12 men assembled for a NoToll beatdown, awaiting the Q to take over…Rosie reminded YHC that YHC had signed up to Q…and the beatdown-on-the-fly went something like this:
Mosey to BBall courts for COP: SSH, Arm Circles, DQs, Copperhead Squats, Bob & Weaves (left & right), Tempo Merkins, LBCs, Pickle Pounders
Line up on base lines for King of Hearts: regular suicide, backward suicide, karayoke suicide
Stay on base lines for modified Arc Loader: duck walk, forward lunge, bear crawl, crawl bear, forward crab walk, backward crab walk
Mosey towards Robious, stop at poles for modified Guantanamo
Stay @ poles & form groups of 3 for triple check: box jumps or step-ups on picnic benches, pole smokers on poles, run to 3rd street light and back (pace)
Line up at poles for Curb Crawl Ladder: merkins up to 7 and back down, crab walk on the way up, lunge on the way back down
Mosey back to BBall courts for Ring of Fire: 10 merks each while PAX planks
Mary: American Hammers, Hello Dollies, LBCs, Box Cutters
Mosey back to VSF
COT: Flatline took us out
Naked Moleskin:
YHC totally forgot he signed up to Q. Good thing he showed up even though there was 100% chance of rain forecasted.
There was no rain…but Flatline came prepared…in Duck Boots, which were completely dry by the end of the workout. That’s what happens when you stay away from the NoToll fields.
The PAX started the COP next to the cars, assuming McRibb would be a LIFO…but alas, he was a no show…even though YHC is sure there’s a connection to today’s FNG.
Flashdance’s watch measured 1.33 miles across not a lot of space in the AO. We kept pretty close to the cars today.
Welcome to FNG Shakedown, whose name was changed after the COT. YHC originally named him Babar after loads of Fletch references were uttered during the Ring of Fire…but after little deliberation, YHC changed his name in honor of YHC’s favorite Grateful Dead song, Shakedown Street, after learning that our FNG followed the Dead during the summer of ’94.
A strong coffeteria was enjoyed by Rosie, The BFG, Viral, Carmen Sandiego & Döner Kebab afterwards.
Memorial Day Convergence: 6:30am this Monday @ Belle Isle. Park @ near footbridge across from Tredegar.
Charlottesville has launched. Contact Lab Rat.
VQ Week – June 26
Well done on the fly DK – though I think you might have been sandbagging us and trying to throw us off the scent. Either way, it was a strong beatdown in a relatively confined space.
Welcome Shakedown – way to post despite the forecast and way to push through.
Flatline’s shoe and hat collection continue to impress the PAX and provide fodder for the mumblechatter.
Also, be forewarned for future Hot Potato Qs, Flatline has been passing downtime at work by reading up on the Exicon — he had bricks on the mind this morning. Hey Flatline – there is always the traditional way to get a hold of the Q — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Dx2qsu9vXun_NFgeD0GDKwQ6G2f5a-AKQq4IYk2eAJY/edit?ts=570f9ddd#gid=1389235370
I Ann more impressed that Flatline still owns Sporto Duck Boots. I think the last time I saw mine was in 1996.
There used to be cinder blocks stored in the woods by the basketball courts but we’ve smashed those to smithereens. Maybe we can get HoneyDo’s 2.0s to load up another bunch of sand bags for us! 🙂
Well done Shakedown! Glad you could come out and join us. You nailed it in your first showing!
And now some shakedown street!
Im more of a main stream Dead guy myself, so give me some Uncle John’s Band. Welcome to Shakedown, though. Awesome name!
Glad you showed up to lead DK. Thanks for keeping us reasonably dry and not needing duck boots. Looking forward to seeing what footwear Flatline has for the hot dry summer days. His own Jerusalem Cruisers?
Flatline and his freaken boots – what will this dude wear when it snows ???
Love it flatline..
Solid work fella’s..
See y’all in the gloom..
“Hey Flatline are those your wife’s boots?” That comment made it impossible to do american hammers, just sayin
Nice work fellas. Unfortunately I overslept this AM…even more than usual. I’m not sure I know Shakedown, but I appreciate his musical taste so I look forward to connecting soon.
See you next time.
Thanks guys. I enjoyed it. Great workout. I will be back out there this Thursday.
Welcome FNG(Joe)now know as Shakedown. Shakedown, Viral, and I all have boys in the same Cub Scout Pack and the Scout Motto “Be Prepared.”
Lieutenant Dan told Bubba and Forrest, “keep your feet dry….” The same scene where FNG is used but may mean something a little different. Coincidence….maybe not.
Gumbo, very true. I DO NEED TO SIGN UP!
Rosie, just wait for hot weather gear. I will have to find something super!! And I have a lot of visors and hats!!
Swirly, Red Wing boots for the snow!!
DK nice work out on the fly!! Way to avoid NO TOLL fields!!
Again welcome to Shakedown! See you gents in the gloom. Thank you for letting me take us out!!
Thank you for the workout. God Bless and Loud and Proud!!
I have special Bikram Yoga Clothing….