15 faithful and 1 FNG posted on a crispy morning, the temperature gauge showing 29 degrees at start of the beatdown:
COT: 45 SSHs, 10 Merkins, 20 Flutterkicks, 15 Don Qs then 1 lap around parking lot
Mosey to soccer field #1 for: Merkin Ladder
Run width of soccer field, 20 Merkins, run back to other end, 19 merkins, and so on to 1, 210 Merkins in all
Mosey to shed/poles for Triple (double) check: Balls2the Wall, Pole smokers, run to gate in middle of the road, repeat 2xs. Finish Triple check with 20 Merkins IC.
Mosey to soccer field #3 for: Honeymoon Suite
2 Sets 20 each of Monkey Humpers, Alabama Prom Dates, Pickle Pounders
Mosey back to the flag
Nice showing of 16 strong on a cold morning. YHC underestimated how long the Merkin ladder would take but glad we did it, for those doing the November Merkin challenge this morning was 250 in total. The Side Straddle Hops were supposed to go to 40 but BT commented about this being a Jville like start causes an additional 5 more. In all honesty YHC wanted to get to 50 but started to get out of breath, don’t know how Jville does that! Props to TYA on posting after staying up late to watch the Pats victory, that is dedication.
Welcome to Salad Cream! Posting on a cold morning and diving right in with the Merkin Ladder is a great way to start. YHC is also glad to have more mid-30’s aged PAX like EF Hutton and Salad Cream to take some of the Hate away from those in their late 30’s.
The Honeymoon suite did not devolve too much into infantile comments at the end.
45MOM Thursday is at 7:00. OBT is in town so come out if you are in town. As well many PAX are participating in various Turkey Trots.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Nice Q Honey do. Now what to do with the rest of my day now that I don’t have to do any merkins?
Deliciously Zingy!

Noticed I left Loose Goose off the list, sorry man. You definitely had your share of merkins in the gloom
That’s definitely one of the 57 varieties that I didn’t know about till today…
Welcome Salad Cream…
Good Q Honey Do – I too am very thankful for my F3 RVA brothers !
I, too, have been shielded from the existence of this strange substance for the entirety of my life.
Love the merkin ladder, don’t love the eternal balls to the wall. Solid Q, HoneyDo. And I will say that while we were silent in the COT, I know I was thinking how right you were in being thankful for F3 and this PAX. I couldn’t agree more. Welcome, Salad Cream!
Nice Q Honey Do. Happy thanksgiving to all!