Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Hot Potato!


22 faithful turned out on yet another glorious autumn morning for a potluck beatdown at what has become one of our most popular AOs.  Multiple Q’s took part “Hot Potato-style” which spiced up the party and had everyone on their toes. Here is loosely how it went down:


COP:  Led by Bleeder

SSH x 25, Don Quixote x 25, 2 count Merkins x 15, LBC x 40, something else maybe?

Pass Q to Toga:

Bear Crawl Circus:  line up on endline and do alternating bear crawl exercises out to about the 20yd line.  Crawl for one minute and run back to endline.  Exercises were:  Bear Crawl, straight-legged Bear Crawl (on toes), Side Bear Crawls, Whirlybird Bear Crawls, Mountain Climber Crunch Bear Crawls (?)

Pass Q to Circle K:

Ab-o-rama:  WWII situps, Alabama Prom Dates, Freddy Mercury, LBC til Q says stop.

Pass Q to Loose Goose:

“Drop and Gimme 20” merkins at edge of soccer field.  Proceed to near soccer field and line up on sideline for sprints the width of the field.  Plank when done and wait for 6.

75% sprint to other sideline and back

Karoake facing right and back

Backwards sprint, forward sprint back

Maybe another one?

Pass Q to Rosie, and back to other field for Modified 4 Corners, 1 lap:  10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 jump squats, 40 2-ct flutter kicks.

Pass Q to BT for Super 7’s:  stay on same soccer field, line up on sideline.  7 Burpees, sprint to far sideline, 7 merkins/7squats, sprint back.  Repeat 7x

Pass to DK on way back to Shovel Flag.

COT:  DK took us out in no-nonsense fashion.

MOLESKIN (or RuangTong):

Quite a nice change to have multiple Q’s bringing some variety to the PAX this morning.  YHC is pleased that he came up with the format all by himself, with no help or input from anyone. In truth, YHC has struggled writing this BB because he was so focused the entire workout on what exercise he would lead in the event that his name was called that certain parts remain fuzzy.  Thanks to Bleeder and Toga for their creativity.

This was a great way to get VQ’s involved in leading.  YHC believes that if you see Rosie’s name on the list in the future, get plenty of rest the night before.  Nice work, men!  Also, it’s great to see some of our relatively new PAX coming back to post.

The Bear Crawl Circus was literally that.  Fudd, who misread the weather report and showed up in his Vision Quest gear, began to experience dizziness during the Whirlybird Bears and commented that we should never do those again.  I along with many in the PAX agreed.

YHC has been holding on to the Super 7’s for a few weeks.  Turns out that 12 minutes is not enough time to finish that series.  Duly noted, and will add that to the beginning of a workout soon.  That said, most all of the PAX had many pleasant things to say about it and were energized to start their day.  It should also be noted that YHC passed the Q to DK for COT, knowing that the backblast responsibilities went with it.  Somehow, that didn’t work, and YHC received the name-o-rama back on a RuangTong Thai Cuisine takeout menu with instructions that YHC would need it while writing the BB.  Will need to check the F3 by-laws to confirm procedural accuracy.  That said, DK’s vision combined with poor penmanship and pre-dawn darkness provided for an interesting list of the PAX on the RuoangTong, so YHC decided to give you a brain teaser to take your mind off of work (or in the case that you are a loyal Woodfin employee take your attention away from the latest online edition of Road and Track or Car and Driver).  I’ve taken what was written and challenge you to come up with the actual name of the PAX member.  At the very least, it provided some good names for FNG’s to come.

Fleshbone, Twirly (a layup, but it has a nice ring), Cheesy, Crocker (or Cracker or Crockett), Zicam, Spiffy, Heavy D, Scooter

Announcements (copy and pasted from J’ville’s BB written for this morning’s workout.  WTH?!?!)
– 2nd F Hump Day Happy Hour TODAY
Meet at Ardent Brewery @ 6pm for a 3.75-4.5 mile run. Ardent is located at 3200 W. Leigh St.
We will start and finish at Ardent so no need to set shuttle. It is recommended to bring a light to help navigate the back streets.
– Normal workouts this week (NO Q SCHOOL THIS WEEKEND)
– Possible change in time/duration of Thursday workout on Thanksgiving. Stay posted …

See you in the Gloom…







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  1. Having the Q passed around was a great idea. I got my brief taste of a Q so you might see my name on that list sometime. No more rest than usual will be needed.

  2. Dizzy Vision Quest Whirlybird Bear Crawls! That should be added to the official F3 exercises list.