s, 20, Hello Dollies, 20 Merkins. The Thang Mosey around the school and down the hill for a triple check. Merkins, WWII’s and the…

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