Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: The Crossing

West End Assembly of God

7 fully awake, no headlamps, wondering if they should bring sunglasses, questioning if they need a map—where are you going? HIMs joined forces for the 1800-hour workout. This isn’t even a sunset workout. Warmarama: Mosey a bit off campus to check out how far the power lines go. Far enough!! Circle up, SSH, Helicopters, Copper Head Squats, Helicopters, Merkins, LBC, WWII. (DTH spidey sense went off, left to go find a couple of stragglers who had no idea there was an off campus)… Triple Check 1:Run to the pole and backSquatsHeals to Heavenx3 Mosey back to the Parking Lot. Eye…

WARMERAMA: Mosey through the back-brush and circle up in the North lot F3 Welcome & Disclaimer to Birdman’s FNG, later named “DaGator”. SSH, Merkins, Plank Stretches COP #1: Wounded Bear Crawl Following the Parking lot curb, we kept Left Hand and Left Foot on the high curb and RH, RF on the asphalt so our Bear Crawl was uneven feeling like a wounded Bear. Switch high side on the way back. COP #2: “Wave of Merkins” (up to 9) Circle up in Plank Position. Creating a Wave and starting with 1 we did a Merkin and passed to the right. Went…

Five warriors who think 70 and Sunny is weak sauce returned to The Crossing to play THE FLOOR IS LAVA. Here’s how the PAX steamed up the molten pavement: The THANG:  WARMERAMA: Mosey loop around the big parking lot and circle up in the shade Welcome & Disclaimer Variable IC Reps to get the muscles warm top to bottom COP #1: DORA 1-2-3 One Team of 2, one of 3 Moving partner(s) shoulders 40lb Ruck to run the upper Annex lot perimeter Stationary partner(s) completes: x100 Merkins x200 Squats x300 LBC’s COP #2: Mosey down to the shaded back brick…

90 in the Shade for our Warmarama at the Crossing tonight with 5 renegades looking for a beat down from Chaplain and Meatball splitting the Q. Mosey to the Portico: SSH, Copperhead Squats, Helicopters, Dead Man Hang, Plank Streches, Merkins, COP #1: Bernie Sanders into Karaokes up and back from the South Corner into 3 Sets of 10LBCs >or + 2 Burpees. COP #2: Indigenous Peoples Murder Gorilla with American Hammers up the Grassy Hill! COP #3: “Compounding Pentagon”; 10 LBCs then 10 LBC +10 Hand Release Merkins, then 10+10+10 Bobby Hurleys, 10+10+10+10 SSH, 10+10+10+10+10 Merkins. Reverso with 10 of…

4 men gathered at WEAG for the latest round of The Crossing. In YHC’s estimation, this is now F3 RVA’s hottest AO……But the PAX were ready to roll nonetheless. Here is a brief summary for your viewing pleasure: Mosey to the front of the church and circle up for Warm Up:Side Straddle Hops, Mummy Kicks, Toe Taps, LBC’s, Pickle Pounders, HR Merkins, Heels to Heaven. Across the parking lot: Karaoke, Mario Jumps, Bernie Sanders, Mummy Bernie’sTo the North side of the Church for Exercise One: 4 Corners around the perimeter of the parking lot with variable movements between stations:Crab Walk…

Seven sweat-loving studs showed up to celebrate Meatball’s 1 year F3-versary, but the poor man being waylaid in a board meeting asked YHC to take the reins. Scorching and 90, we decided a little Ultimate Frisbee in the shade sounded good. So the PAX made a warmerama circuit around the AO grounds and played 35 minutes of 3v4 on a small field with lots of TD’s and a few newbies learning the game very quickly. Meatball joined us for COT and led us out in prayer, with a special word for Slider heading to Florida. Meatball will get on the…

Nine HIM’s embraced The Pain Train Crossing into the netherworld of an unplanned 45minutes with Dr Exicon. With impeccable form, here’s what these masochists conquered: The THANG:  WARMERAMA: Moseyrama the lot and circle up in a shady grass area Welcome & Disclaimer Variable IC Reps to get the muscles warm top to bottom – top notch form highly encouraged COP #1: Mosey to grassy front area Circle up for No Cheat Mericans IC Step to the end of the area for No Cheat Lunges to the other end (both knees hit ground like wrestling practice step-throughs, or more static version…

7 strong men came out to sweat as I dove into my VQ. The day’s sun beating on the asphalt and a quick rain hitting it before the start, setup a great sweatfest to be had. Warmup- Mosey through parking lot to circle up for: SSH, Ukrainian Soldiers, DQ, Arm Circles, Merkins, Shoulder/Knee taps, Mtn Climbers, Flutter Kicks COP #1- Walking lunges to 1st line, 15 merkins, broad jump burpees to 2nd line, 25 american hammers, bear crawl to curb, rinse and repeat x5 COP#2- Indian Run with last man dropping for 5 mtn climbers before sprinting to front. Staying…

A small but determined group of 4 took on the latest edition of The Crossing. With a 6pm start and fresh blacktop – this is quickly becoming F3 RVA’s hottest AO. The following is brief summary for your viewing pleasure Mosey lap around the parking lot, mixing in some side shuffles, bernie sanders, high knees, butt kicks. Circle up for Warm up: Side Straddle Hops, Ukranian Soldiers, Apple Bottom Poppers, Mummy Kicks, Gorilla Humpers, Flutter Kicks, Whatever those situps from Grow Ruck are called. Exercise One: Tunnel of Love – Line up in plank position forming a tunnel like structure,…

Five brothers gathered in the scorching summer sun to conquer something new at The Crossing. After the usual brief moseyrama, disclaimer, and warmerama reps in cadence, the PAX circled back to the upper parking lot where cones marked out a long stretch of (mostly) shady pavement. YHC recited the following verse and explained a new version of the BEAST, resurrected by the power to FORGIVE. Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” (Matthew‬…

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