Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: NoToll

Huguenot Park

16 Strong Soldiers arose from the fartsack to better their mind and body this morning. 530 hit and we were off. COP- SSH x 20 DQ x 10 Copperhead Squats x 10 Imperial Walkers x 20 LBCs x 30 Merkins x 10 Arma Circles x 15 Mosey to Field 4 Corners – Round 1 10 Merkins, 20 WWIIs, 30 Mountain Climbers, 40 LBCs – Repeato backwards to Corner 1 Mosey to Side of the field Triple Check – Runner – Flutter Kicks, and Jump Squats Mosey back to the Corner 4 Corners Round 2 10 Burpees, 20 Hello Dolly, 30…

A much cooler rainy morning was dialed up for a little surprise for the PAX this July morning. 13, including a rehabbed Hardywood, answered the bell and decided to see what YHC had in store. A mosey, cue the rain, and some clues with a warm up of 12 SSH, 12 DQ and 12 IW. During the IW YHC heard Bullseye question whether this was the 12 Days of Christmas. With that astute observation we set off to the pavilion for a rehash of the 12 days of Christmas workout. 1 Dozen LBCs2 Sprints across the field3 Diamond Merkins4 Imperial…

5 Strong arrived in the muggy gloom, mostly unaware of what we were celebrating. 5:30 am and we were off, with a 10 burpee delay near the gate on our initial mosey. More on that later.Warm up, all IC: SSH x 40 (Flange to YHC: Can I tell them now? YHC: Nah, they will figure it out.), Helicopter x 10, DQ x 10, LBC x 40, HRM x 20.10 burpees OYOMosey to the pavilion in the center of the soccer fields to mark the 19th anniversary of YHC’s 21st birthday with a Super 21:1 x Merkin, 1 x WW2, 1…

An energetic bakers dozen arrived at No Toll this morning ready to take on what YHC had in store.  At the buzzer, we were off to the plush, green, very wet soccer fields.  COP:  Windmills were called, but YHC starting performing Helicopters…so that’s what we went with.  DQ’s, Russian Soldiers, Hillbillies, SSH’s, Merkins, American Hammers, Freddie Mercury’s.  Warm up: Stay in circle, YHC joins the circle to perform a fire drill.  PAX is chopping feet, while person to left of YHC calls out fire, all hit the ground, roll to the right to perform 1 Merkin, roll back to the left to…

8 versus 8 for Southside Ultimate this morning, along with 1 FNG! Play was hard and fast, with the dark shirts really hustling to pull out the win. Ollie felt the need to do some merkins and burpees while we were setting up the field, so we gifted him with 10 merkins IC to finish it up back at the flag. There was some great defense played today, and lots of good hustle. I won’t try to break it down any further than that. Ultimate is such a great game, how can you not have fun? Big welcome to FNG…

34 men posted, 33 men stepped up to the plate for the Fourth Annual F3RVA Home Run Derby and the results were much the same as the previous 3 years…LOTS of Burpees and a few bombs. With McRib unable to go for the 3-peat, Rosie stepped up his game to keep the trophy with SOJ for the 3rd year in a row with 2 bombs. Marv, Kryptonite and Fudd each had 1. That’s right, 33 batters, 99 swings and just 5 home runs. But, on the bright side, we did get 87 Burpees in! For those checking the record books,…

Mid-seventies and muggy – perfect ingredients for another DTH sweatfest. No cards, no cabers, just pure ground & pound perfection. Fourteen veteran fartsack escapees woke up with a fever, and since DTH forgot his cowbell, the only prescription was more pain! The THANG: Partner Up – Partner Carry (alternate as needed) to COP #1 in the Parking Lot: SSH, Imp Walkers, Russian Soldiers, DQ’s, Ball Dippers, Cherry Pickersx15 reps for each exercise, all IC Mosey around Field 1 and end up at bleachers for COP #2: Partner up for 11’s Counting up with Box JumpsCounting down with BropeesWheelbarrow between sides (much…

YHC woke up this morning with a need for some big ground-n-pound and so joined up with 7 other warriors for a No Toll beatdown. According to legend, it went down like this (more or less): COP: Don Quixote x 10 IC, Imperial Walker x 10 IC, Russian Soliders x 10 IC, 10 Burpees OYO. Thang 1: Mosey to the field for a Dora: 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBC’s. Plank when done. Thang 2: Mosey to the other field for another Dora. 100 Dips, 200 Monkey Humpers, 300 Flutter Kicks (single count). Plank when done. Thang 3: Mosey to…

A dozen dove in to the dewy NoToll fields to search for a frisbee that was never to be found. Instead we did: COP: SSH, Russian Soldiers, Arm Circle, Merkins, Flutterkicks, Scorpion Kicks THE THANG: Start with 3 sets of 25 Boxing Cockroaches to get the Abs going. Then over to corner of field for: Zs. Run diagonal across field, 5 Buprees, Bear Crawl width, 10 HRMs, run diagonal again, 15 WWIIs, bear crawl across width, 20 Jump Squats. Initial call was 4 sets but audible was called to 2 laps. Head over to other field: Backwards run half way,…

YHC and 13 (so appropriate) other Warriors of the Gloom posted to NoToll for some post-Memorial Day pain and sweat. Bullseye even got in some EC – well done, sir. Mosey to the back parking lot for COP, all IC x13, including: SSHsDQsHelicoptersImperial WalkersMerkinsFreddie MercuriesFlutter Kicks THE THANG: Mosey to the pavilion for 13 trips around the Sun in honor of YHC’s son’s 13th birthday yesterday. This was much like 11s but adding up to 13 and with a lap around the field in between sets and 1 extra lap at the end for a total of 13 laps. Exercises…

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