Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: NoToll

Huguenot Park

Cold weather changes things, but not all of it is for the worst.  Alright, YHC can’t think of any reason that it helps except that it is good for pushing yourself.  16 (I think?) posted for a glorious 17 degree morning at NoToll, and here’s most of what happened: Pile up the iron in the parking lot before COP: SSH, Mtn Climbers, Russian Soldiers, maybe something else. Grab your favorite weight and bear crawl with it down the parking lot.  Lunge back while doing through the legs passes of the weight. Circle up for: Goblet squats KB Swings Discus, ea.…

12 Posted for a beautiful morning at NoToll.  Guess what?  It rained at NoToll.  It would have been odd if it hadn’t! Thang: Mosey to center of parking lot for COP:  Russian soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Scapula merkins, SSH Mosey to field for the beginning of the myriad of burpees: 10 feet together burpees, run field, backwards back 5 feet up on bleacher burpees, run field, backwards back, 5 more with feet up 5 single leg burpees, bear crawl to mid field, run the rest, backwards back, 5 more single leg burpees 5 single arm burpees, bear crawl to mid field,…

20 souls decided to enjoy the warm temperatures and steady rain at No Toll this morning.  Here’s how it went down: The Thang: Mosey the big loop around all the fields at Huguenot Park to arrive at the pavilion in the center.  Following a brief welcome and intro, commence with 24 single leg Alabama prom dates, 12 Bulgarian split squats, 25 derkins, and 15- 2 count stepup jumps.  Switch legs on the prom dates and Bulgarian split squats on the repeato. Mosey around the complex to meet back at the pavilion for 15 jump to stepdown and 15 donkey kicks…

19 strong gathered on a warm December morning for a Christmas song themed beatdown. The Thang COP: 12 x SSH IC 12 x Imperial Walkers IC 12 x Don Quixote IC Mosey to the pavilion to begin the 12 days of Christmas.  Just like the song, do the first exercise, then do the 2nd and 1st together, then do the 3rd, 2nd and 1st and continue through all 12 “days”.  The exercises were as follows: Day 1 – Dozen LBCs (144 total) Day 2 – 2 Sprints across the field (22 total) Day 3 – 3 Diamond Merkins (30 total)…

15 Faithful and 1 good-natured FNG (friendly new guy) gathered for the another round of #OldGlory at #NoToll. The temperature was cool and dry, which made for a very pleasant Old Glory run. Here is how it went down: THE THANG: Mosey from the front parking lot with shovel flag to the front soccer field. Plant Old Glory in the field nearest the parking area. Start with a quick 1 mile run (2 laps of complex), during which YHC gave a quick disclaimer. Plank to regroup and run loops around the AO with 4 exercise stations at the corners: Station…

15 faithful and 1 FNG posted on a crispy morning, the temperature gauge showing 29 degrees at start of the beatdown: THE THANG COT:  45 SSHs, 10 Merkins, 20 Flutterkicks, 15 Don Qs  then 1 lap around parking lot Mosey to soccer field #1 for:  Merkin Ladder Run width of soccer field, 20 Merkins, run back to other end, 19 merkins, and so on to 1, 210 Merkins in all Mosey to shed/poles for Triple (double) check:  Balls2the Wall, Pole smokers, run to gate in middle of the road, repeat 2xs.  Finish Triple check with 20 Merkins IC. Mosey to…

22 faithful turned out on yet another glorious autumn morning for a potluck beatdown at what has become one of our most popular AOs.  Multiple Q’s took part “Hot Potato-style” which spiced up the party and had everyone on their toes. Here is loosely how it went down: THE THANG: COP:  Led by Bleeder SSH x 25, Don Quixote x 25, 2 count Merkins x 15, LBC x 40, something else maybe? Pass Q to Toga: Bear Crawl Circus:  line up on endline and do alternating bear crawl exercises out to about the 20yd line.  Crawl for one minute and…

13 faithful of the RVA PAX braved the saturated fields at #NoToll for a Tuesday morning beatdown. It went something like this: COP: 20 SSH, 20 Flutter Kicks, 20 Russian Soldiers, 20 Slow Bending Squats Mosey to Fields. Partner up for Dora 1-2-3: 100 merkins + 200 lbcs + 300 squats as team Alternate with partner while 1 partner runs width of soccer field and back. TYA & Wedding Singer awarded 8 exercise restrictor plate (per round) to pay for the Patriots’ perfection. Mosey to Parking Lot COP: 20 Rosalitas, Capital Letters: spell “Kirk Cousins Likes That!”, 20 Louisville Recruiting…

14 Faithful and 2 spirited FNG’s gathered for the latest rendition of #OldGlory at #NoToll.  It was a perfect fall morning with the right mix of gloom, fog and wet soccer fields, and the PAX hit the ground running, literally. THE THANG: Mosey from the front parking lot with shovel flag in tow to the back parking lot for quick disclaimer and Old Glory recap.  Start with 1 mile run (2 laps of complex), then loops around the AO with 4 exercise stations at the corners: Station 1: Merkins x 20 Station 2: Jump Squats x 20 Station 3: Burpees x…

Five of the faithful, and one FNG met at #notoll on a crisp autumn morning to get their gloom in before All Hallows’ Eve. Johnsonville planted a shovel flag, gave a quick disclaimer, and commenced to Q. This is how it went down, more or less: ssh x25 don quiote x25 sherkins x12 imperial walkers x25 standing mountain climbers x25 Mosey to Lower Football field 11s with ab wheels and burpees (circling half the field and doing exercises on corners) Mosey to front of school triple play Mosey to center football/soccer field ascending curb crawls to 10 10 merkins oyo…

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