Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: NoToll

Huguenot Park

12 men assembled for a NoToll beatdown, awaiting the Q to take over…Rosie reminded YHC that YHC had signed up to Q…and the beatdown-on-the-fly went something like this: THANG Mosey to BBall courts for COP: SSH, Arm Circles, DQs, Copperhead Squats, Bob & Weaves (left & right), Tempo Merkins, LBCs, Pickle Pounders Line up on base lines for King of Hearts: regular suicide, backward suicide, karayoke suicide Stay on base lines for modified Arc Loader: duck walk, forward lunge, bear crawl, crawl bear, forward crab walk, backward crab walk Mosey towards Robious, stop at poles for modified Guantanamo Stay @…

A fearsome 18 posted for a glorious morning at the EBDB BnB (AKA NoToll). Here’s how the potato was passed. Mosey past the playground and circle up in front of the gate. COP: 20 SSH, 15 Imperial Walkers (IC), 10 Hand Release Merkins (IC), 25 WW2SU (OYO) Luggage Carousel (Viral): Mosey to the big parking lot and triple up. Partner #1 does sideways bear-crawls on the oval tree-planter curbs in the corner. Partner #2 sets up on the opposite corner and does declined sideways bear-crawls. Partner #3 sets running perimeter to tag next partner. Repeato 3X Triple Check (Mr. Roper): Mosey to near field.…

14 varmint catchers fought the lure of the fartsack and assembled at NoToll for an SOJ beatdown that went something like this: COP: SSH, DQs, Arm Circles, Merkins, Boxcutters Mosey to Tennis courts for Pan Pax 8-count Burpees The 4 poor souls who tripped up on the cadence are instant Ghosts, the rest of the PAX lines up on either side of them and are Pacmen. Pacmen try to crab walk to other side without getting tagged by ghosts. Plank once tagged. Mosey to soccer fields for Quadruple check: dips, muscle ups, 25 WWIIs (pace) – repeato x4 Mosey to…

15 strong and able bodies (including 1 FNG) posted at NoToll this morning looking for brown water and wet field but hoping for no worms.  This is what  transpired… Mosey to the back parking lot with an even 12 as YHC was excited that his plan for several partner exercises was well intact only to see some headlights shining on the PAX’s six as we moseyed…damn! Circle up for COP, including SSHs, Don Quixotes, Helicopters, Arm Circles (as requested by Flashdance), Merkins, LBCs and box cutters. To YHC’s delight, there were 2 LIFOs as Toga and McRib joined the circle…partner…

“Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” Rumi 8 warriors rose to greet the dawn of a new day.  It went a little something like this. COP:  SSH, IW, LBC, FM X 20, Merkin X 10 Lazy Dora:  100 Merkin, 200 LBC, 300 Squats.  One partner completes 10 merkins and the other partner planks, alternating to 100.  20 LBC and 6 inches alternating to 200. 25 squats and hold squat alternating to 300. F3 Lesson Ladder – This is an exercise that builds upon itself.  Each round keep the existing exercises and add a…

A Fiesty fourteen posted to a perfect 60 degree morning with the misty fields of NoToll calling for us to play. And play we did: COP – SSH, Merkins, Helicopters, Hillbillies, LBCs Mosey to benches, partner up- Bench kicks and run across field. 3 times. Line up for 1 round of Human Centipede. Mosey to covered benches – Derkins, polar bear out 5 then WWII situps. Start at 10 reps then increase by 5 up to 30. Mosey to front of NoToll, past cars. Totem pole smoker run- 5 Leg Tosses. Head to benches for Dips & Box Jumps. 10,…

We hit the JackPot today with 11 southsiders and one from NC Circled up for 10 merkins 15 deep knee bend squats The Thang We had 2 man teams for 500 merkins  with a Run about the soccer field 500 jump squats with the other man running 500 dips and a run 500 American Hammers The really lucky guys did start 500 flutter kicks McRibb called time on deck to end this fun event Thought Notes:  My watch said we still had 3 minutes but I think everyone was over the Lucky Jackpot today. Flatline rolled up with old school…

13 strong NoToll veterans emerged from their fartsacks just hours after a team was crowned NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions. YHC signed up to Q, then realized last week that it would be the morning after the game. Before the first COP, YHC asked the PAX to gather in 2 groups: Those who watched the whole game vs. Those who did not. The 3 of us who watched the whole game were granted immunity from a Hot Potato Q. The workout went something like this: (Döner Kebab) COP: SSH, DQs, Peter Parkers, Merkins, Hello Dollies (Flatline) Mosey to tennis courts…

Seventeen of our finest posted at NoToll this morning. The weather was perfect, rain setting in just after our COT broke. Johnsonville planted a SF, took the Q (happily), and this is what went down, more or less: THANG: 25x hillbillies 25x ssh-burpees (its right out of the F3 exercise manual a’la South Carolina) 25x LBCs Line Up single file for a feigned Old Glory. Native American Run to soccer fields and 2x laps around fields with flag carrier remaining at front, and men rotating up about every 20 or so seconds to accept and carry the flag. Plant flag…

15 stalwarts and 1 FNG showed up at NoToll expecting a Swirly style beatdown but got Rosie instead.   YHC stepped in to lead the PAX in some old school fun with Swirly placed on the temporary DL. THANG Mosey to the  parking lot for warmup.   25xSSH, 15xIW, 15xHillbillies (w/ hop), 15x hand release merkins,  25xFlutterKicks Mosey to the first field for Dora, Partner up for 100 merkins, 200 LBC, 300 squats. P2 runs the length of the field  Plankarama Mosey to the other, non-brown water, soccer field for The Beast.  Round 1 Q’s Choice, PAX pick after first round Round…

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