Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Catching up on WWII


15 strong and able bodies (including 1 FNG) posted at NoToll this morning looking for brown water and wet field but hoping for no worms.  This is what  transpired…

Mosey to the back parking lot with an even 12 as YHC was excited that his plan for several partner exercises was well intact only to see some headlights shining on the PAX’s six as we moseyed…damn!

Circle up for COP, including SSHs, Don Quixotes, Helicopters, Arm Circles (as requested by Flashdance), Merkins, LBCs and box cutters.

To YHC’s delight, there were 2 LIFOs as Toga and McRib joined the circle…partner exercises still on track.

Having missed day one of the May challenge (WWII situps), YHC called for 2 minutes of WWII situps.  All but Tog roughed it on the hard pavement. Apparently Ragnar and heat exhaustion resulted in some common sense as Toga relocated to softer ground for the WWIIs.  Oh, and not only does Wilson jump the gun to start runs early, he also finds any way to cutoff a timed exercise short.

Mosey to the sideline near the pavilion and partner up for a Boo-Yah Merkin & Partner Burpee Ladder.  There were varied and liberal interpretations of YHC’s instructions for this exercise, but here is how they were supposed to be done:

  • Beginning on the sideline – drop and perform 1 Boo-Yah merkin (down, up, clap right hands, down, up, clap left hands = 1), then 1 partner get in elbow plank while the other partner perfoms a burpee with a side jump over planking partner, flap-jack, then run to the other sideline.
  • At other sideline, perform two Boo-Yah Merkins and 2 partner burpees each, run.
  • Repeato, up to 7
  • Al Gore for the six
  • No matter how you did then, this got the sweat going.

Where in the World is Carmen San Diego…he just showed up LIFO at NoToll and he, DK and Mr Roper? are doing Three-way Boo-Yah Merkins.  That is illegal in 49 States.

PAX at 15 now, end of partner exercises…

Back on the sideline for classic 11s – start with 10 WWII Situps and 1 jump-squat, run across, 9-2….down to 1-10, you know the drill.  Another 55 WWII situps in the books.

Plank-o-rama for the six, then mosey back towards the flag and past it to the Restrooms for a little sprint version of the Triple-Check — whose says the Q can’t be flexible?

  • Partner 1 – BTTW on the bathroom building
  • Partner 2 – Merkins or Derkins if you desire and can use the one bench
  • Partner 3 – short sprint toward the park exit to the first lamp-post and back

The OYSTER Sprint was in full effect… I see you working.

Mosey to the basketball courts for another 2 minutes of WWII situps.  All the blood flowing to the Qs head in the BTTW deleted any ideas other than repeating the WWII catch up exercise.

3 MOM – APDs, Hello Dolly and Rosalita

Back to the Flag for COT, Number-rama, Name-a-rama and YHC took us out.


Spirits and mumblechatter were both high this morning and everybody put in solid work.  The fields were “MOIST” but welcome after 2 minutes of WWII Situps on the hard parking lot.  The number of WWII situps for each PAX member varied, but everyone should have made a dent in the challenge today.  Signup and knock them out — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-L8e9W24ygnU0suaGyKxzi1PgPqY1CBd57hLrKTZI-g/edit#gid=1244727470

The Boo-Yah Merkin and Partner Burpee Ladder took its toll.  I love that exercise – you can’t cheat when you are staring your partner in the face or jumping over him.  Thanks Hardywood!

The Wilson-Honeymoon clown car continues to grow…welcome to FNG Jason (Marmaduke).  New in town (another SOJ PAX member) from Charlotte.  Hope to see you back out soon.


  • Galactosemia golf outing – May 19.  4-somes are filling, so if you want in, get in now.
  • New AO (Heartbreak Ridge) at Quioccasin Middle School (I think?) in the West End on Tuesdays.  Hope it went well today.
  • New AO coming soon on Thursdays in DaVille
  • Keep sending C-ville names to LabRat (F3charlottesville@gmail.com) and let him know if you can clown car out on May 20 to help out.

Have a great day men.  Thanks for letting me lead.  Always a pleasure!

No more Gumbo for you!


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  1. Great day to be in the gloom, nice Q Gumbo. Partnering with the Q results in doing all intended reps, no matter how confusing the instructions are.

  2. Honey Do RVA on

    Thanks for the mention on Heartbreak Ridge. We had 16 there this morning, 1 more than NoToll, but who is counting…

  3. I think you mean “misunderstood” not “confusing”. You’re better for it…partner.

  4. Gumbo, that was a solid beatdown, but to be clear, just as in Old Glory, I swore I heard you call out a minute warning on WWII’s! Right Singer? He does that kinda stuff! LOL Welcome to Marmaduke. the clown car is getting full. May need multiple! I do however miss the solo days in the Subaru wit Aisle 5!

  5. I was the swing vote for HR! 🙂

    Don’t worry NoToll boys I’ll be back on my side of the river next week!

    Nice work out there, NoToll!!!

  6. Welcome to Marmaduke! Just to be clear, he is an FNG that we named, or did he get named in Charlotte then move up here?

  7. Great Q Gumbo. Lots a fun and variety as always.

    I enjoyed partnering with Honeymoon on the partner exercises. I’m pretty sure we owe you a few partner burpees.

    Welcome Marmaduke! Hope to see you out regularly.

    Great job to all today!


  8. Honey Do RVA on

    You know you loved it Viral, plus you got to learn some trivia about Silence of the Lambs. That alone is the worth the west end trip.

  9. Gumbo’s Q’s R no joke…Well done fellas..Welcome FNG’s….. I say we start branding them…

  10. Congrats on making partner, We gloom brothers are proud of you!!! thanks for a real deal beat down!!