Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: MANNdate

3 veterans show up for the morning beatdown. Started off with an 8:20 mile, followed by COP of pushups with kettle bell, armcircles front then back then 20 happy mornings. Enough of COP. Triple check at the bus loop, one runner, one laying on the ground doing one arm flush, the other standing up doing chest press (dont know the name). Mosey over the the front parking lot. Four rounds of (10) skull crushers sit up push press, (10) kettlebell burpee, (10) one arm pushpress, (10) inclined pushups with kettlebell on back. 2 mins left. Finished with 100 on your…

A solo Davillians at 5:30 decided to get out of the car and get ready. Luckily at 5:31 Opus showed and 5:35 Bulkhead decided to make an appearance so this lone wolf became a wolfpack. 3 Davillians took part is an old tradition of First Murph Wednesdays at MANNDate. This how it went down THE MURPH 1 mile run 10 Rounds of the following: 10 Merkins20 KB Swings30 Goblet Squats No time left for another mile 2 MOM – Curb touches and Boat/Canoe Numberama, Namerama, Announcements, YHC took us out SPIT ON THAT!!

6 to YHC make his return to MANNDate. It has been 30 weeks since YHC came to the grounds of Washington-Henry ES. It was time to play a little catch up. This is how it went down COP (ALL IC) – DQ, SSH, Hillbillies, LBC’s, Arm Circles THANG The Lucky Horseshoe Lap 1Merkins X30Lap 2Merkins X30, Goblet Squats X30Lap 3 Merkins X30, Goblet Squats X30 , KB Swings X30Lap 4 Merkins X30, Goblet Squats X30 , KB Swings X30, Flutter Kick Press X30Lap 5Merkins X30, Goblet Squats X30 , KB Swings X30, Flutter Kick Press X30, (2ct) American Hammer x30Lap…

Gathered in the parking lot and everyone started crying that they didnt want to do any running so Q had a call an audible. Mosey over to bus loop, helicopters, SSH, LBC, merkins.. Round 120 donkey kicks, 20 demon crusher, 20 donkey kicks, 20 demon crushers to side up push press. Round 2- bear crawl with kettle bell between light poles, round the worlds between the next light poles the continued around the the bus loop. Once loop had been completed, then crawl beared between lights, then lunges, switching at every light until completed one loop. Round 3- 25 demon…

3 locals and 1 visitor started off the morning running one lap around the bus loop with their respective kettle bell. Mudface immediately started complaining about running and his kettle bell being the heaviest (what ever that means). COP 20 jumping Jack’s 20 Don Quixote Arms circles forward and reverse 20 LBC…. when we got done with LBCs two other locals (Yardsale and No Idea) decided to show up. Mosey over to the the sidewalk next to the bus loop. Everyone setup in their own sidewalk square and then it went down. Round 1 – 20 kettlebell burpee, 20 KB…


7 warriors including one visitor showed up this morning to throw some iron around. This is how it went down. COPSSH x 20Don Quixotes x 10Helicopters x 10Russian Soldiers x 10Arm circles (10 small + 5 big)Copperhead squats x 10Round 1 – 4 corners superset, 8 reps each exercise1st corner – KB swing with a dive bomber ‘merkin2nd corner – Halos with goblet squats3rd corner – Lawnmowers with clean and press4th corner – Demon crushers with WWII sit-up pressRound 2 – same exercises , 16 reps eachRound 3 – same exercises, 24 reps eachRound 4 – same exercises, 16 reps…

9 of DaVille’s finest Rolled out the red carpet treatment for this Near West Ender’s venture north of the Wall. YHC rolled into an empty school yard only to find a steady stream of Hanover’s lifeblood streaming in just before the starting bell. Corned Beef was the lucky timekeeper for YHC’s shot at MANNDate. 530? let’s boogie. COP – Mosey around the loop and rock the bells around the world. Circle up. SSHs, DQs, Imperial Walkers, Helicopters and Arm Circles. The Thang Exercise I – 4 Corners 25 KB Swings, 25 Handrelease Merkins, 26 One Arm KB snatches, 25 KB…

COP SSH Arm Circles Helicopters 12 Days after Christmas 12 rounds. First round do all, eliminating one exercise each round 12 Kettlebell Dirty Dogs11 Overhead Presses10 Tricep Extensions9 2 Hand Swings8 Clean and Press7 Goblet Squats6 Lawn Mowers5 Boat canoes4 Merkin Rows3 Sit-up Presses2 One Arm Snatches1 Kettle Burpee One lap with various caries and 2 minutes of Boat/Canoes to finish out the time Announcements Last day to order shirts is tonight at 12 https://f3.mudgear.com/products/f3-rva-shirt-pre-order Numberama Namearama Opus took us out NMS Just getting an early start on next year’s holiday season. Last week’s workout was fun, so we got…

Opus, Trout, Yard Sale, Beulah, Rounders, Wild Thing, Mudface COP SSHArm CirclesTempo MerkinsHelicoptersCherry pickers Ring Around the Rosie Pax circles up on their six and passes the kettlebell to the man on their right and then to the left Five time each direction Dora Partner up. One partner runs the loop while the other performs Kettle Bell dirty Dog Flip Flop until 100 Dirty Dogs are done Conga Line Line up. PAX in front passes bell to next man in line, then runs to back of line. Various exercises for one lap of the loop Some lunges, lawnmowers, halos and…

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