Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: WDog

Byrd Park

11 strong posted to WDog this morning and here is how it went down. Slaughter start : 10 Burpees COP : SSH’s Cherry Pickers, Helicopters, Windmills, IW’s. – Mossy.. 10 burpees – mossy 10 burpees. Partner up : run up hill to the curb while completing 100 LT Dans, 200 merkins, 300 knees/toes sit ups. Lunge / bear crawl / Russian Solder up the hill – mossy… Rusty Cage  Partner up : 3 sets of 5 – Jerkins – 5 partner dips.  3 sets of 5 chin ups  – mossy…. 6 inches 50 count – mossy… The Scoop : Saabski…

15 super studs went from the bullpen to the mound to come save the day.  It was 70 and sunny from the start.  According to legend it went a little something like this. Long mosey to the front of the Carillon for a COP certified to eliminate mumble chatter. IC: 10 SSH regular, 10 SSH right leg up, 10 SSH left leg up 10 Hand release merkins (HRM), 10 HRM right leg up, 10 HRM left leg up 20 Mark Spitz 20 WWII Situp Aaron Neville Mosey to the rusty cage.  Complete 10 pull ups (any means necessary) then run to…

11 men posted to W Dog this morning with YHC looking to utilize the AO to its fullest. Good to see Sabotage in the gloom this am and Vinny posting after his virgin W Dog workout! 0530…time to mosey. COP- Invisible Jump Rope x 15,  Don Quixote x 10, Copperhead Squat x 15, Freddie Mercury x 15,  LBC x 15. And to keep with tradition, YHC had several  counting moments when Swirly was not sure if the exercise was continuing or ready to halt. And YHC, threw out a few Sloth numbers for Hardywood. Mosey to Byrd Lake for Merkins…

Eight fine gentlemen emerged in the waning gloom for a Splinter led beatdown @ WDog.  Huddle up around the flag while waiting for Hardywood to put his shoes on, then away we went.  It went something like this: Long mosey to the east side of chigger hill for COP: 20x Smurf Jacks 15x Russian Soldiers (or Hillbilly soldiers for one) Typical routine for arm circles forwards and backwards 20x Mountain Climbers 10x WWI situps The Thang Slow saunter over to fountain lake for 10+ minutes of merkins.  Gather at the southeast corner and run to the 1st light post and…

Lockjaw’s 11 came forward for a rare Lockjaw Q of WDog.  Here is what transpired. Mosey to the far large circle in front of the Carillon for COP. Arm Circles Helicopters Don Quixote Hill Billies (J-ville hop optional) SSH Copperhead Squats It’s Valentine’s Day.  Find a date (partner up) and mosey back to the Rusty Cage. 7 pullups, 7 jerkins X 3 times through Mosey to the outdoor stage platform.  Keep a partner faithfully or be a swinger and find a new one for Touch a Tree: Find 1 tree, then 2, then 3 while partner does box cutters.  Switch…

14 RVA regulars and one RVA native but out of towner hit the WDog gloom for a Rosie led beatdown.  The weather was a brisk sunny and 70 so everyone was out of their vehicles early to greet the morning and Obama visiting from SC. THANG Mosey to the first traffic circle for a warmup of:  Hillbilles, 2 burpees, Cotton Pickers, 3 burpees, Moroccan Night Club, 5 burpees, Peter Parker, 7 burpees. Mosey to the other circle for the Golden Triangle – 11 burpees, bearcrawl to Rugby Road, 13 merkins, run downhill to the intersection, 17 Monkey Humpers, run backward…

13 strong posted this morning for WDOG and here is what went down… Mossy : COP: SSH’s, Windmills, IW’s, Merkins, LBC’s, APD’s Short side triple check : Partner 1 –   Polarbear across field – Russian Solder back – Partner 2 – LBC’s – Partner 3 – LT. Dans – repeat 3 times. Rusty Cage : Partner up : 3 sets 7 jerkins – 3 set of 10 burp ups – 3 sets of 5 chin ups Amp Theatre: Partner up – wheelbarrow up to the top – 4 dips each step back down – next partner wheelbarrow back up. Indian…

13 warriors rose to greet the dawn of a new day.  As expected the conditions were mentally perfect with a forecast of 70 and sunny.  According to legend it went a little something like this. COP: Hand Release Merkin (HRM) IC X 10, HRM right leg up X 10, HRM left leg up X 10 Flutter kicks IC X 10 Mark Shitz (flutter kick with arms extended) X 20 WWII Sit Up IC X 20 SSH X 10, SSH Left Leg X 10, SSH Right Leg X 10 Mosey to top of hill Noahs Ark 2 X 2:  Partner up.  One…

14 Strong Posted this morning at WDog for some fun in the snow! COP:  Side straddle Hop x 15 Don Q X 10 Merkins X 10 LBC’s X 15 Mosey to the field… THANG: Partner up for Wheelbarrow rides:  Each team, wheelbarrow to 25, 50, 75 yard lines and endzone (stop at each point and both men perform 10 merkins).  Partners switch, next guy pushes on way back, stop at each point for 10 merkins per man.  Plank up. Suicide 11’s with the BIG CONES (thanks to Kubota for bringing them today!) – Bear Crawl back and forth to cones 1…

YHC Q’d W Dog. Compared to Sunday Funday, this morning was deserving of board shorts and flip flops. 4 SOP!  YHC arrived with Big Blue in place and TYA hopping in back seat for early morning board meeting.   11 regular PAX members arrived for a hump day workout and YHC hoped to not disappoint! Mosey to bricks in front of Carillon for COP: Copperhead Squats X 15, Imperial Walkers X 15, Don Quixotes X 13, Invisible Jump Ropes X 15, LBC X 15, Flutter Kicks X 15, and Merkins X 10. Time to work. Triple Check- Run the Lawn and…

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