Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: WDog

Byrd Park

13 brave men attacked WDOG in the gloom and here is how it went down. COP: Regular Merkins, Right leg high merkins, Left leg high merkins, fist merkins Curb crawl : start on curb  5 decline merkins –  bearcrawl to next curb 5 incline merkins crawl bear back repeat 3 times. Polarbears: polarbear (5 step bearcrawl then merkin) to the center of the circle – crawl polar  bear back – repeat 3 times. Field: On the end line run backwards to the middle of the field – 5 merkins – sprint back to the start 5 merkins – repeat 3…

15 men entered the gloom and this is what happened when they got there: Started off with 25 merkins. Mosey to second circle for COP.  Exercises included Invisible Jumprope, DQs, and Armcircles all IC. Mosey to far side of field to retrieve Holland Family Chiropractic Success Donut from trailer.  Circle up around Success Donut to bear crawl to center of circle and perform 5 Booyah merkins.  Crawl bear back out to perimeter.  Repeat x 3. PAX splits in half and flips tire from line to line.  While 1 PAX flips tire, the rest of the PAX performs called exercises.  Exercises…

12 warriors rose to greet the dawn of a new day.  Dogpile was the final stop for the Cinder Block of Success 2017 Tour.  According to legend, it went a little something like this. Each man grab a Cinder Block of Success (CBOS) and mosey to the circle for a little COP. IC SSH X 20, DQ X 10, ACF X 15, ACR X 15, LBC X 20, FM X 20, M X 10 CBOS Beast Mosey to field in front of the Carillon for a little Beast action.  For those unfamiliar with the Beast this exercise breaks down like…

10 Faithful Friends arrived at Wdog for a beatdown; several had checked the Q sign-up sheet.( which can be checked here Q sign-up ) THE THANG 10 Burpees 11 Burpess Run to Boatlake Light Pole to Light pole 7x LBC’s 9x Box Cutter’s to half way, reverse run, with 7x Squat’s 9x Lt Dans. Mosey to Tennis Courts Suicides on the lines, with reverse back. 10 Burpees Run back to Shovel Flag 11 Burpees COT Moleskin TYA noticed YHC was the Q yesterday, asked what YHC had in mind; he suggested Burpees. Occasionally, the Q will take requests, but always…

16 strong warriors posted in the gloom to WDOG and here is how it all went down. Mossy to the Jacob’s ladder bowl for warm up = IW’s, Helicopters, Windmills, AC’s, SSH’s, APD’s, LBC’s. Love Hill : Partner up – run from the sign to the gate – 3 exercises = polar bears, LT. Dan’s, Russian Solder’s Amp Theatre: 1st step =   1 dip 1 incline merkin – 2nd step 2 dips 2 incline merkins – 3rd step 3 dips 3 incline merkins then 3 burpees . repeat 6 times to the top of the steps. Pole Smoker Indian Run…

A hearty group of 15 showed on a beautiful 73 degree morning for the next installment of Tuckahoe Takeover.  The City had rolled out the red carpet by mowing the fields.  With my collar dutifully popped on my pink polo shirt, we ran into the gloom.  Here’s what went down: COP 22 SSH 10 Don Quixote 10/5 arm circles, reverso 11 imperial walkers 35 lbcs on your own. Mosey to the field in front of the Carillon for a Lucky Horseshoe Lap 1: merkins x 20 Lap 2: merkins x 20, squats x 20 Lap 3: merkins x20, Squats…

A lucky number 13 warriors of the gloom (some of whom knew what they were getting) broke free from the blissful comfort of the warm sack and posted at W-Dog for a Hump Day beatdown that was an old faithful that has just not graced W-Dog yet….it was an Old Glory. After a brief introduction, YHC grabbed Old Glory, illuminated his headlamp and headed towards the road and down towards the bridge.  We hooked a right on Pump House Rd. and ran around the back of the AO and up the hill to the field in front of the Carillon…

21 brave men gathered in the misty fog for a little bit different WDog beatdown.  The workout went something like this: Mosey to the far circle for: COP: Helicopters, DQ, Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles, Merkins. Sippy Cup Crawl.  Bear crawl to sippy cup in center of circle, 5 merkins, Crawl Bear back, 5 merkins  Repeat with crab walks and military crawls. Mosey to the stage for ladder #1.  Squat jacks.  10, 20, 30, 40 seconds of squat jacks with a 15 sec rest between, then 50 seconds of Burpees, followed by 40,30,20,10 of squat jacks. Mosey to the rusty cage…

Eighteen strong battled off the fear of showers to post for what they thought was to be a Lab Rat Q.  Three from the Tuckahoe nano-region conspired and planted the Ghost Flag promptly at 5:27.  Splinter commandeered the Q and, after verifying Lab Rat was ready, promptly departed @ 5:30.  Mosey to the semi-lit area to the south of the Carillon for COP. COP SSH x20 Don Quixote x10 Arm Circles 10x 5x, forward and backward Copperhead Squats x15 Merkins x10 Flutter Kicks x10 The Thang Quick mosey to the wooden stage for a variation of touch a tree.  Partner…

17 strong attacked WDOG this morning and here is what was playing in the theatre …. COP: 10 burpees, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Helicopters,  Russian Solders, Flutter Kicks, APD’s, Arm Circles, SSH’s. Up the steps: Incline merkin Ladder 1-18 Down the steps : Dips ladder 18-1 Dora : Partner 1 run out and around the theatre back to the bottom  – partner 2 start the first  exercise – 100 Captain Thor’s  – 2nd exercise 200 knees – toes sit ups, 3rd exercise 300 LBC’s. Ring of Fire : 10 clerkins 10 workins each – around the horn.. Mossy back to the…

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