Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



Fourty six redwoods posted on a crisp fall morning.  Weather was perfect to be alive and have a morning beatdown.

The Thang

Mosey to upper parking lot.  20 ssh, 6, burpees on your own, 70 LBC.   Mosey to field for the Magna Carta (try saying that with a Boston Accent).  Run across the field for 12 merkins, run back and do 15 Lt. Dan’s.  Repeat x 5.  Stay on field for four corners.  The first corner is 5 burpee, second corner 18 carolina dry docks, third corner, 19 lunges and fourth corner was 32 WWII situps, repeat x 4.  Mosey to parking lot.  Four corners agains, 1 Burpee, 16 merkins, 19 lunges and 89 LBC’s.  Mosey to upper parking lot for 56 ssh, 7 burpees and 28 lbc.  Mosey to shovel Flag.  TYA took us out


Thanks to all the PAX for posting at Notoll this morning.  It truly meant a ton to me.  I know a lot of you missed your normal AO’s and drove way out of the way to be there.   To be surrounded by so many good friends on this day was special to me. Thank You!

Special thanks to Lab Rat for bringing the coffee fixings from RAISE this morning.  A great treat and incentive to enjoy a little extra second F.

Today was tribute to my Dad, Donald Vincent Salvucci – Sal.  He was born on 5/18/1932, died on 1/16/1989.  He was alive for 56 years, 7 months and 28 days or 20,670 days.  A short time to be on this earth.  Today, I turned that same age.  As such I wanted to say thanks to my father for everything he taught me.  

I learned a ton from my father during his lifetime. Too many things to name, but a few of the most important were: A love for sports, hockey in particular, a massively competitive spirit, a strong work ethic, respect for all people on the earth regardless of how someone would like to categorize them, and a wit and sense of humor. 

When he passed away in 1989, it came as a shock.  I had seen him the night before, and he appeared to be in good health. It took me a while to regroup and recover. Since my Dad was a teacher and dedicated to life long learning, I vowed when he passed away, that I would learn from his death. I would take the lessons of his death and change my life accordingly. 

Since that day in 1989, I have done many things and changed a lot about how I live my life.  A few of the major things that I know I would not have done without the lessons I learned are: going to business school, adopting two children in my late 30’s, traveling to and exploring many countries, starting a business, and making sure that I took care of my body.  These are just the major things.  In everyday life, I make little decisions that are a result of that day.  I shut the TV off while I’m watching my favorite team so I can talk to my daughter or spouse, when someone asks me to go on an adventure or try a new challenge, I accept, when I am impatient or frustrated with anyone in my life, I take a few deep breaths.  What I have learned from that one day is that even in the darkest times, if you look hard enough, you can find good, and you can learn.

Thanks Dad


About Author


  1. Well done, TYA! Respect to you and your Father. I would have liked to have met him. 46 strong! Wow! Great to see everyone this morning, even Saab. I hope he didn’t get lost going home?

  2. Fantastic tribute TYA. Your dad would be proud. I couldn’t think of a better way to show respect and thanks than the way you led us today.

  3. This is what F3RVA is all about. A PAX member announces he is doing something special and 46 brothers show up.
    TYA-Respect to you and your dad today.

  4. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Well done brother !
    Know this – your Dad is proud of you – for all the things you mention above – for the tribute you lead i honor of him this morning and for the man your are still becoming .
    You were the inspiration for Swirly’s Board this morning :
    (You have memories to make – So Get up and Get After it – Believe and Succeed)!

  5. Awesome tribute to your father TYA! I was grateful to be there. We are all reflections of our fathers, and I want to thank you for reminding us to look to them for guidance and teaching. Whether they are still with us on earth, or in heaven looking down, today was a great reminder to live and learn, every moment of every day. And be reminded of where we come from. That said, I bet your father hated fighting in hockey.

  6. 46 strong is a representation of who you are TYA. And your dad is proud. I took a moment to smile up to the heavens and thank God for this morning. I think there were several family members smiling on us as we crushed an early morning beatdown. The love from F3 this morning was a blessing to be part of! God Bless this PAX!
    Loud and Proud!

  7. Heck of a Q TYA. Your father would be so very proud of the great man you have become and the wonderful example you have been to the rest of us. Aside from a questionable understanding of history, you are an incredible leader. Big cheers to Lab Rat from bringing out the coffee express today. Make it a good one fellas!

  8. Some of us could use a lesson in running in a straight line. Great Q TYA. Going back to NoToll is like going home.

  9. Hell of a beatdown TYA. Thanks for making a trip to SOJ and letting us be a part of this special day!

  10. Great tribute and only regret is most of us never had the pleasure of meeting “Sal”. Awesome beat down that you unleashed on us. Thank you for making us all part of it!!

  11. Splinter – my head just exploded! That’s all Greek to me. How about we source someone in the PAX to set it up (who knows what X11 is and possibly has it) and teach me the basics in how to maintain and keep going. I would never ask you to put out a beautiful duck confit if you said you had no idea how to. If you do, I’ll be there. Yum!

  12. SwiftUI, Syntax, Interface, Framework! BOOM. Hell if I knew any of that stuff, I might have had a fighting chance at Cap 1!

  13. Great tribute and only regret is most of us never had the pleasure of meeting “Sal”. Awesome beat down that you unleashed on us. Thank you for making us all part of it!!

  14. Working out on a perfect morning with your boys to salute your badass dad? Doesn’t get much better! I knew I was gonna miss something special morning. Well done, TYA!!

  15. Thank you TYA. I’m thankful to be a part of it. Great tribute to your father and his life.