Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Five handsome HIM’s, including brother John “Flint” (downrange from NYC), joined YHC to celebrate Five years of being “Papa”. The following beatdown was delivered in many iterations of FIVE, to honor Penniella Mae “Oreo” on her 5th birthday: The THANG: COP #1: Mosey down to the CulDeSacUsual Tryhard Warmerama, mostly IC, covering all muscle groups, and all PAX nicely warmed/stretched COP #2: LIGHT POLE ALLEY – Completing x5 Broad Jumps at each light pole back up to the ramp, with Bernie Sanders in between COP #3: Ascend the ramp, alternating x5 Bear Crawls (2-ct) with x5 LungesAt the top, partner…

Eight grizzled warriors emerged interrupted their vacations to work off hangovers and get back to business before the New Year. Here are the stories that were told: Mosey to the bridge for the buy in of 10 derkins and 10 dips. Continue mosey to the parking lot for Warmarama. SSH’s, Helis, Dead Man Hang, Merkins, Pickle Pounders, LBC’s. Mosey to the bleachers. THE THANG: Burpee Dora. Partner up for 100 Merkins, 200 Groiners, 300 Jump Squats. Timer runs across field and back. Quarter Pounder – Modified Lady of the Night Style. Mosey to the touch line stop. Run to 1st…

Four studs, representing 945 (now 949) posts this year, assembled for the penultimate workout of 2021. Temperatures were 70 and sunny. According to the Subaru driving ladies using the pavilion, the following likely happened: 5:28 Saab calls Hot Potato 5:30 Launch by running around the Grove side of the school to Saab’s favorite warm-up spot. 5:31 COP. Helicopters, Dead Man Hang, Arm Circles, Russian Soldiers Imperial Walkers, Merkins 5:37 Lindsey. 2 trees up, and one tree back. Merkins and WWIIs. 5:48 Handshake Q. Mosey to corner of Grove and Westmoreland. Handshake reminded the PAX that the “block” has “corners” (and…

YHC was able to post several times in Indiana including my first ever Ruck in the pouring rain, luckily it was a wet 60 degrees that morning (not normal for Indiana in late December). YHC met several new PAX but got to re-connect with some that I’ve come to know on previous trips. I had the M take this pic of a sign that I thought was perfect but I doubt there really is a beatdown that happens in this area of BFE.

Two Wolves (Dos Lobos) posted at Timberwolf to tackle the F3 Card Deck that YHC received for Christmas. Here’s what happened : Warmarama : 20 SSH IC, 10 Russian Soldiers IC, 10 Don Q’s IC, 10 Cherry Pickers IC, 10 Imperial Walkers IC, 10 Merkins IC THE THANG : Mosey to track Pick a card, do the exercise then run a lap. Repeato until time expires. The cards we picked were : 25 Freddie Mercuries, 10 Heels to Heaven, 10 Rosalitas, 100 SSH, Sprint 200 meters, 60 second low plank, 25 Mountain Climbers, 100 Arm Circles, 10 Bonnie Blairs, 25…

Seven stallions saddled up for the latest edition of Sunday Funday. Temps were 70 and sunny. According to the person who winterizes the bubblers for the James River Park System, the following may have happened: Shakedown and TYA ran two loops. UpChuck and everyone else headed south bank, then Buttermilk, then Forest Hill loop. Pigskin got knocked down, but got up again, then joined Hitchhiker to complete 4. The rest completed 7. Numbers, names, TYA took us out.

YHC decided to take the rest of the week off for the Christmas Holiday season and to start the holidays off right headed out to lead this morning’s run. Show up and no one had posted wait to ensure no late comers and had to take a bathroom break, returned, still no sign of anyone, so YHC sets off. This time the route is through the Giles community for a solid 4 mile run, no trails, just different roads, some unpaved but curb and gutter was installed. Had to watch out for the elevated Manholes as it was dark, (Tuesday…

15 men, a few M’s, and several 2.0s converged on Hardywood for a 2nd F opportunity to combine our donations for the clothing and shoe drive yesterday. It was a strong showing that came to discuss leadership, giving, and along the way throw back a few Gingerbread stouts in standard F3 fellowship fashion. The Thang- Show up with donations for the Karatas clothing and Shood shoe drive. Get in line, grab a beer, and enjoy the company of like minded men and their support teams (Ms and 2.0s). Mosey to a table that we couldn’t seem to get long enough…

5 Bootcampers and 2 Road Runners hit SOT this morning. Tobit and Rosetta did track work, not sure on distance but great job! COP – Helicdopters, SShs, DQs, Imperial Walkers, Copperhead Squats Mega Lap – Runner take Lap around school while PAX rotates, 25 Squats, 25 Incline, 25 LBCs, 25 Dips – All PAX must complete a lap. Door Run – Merkins, Freddys, Wall Sits and Burpees, 4 Corners and Sprints Back to Flag Numberama, Namerama, YHC took us out! Way to work men! Duke

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