Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Please don’t make us run


Gathered in the parking lot and everyone started crying that they didnt want to do any running so Q had a call an audible.

Mosey over to bus loop, helicopters, SSH, LBC, merkins..

Round 120 donkey kicks, 20 demon crusher, 20 donkey kicks, 20 demon crushers to side up push press.

Round 2- bear crawl with kettle bell between light poles, round the worlds between the next light poles the continued around the the bus loop. Once loop had been completed, then crawl beared between lights, then lunges, switching at every light until completed one loop.

Round 3- 25 demon crushers to push press, 25 incline merkins, 20 demon crushers to push press, 20 incline merkins… 15…10…5…mosey back to parking lot…

Number, number, no announcements, prayer..then out..


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