Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: MANNdate

Mudface and YHC had a blast working out in the snow! COP — SSH, merkins, arm circles small, werkins, arm circles small reverso, diamonds, arm circles big, CDD’s, arm circles big A whole lotta tabata– We did a series of KB exercises — the one that sucked the most was the tricep extensions! The End.Opus

Four men ventured forth to indulge YHC’s latest attempt to link this day in history to a KB workout. Here is what happened. COP: SSH, DQ, LBC’s, arm circles, Imperial walkers, mosey back to the parking lot. Today is the birthday of Jeff Bridges, who has made over 70 films, so to kick things off: 10 each of one hand swings, snatches, merkin rows, halos, situp press, lawnmowers and overhead press, run a lap between each set. Move on to 40 each of lunges, demon crushers, slingshots and American hammers, for a total of 160, which is how many times…

4 people showed up before the workout but only two people were there to lift some bells. COP — DQ, Helicopters, Chinooks, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, plank jacks, merkins, American Hammers, merkins, monkey humpers Dora — one guy bear crawls to the light and back, the other one starts the following…100 high pulls200 single arm swings300 goblet squats that took a while…finish up with 1 minute of overhead presses1 minute of halos1 minute of lumberjacksNumbers Names AnnouncementsNMS — YHC drove up with a few minutes to spare this morning and noticed someone walking around the side of the building. unusual.…

Mosey around the bus look in case in LIFO’s posted.  Circled up at front doors of the school to warm up.  Side Straddle Hope, Arm Circles, Hand Release Merkins, LBC’s and Hillbilly’s.  Short mosey to the wall.  Find a partner.  One partner does Balls to the Walls while the other does 20 Halo’s with their KB.  Switch back and forth until each team has done 80 Halo’s, 80 one handed swings (thank you MudFace for fixing our form), 80 Goblet Squats and 80 Lawn Mowers.  A little chatter was heard about why we were doing Balls to the Walls during a…

Mudface reporting in for Trout who had some technical difficulties COP Arm circles front Arm circles back 20 merkins 20 Crabcakes 20 LBCs 10 DQs 20 crabcakes The thang 4 corners 1st corner 10 Merkins 2nd corner 20 squats 3rd corner 30 merkins 4th corner 40 merkins While walking to each corner push press with kettlebell Next: Light pole madness: At each light pole the following was done.. 10 squats 5 skullcrushers 1 burpy Repeat at each light pole Next: Triple check: Someone did lawnmowers Someone else did bear crawls pulling kettle bell through legs Someone else did pushup press…

4 men showed up, one slightly later than others, to hot potato a KB Q. Here is what happened. Mudface Q: COP, inchworms, SSH, Imperial Walkers, stuff YHC missed as a LIFO Chewy Q: Walk the bus loop, stopping at each light for 1 burpee, 10 goblet squats, 5 demon crushers, walk to next light doing around the worlds, repeat til the end of the loop. Trout Q: Start at one side of bus loop, 10 burpees and 10 overhead presses, bear crawl to side of school, 10 donkey kicks, run back. 5 reps. Mudface part deux Q: Bear crawl…

11 men gathered to throw some iron around. Welcome to McFly, great to have you out there with us this morning. COP SSHArm Circles, big and smallMerkinsDQ’sArm Circles Reverso, big and small Tommy Mac AMRAP 12 Burpees12 Thrusters each arm12 Burpees12 Power Snatch each arm12 Burpees12 Clean and Press each arm12 Burpees12 Rack Squats each arm12 Burpees12 Overhead squats Reps on single arm exorcises halved if you use the sandbag One minute of Boat/Canoe to finish out the time Numberama Namearama Chewy took us out NMS Sgt. Thomas R. MacPherson, 26, was killed in action on October 12, 2012 by…

2 resisted the fart sack and showed up to get built up. Here is how it happened. COP: SSH, LBC’s, Merkin (just one), arm circles, DQ, Imperial Walkers. Mosey back to parking lot, time to work. Each of the following exercises was done for 2 minutes, save the last couple, which were done for 3 minutes. Straight leg KB crunch, followed by LBC’s (10 of each, then repeat until time) while planking, reach through to get KB from opposite side, bring over for a renegade row, repeat Do a 1 count American Hammer with KB, then 2 count without, bring…

COP — SSH, butt kickers, high knees, helicopters, crab cakes, cherry pickers, KB windmills, KB presses, KB lumberjacks Head to the Busloop for some four weird corners –40 goblet squats30 squat and curls20 squat curl and press10 merkinsand another one…10 bob and weave20 halos30 KB swings40 snatchesHead to the wall — 10 DK’s bear crawl to the other side of lane and do 10 renegade rowsIncrease to 15Increase to 20Circle up for some Mary time…Merkin ring of fire 10 eachThen various and sundried exercises including burpees and boat canoes plus others YHC can’t remember….Numbers, Names, AnnouncementsYHC’s band plays Saturday night…

3 men and YHC showed up for a promised workout, and instead got this: COP–SSH, merkins, helicopters, DQ, LBC’s. Pick up KB and mosey to track at the back of school. First up, find a partner for catch me if you can, one partner runs the track, the other lunges doing figure 8’s, when they meet, switch off, keep going until the lunger finishes one lap. Switch over to four corners (of an oval), walking doing around the worlds between stops: 20 goblet squats, 15 halos, 20 clean and press, 15 American hammers. Mosey to front of school, which is…

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