Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Heartbreak Ridge

A hearty 9 appeared at Heartbreak on a chilly version of 70 and sunny. Here’s what went down: Mosey to the back of the school for COP under the lights: SSH, Don Quixote, Russian Soldiers, Arm Circles, Merkins (15?) and LBCs. Mosey to the track to select your favorite block and then head to the endzone for 4 sets of 4 exercises at the 25, 50, 25 and endzone Block burpees – (we had an extra set just because) – 20 merkinsBlock swings (like a kettle bell swing) Incline merkins – 16Derkins – 16 Next, head over to the brick…

Eight elite emerged from the fog to HBR including some we have not seen in a while. We did: COP: SSH, Don Qs, Helicopters, Merkins, Flutterkicks. Mosey to Coupon drop zone & grab a block. Partner up: 1 PAX starts one way on the track with both blocks while other PAX run other way and meets up. Block Carrier does 3 burpees then runs a lap. 4 times through. Benchwork: 15 Block Bench pullovers & 30 Benchkicks. 5 sets total. Over to Heartbreak Hill- 5 rounds of: 30 block presses at the top, run down and 10 V-Ups. Drop coupons…

Twelve tantalizing tacticians gathered in the thick mist for a rarely seen Splinter Q at Heartbreak. The PAX randomly scattered for pre-launch banter then off we went for a short mosey through the light dew before gathering up between the baseball fields for: COP- Helicopters x10- Arm Circles x15- Don Qioxotes x10- Knee (not that knee) Pulls x10- Merkins x10 Short saunter over to the volleyball? courts for our first set of exercises. Using the space between the volleyball courts as our demarcation line, we performed an exercise to get to the line, did another exercise, then completed another exercise…

On a wet day with a beautifully drained multi-purpose field the 8 of us1st and 10: 10 murkins, 1 burpee at 10 yrs line, sprint 90, jog back to 20, do 9 merkins, 2 burpees, sprint back. 4/5 dentists say rinse and repeat. Starter started with 12 lbs medicine ball Derkin gym with partner 11s, mud felt like were were bobba fet being sucked into the sarlac pit. Seymore couldn’t figure out how to hold up Handshake’s feet, and rather than getting a handshake had to duck to miss a right hook. back to field: World War Thor: 2 lines…

A lucky 13 came out to see who HP was on the Q sheet. Handshake took us off to start as we did: COP: Don Qs, Dead man hangs, Helicopters, HRMs, incorrectly done Scorpion Kicks. Over to straight-away on side of school: 10 sets of sprints length of the lot. Up to the PES lot for a Triple check of: WWIIS, Donkey Kicks, run the side lot. Q was finally passed at 5:57 to YHC. Down to back of QMS for 3 sets of 20 PLTs, then down to the Jerkin Gym for 4 sets of 8 Jerkins. Last second…

A month of SOJ IPC in the history books (thank God), DTH returned to a gloomier Heartbreak Ridge packed with veteran pain addicts hungrily awaiting their fix. Good thing YHC brought along the medieval torture playbook… The THANG: COP #1: Mosey to Soccer FieldWelcome & F3 DisclaimerImperial Squat Walkers x10 ICOpus Merkins x10 ICDying Quixotes x10 ICTplank Arm Circles x10 ea side ICRosalita Whips x10 ICLBC’s x10 ICWilson&Fudd COP #2: Mosey to Heartbreak RidgePartner up for a LINDSEY:Bottom x30/25/20/15/10 – PLT’s Bernie to TopTop x10/15/20/25/30 – Dying Boxing CockroachesRun to BottomEach partner completes each exerciseElbow Plank for the SIX COP #3:…

A dozen strong came out to tackle the last week of the Iron Pax Challenge. A brisk 46 degrees and soggy fields met the pax on the upper baseball field as we have offically hit fall this morning. Week 4 was: 10 Block Burpees, 25 yard Murder Bunny, stop for 25 Thrusters, carry block back. Round 2: 10 more burpees, 50 yard Murder bunny then 50 Alternating Merkins. Carry coupon back. Round 3: 10 burpees, 75 yard murder bunny then 75 Curl-Presses. Back to start. Final Round: 10 Burpees, 100 yard muder bunny then 100 Heel touches. Back then finish…

3rd F: (Faith)Join us this evening at 8pm for the bi-weekly fellowship faith discussion. Zoom link is located in the 3RD F Slack ChannelOn going TAP for the Education staff, Students, and families in this new Virtual learning world. 2nd F (Fellowship)Still time to signup for the Cornhole tournament at the Men’s Retreat on October 3rd.Runners: The Diamond is back open for the weekly Wednesday Run club. It starts at 6:15 PM and has both a 4 and 6 mile route. Food and beverages afterwards. Get place to EH future pax.Meet-up at Wilson’s house on Saturday night at midnight. He…

A full dozen came out to Heartbreak Ridge. Most knew what was in store while Scrum was hoping for a chance to ease back into the Gloom – clearly picking the wrong day to Kotters. No COP, straight into the fun: IPC Week 2: Run a lap. 10 Thrusters at the flag then off to Spot 1: 25 Derkins. Rifle carry between all stations. Alternate to flag & 10 Thrusters then stations 2-5 were: Block Burpees, Squats, Block Swings, Vertical press, Alpos – high pull variation with block. Finish back at flag with 10 thrusters. That is 1 round and…

10 PAX came out to Heartbreak Ridge, some knowing what was in store – others forced along for the ride. We did: No COP Front of school and instructions given. No Proctor (Conspiracy was unavailable) and we set the timer and were off: 3 Burpees to start then 3 more Burpees Every Minute thereafter on the minute (EMOM). Exercises were: 50 Hand Release Release merkins100 Leg Raises (Heels2Heaven)150 Jump Squat / Star Jumps200 WWIIs250 Lunges (single count) Back to flag then Announcements & COT. NMS: Well that sucked but PAX pounded it out. YHC was doing OK until we hit…

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