Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: DownRange

Two Davillians downrange in Richmond County part of the Rappahannock river got in this week’s IronPax Challenge. This is how it went down THANG Killer B’s 5 Round of the Following: Broad jump 10 yds, 10 Burpees, 10 BonnieBlairs, 10 BigBoi Situps Broad jump 10 yds, 10 Burpees, 10 BonnieBlairs, 10 BigBoi Situps Broad jump 10 yds, 10 Burpees, 10 BonnieBlairs, 10 BigBoi Situps Bearcrawl 30 yards back to the Start line Rinse and Repeat YHC also added in a 8 mile run before hand MOLESKIN T-Claps to my father-in-law for support of this challenge this week. He didn’t try…

Two PAX brushed off a day of leadership seminar training sessions and a few Kentucky Mules to post in the gloom (yes, at 0530) at Kingsmill to do what needed to be done…time to get to work. 2.5 mile mosey around the grounds of Kingsmill. Find an open parking lot for 2 rounds of 4 corners with 10 merkins, 10 jump squats, 5 burpees and 10 WWII situps at the respective corners. Then find a ledge/step for 3 rounds of 20 dips and 20 box jumps/step ups. Mosey a little over a mile back to the lobby area. No need…

2 runners arrived at The Village at Brunswick Forest for a little pre-evacuation run. YHC got the word last night that the coastal beaches Brunswick County North Carolina (where YHC is on vaca at the moment), have to be evacuated starting at noon today. YHC wanted to make sure he got at least one post at the Leland AO’s of F3 Cape Fear YHC arrived at 5:27 to a empty, worried he would be running parking lot repeats. Luckily Lasorda showed up shortly after We put in a little overtime and got in just under 6 miles Good to meet…

6 Warriors of Brunswick County arrived at the OBI pier for some down range fun on Labor Day. This how it went down. Blue Oyster took the Q and mosey us over to the beach. COP – SSH, Windmill (DQ), Cherry Pickers (called something else), Arm Circles (called something else) THANG Blimps – Partner up, first part starts on the exercise while second partner runs about 50 yds and back. Rinse and Repeat. All exerices were 100 reps each. 100 Burpees, 100 Lunges, 100 Imperial Walkers, 100 Merkins, 100 Plank Jacks, 100 Squats Indian Run to the pier Catch Me…

YHC has enjoyed a couple days with family and friends at Wintergreen, and took the opportunity to inject F3 into an otherwise very relaxing mini vaca. The AO was a hike to Pauls Creek Waterslide, and YHC channeled Sippy mojo by completing the workout whilst backpack carrying a very enthusiastic 35lb 2.0 (firstborn) named Penniella Mae, who sang songs & chanted encouraging cheers throughout the 45min workout. Our friends’ two older children were tasked with carrying the F3 deck, and calling out consecutive exercises for the duration of the rocky/steep trail hike – which were as follows: Sprint 200mLow Plank…

YHC went full Clark Griswold yesterday, packing his 15 y.o. twins into the family vehicle for a five hour trek down I-85 for a day of high velocity coaster riding (and maybe ralphing) at the Carowinds amusement park. Park opens at 10:00, leaving plenty of time to find a nearby AO. (They have F3 down here in Charlotte, right?) F3 app reveals an AO a few miles from the hotel in the Fort Mill SC region – F3TheFort – so YHC emerges from the Comfort Inn fartsack at 04:30 this morning to post by 05:15 at The Coop. Southern hospitality…

Okay well let me begin by saying the majority of people at the beach need F3 – they need Swirly ! For the love of god cover yourself – sorry judge not less ye be judged right – I get it – but holy mother of god have some respect for yourself – put it down (whatever it is ) and bang it out baby ……. Woooo!! So here is the deal – first morning running the 2 miles to the pull up bars and benches and 2 miles back to the beach house I see a dude in a…

9 strong Indiana warriors posted to find a Southerner in their PAX at a beat down in Carmel Indiana. YHC has learned a couple new exercises to add to the Lexicon but the beat down was much like a Richmond beat down. Interestingly enough this area just north of Indianapolis is known for its young up and coming hipster population but over half the PAX was respect. I look forward to getting back to my usual AO’s next week.

Mosey from River House to BBALL courts for COP. High steps, skip, Kareoke, and Run backwards. Suicides-Regular, Reverse, Burpee Suicides Mosey to the end of the pier for Dora 1,2,3. 100 merkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 squats. One person performs exercise at end of pier while other runs down the pier, across the beach and back to end of pier. Mosey back to the river house to the kayaks. AYG paddle across river, 15 seconds rest, AYG paddle to duck blind, Rest, AYG paddle back to boat ramp across river, AYG paddle back to river house. Mosey back to BBALL…

With sizable chop, Vinny and his cousin he hasn’t seen in 30 years, safely launched their kayaks for a 45 minute tour of the Corolla seas. No wild horses were spotted and no injuries reported. A stubborn pelican ate in front of us, but never offered to share.

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