Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: DownRange

One PAX sallied forth on an Off the Books, Down Range run. Temps were sunny and 70. Really. Except the sunny part. Route: 1 mile north on boardwalk, reverse, past the starting point, 1.5 miles south, reverse, BTTVSF. 5 total. NMS: Vinny sent this. Golf season is around the corner. Get your wardrobe advice now. https://app.radio.com/G0blVfv4Vdb

YHC joined 5 runners in F3 Grand Strand this morning for a nice run to the beach Route: Start for Horry Count Run Park and head up the trail to onto Robert Grissom Pkwy. The trail then took us to passed the YMCA into a new development. We crossed over Rt 17 then to a side road to get onto 65th Ave N. To 65th Ave to the Oceanfront to turned around came back the same way Got in 5.15 miles this morning. The route was dark for the first 1/3rd of the run and these guys didn’t use headlamps…

1 solo Davillian showed up at F3 Grand Strand’s Wednesday AO The Oyster. YHC found the AO empty at 5:55 (6am start time). After waiting to 6:05 with no signs of a PAX, YHC headed by to his Beach house for the week, grab Grandpa Duke (Father-in-law) who has been YHC’s proctor for the IPC the last couple year when there is no PAX around. We headed back out to the AO (which is a baseball field) and got things started This is how it went down THANG IPC Week 2 – Wheel of Misfortune Place coupon at Shovel Flag. …

YHC is downrange this week in Surfside Beach, SC. First time vacation here. Great news, there are several AO for F3 Grand Strand close by. One AO is less than a 1/2 mile from YHC’s beach house. This is how it went down Warmup: Solo run to the AO to drop off YHC’s bag then head out for a 3.2 mile run THANG So PAX got there early for a 5+ mile ruck Time for #TheOyster1 minute warning, disclaimer 15 SSH IC20 IW IC to look at Rubber’s awesome form and sexy shorts22 Merkins single count cadence Had the men count…

Just a bit down range in the salty town of Chincoteague, the Old Salt rose early for a 5k with the 2.0’s. He tried desperately to wake them, but the appeal of the fart sack was too strong, since they crushed it at the beach yesterday. Undeterred, the Old Salt heads out on his own 5k adventure. The weather was 70 degrees and sunny with just the right amount of oppressive humidity. Rather than continue this awful third person narration, I’ll just say that this is where my head was at: I have an amazing wife and kids! I am…

One PAX sallied forth into the first of several days of vacation in the mountains formerly known as Western Virginia. Dodging the occasional morning walker, YHC relished the sunny and 70 temps while doing: Do Not Even Think of Touching a Tree YHC loves directions. Complicated directions. Today’s workout was dedicated to Fudd, Wilson, and all the other PAX for whom YHC’s directions have proven elusive. Even when done the same way for 4 years. Or, when provided in writing. Today’s workout was simple: a) do it OYO, and 2) make it hard. With some fine print. Directions: Pick a…

The daily workouts on vacation included a 4 mile beach run with 6 rounds of 10 reps – – Pull ups – Incline merkins – Dips ! Beach running sucks on these ole legs but much cooler down there than on the road… Was a quick week but certainly relaxing with way too much ice cream. Look forward to seeing you dudes in the gloom – sucks working out alone…

Brothers, YHC writes to you again from Papua New Guinea, proud to report we now boast a terrific PNG Shovel Flag and have been maintaining a solid three-member PAX (latest addition is “Cinco”, Dr Nathan Mason, father of five). Continuing the Tue/Thur/Sat bootcamps, this morning marked YHC’s 19th Q for F3PNG. It has been nice to start running some Triple Checks now that we’ve consistently had three men attending. While the headlock is steadily applied every day around Station, there seems to be an ongoing reluctance for most to escape the fartsack, or for those who have tasted the pain,…

Guatemala Medical Mission Trip 2019 – After a long clinic day in a remote jungle village, then a harrowing 4×4 trek across flooding rivers (had to tow the van stuck mid-river on one of them), we finally arrived back at the hotel and Seadoo joined YHC to cool off in the pool before dinner. No sooner had we arrived but the heavens opened and we swam a few laps while thick cold rain pelted us from above and drowned out the mumble chatter. YHC suggested a little Dora action might be fun, and Seadoo readily agreed. No sooner had we…

Two PAX once again showed up to meet in the gloom before another day of our Leadership retreat with LMR. Word around the resort is that there was a Wedding Singer sighting. Knowing that this was his anniversary weekend we figured he had good reason not to join the PAX this morning. Congrats Wedding Singer to you and the M on your anniversary. A 4.1 mile run though Kingsmill is not a bad way to start the day. Lots of mumble chatter about our weekend at the retreat and the people we have met. We were both excited to hear…

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