Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: WDog

Byrd Park

Hitchhiker pointed out the YHC only Q’s with games of chance. YHC likes games of chance because if it sucks, then YHC can just blame it on luck. The weather people said hot and muggy but it was sunny and 70 and with no humidity. A mighty four were present which made YHC happy because that meant YHC didn’t have to modify a carefully planned partner workout game of chance! This is how it went down. Warmup/CoP In an effort to become more limber and due to the groans that were getting louder as 0530 rolled closer, YHC decided on…

Six PAX posted to WDog, and the dude in the dreadlock cap holding the pink dogwood down so it wouldn’t fly away (pictured above, on the left) claims he saw something like this: The THANG: COP with SSHs, IWs, DQs, APDs, American Hammers, Merkins IC. 41.67% of a Robbie Miller WOD workout (minus the rucking, too): Coupons were arranged at the end of the field. PAX performed 6 Burpees, each time jumping over the coupon. Then 6 4-count Mountain Climbers. Then 6 Coupon Get Ups. Mosey to the rusty cage for 6 Pull Ups. End of Round 1. PAX completed…

YHC has been called a one trick pony when it comes leading a workout – while that is somewhat true, one trick on repeat builds strength. Another warning shot across the bow was sent and eight unsuspecting pull-up enthusiasts showed up for a surprisingly cool summer morning to improve on that MURPH time. It went down like this… no stretching no nothing just roll right into the first mile run down back behind pump house and around to the rusty cage. YHC has committed to mapping out another flatter route for next time. Upon arrival at the rusty cage all…

6 studs gathered for a perfect WDog morning. YHC rolled in at 5:29 with a winkie and the bright shoes. Everyone was thankful for the low humidity and with a little mumble chatter we set off for the circle. Warmup: 10x SSH, ~DMH, 10x DQ, 10x Russian soldier, 10x IW and mosey to the stage. The Wall: PAX SSH’s as a group. Every 5x a man starts to Polar Bear up the wall beside the amphitheater, breaking halfway for 20x MH’s, then continuing to the top. Big boy sit ups for the six. Reverse down the wall with 2x BBS…

With Swirly emasculated by a small dog who demands his attention and Shiplap nowhere to be seen, only 4 of us gathered in the humid gloom of WDog. No Q was on the sheet, so Bodos grabbed the potato and off we went. COP in the Amphitheater: various stretches! Dora: 100 Box Jumps, 200 Incline Merkins, 300 2x Flutterkicks. Partner runs the rim of the amphitheater. Hot potato passed to Faceplant, who ran us down to the bottom of Love Hill. Burpback Mtn: A terrible routine in which one partner performs burpees while the other partner runs halfway up the…

6 strong posted for WDOG this morning and here is how it went down. Mossy – warm up on the stage – lot’s of good stretching ! Rusty Cage : 3 sets 5 pull ups 5 merkins 5 squats – repeat with chin ups – 3 sets 5 jerkins feet on ground BODO’s style 5 jerkins legs on the bar. Block work ; 3 sets 10 American hammers – 10 bench press – 10 straight jacket sit ups. Oyster takes the Q : It must be groundhog day Rusty Cage Triple check – dips – incline merkins run to the…

The drugs are finally kicking in as YHC starts to write this… YHC’s muscles are very soar… Also thanks for humoring YHC this morning gentlemen for a fine workout! YHC had done a preliminary warning shot across the bow on el Slacko but some of the less internet tech savvy non Slack users missed the warning and unfortunately showed up, sorry guys. Weather man said humid and humid it was, welcome to the summer folks. COP, well there really wasn’t a COP since we got right on it for our 1 mile run so we could finish all the rounds…

5 Davillians and 5 Richmond Proper’s arrived ready for YHC’s Day 2 Q This how it went down mosey over to the traffic circle COP (ALL IC) – SSH, DQ, Hillbillies, LBC’s, Heels to Heaven, HRM’s, Arm Circles THANG Amphitheater Sets – Starting at the bottom we completed 5 V-Ups on each row then went back down completing 5 Incline Merkins on each row Rusty Cage – 5 Pull-ups, 5 Dips, and 5 Jerkins. Rinse and Repeat with sets of 10 and 15 Touch a Tree – Partner up, one partner runs and touches 5 trees while other partner completes…

6 beasts showed up to W Dog on a crisp, but sunny and 70 degree morning ready to show the Seal Team that Dogwood Dell is F3 territory. Here is what is said to have happened… COP Dead Man Hang x 10, Arm Circles x10, Helicopters x10, SSH x10 Grab a Coupon and Mosey on over to Hitchhiker’s Triangle 2 rounds all with the coupon, increase reps by 5 on 2nd go around Lunges to Stop Sign 10 Merkins Down the hill, 15 Shoulder Press Up the Hill, 20 (2) count Flutter Kicks Mosey to the Penny Stage for Triple…

8 brave men came to WDog for the beatdown. YHC started off his routine route heading toward the pump house. THC mosey to Boulevard Bridge toll. COP: Deadmen hang x10, armcircle x10, DQ x10, Imperial walker x10, helicopter x10, LBC x10, American hammers x10 Exercise #1 Run to the other side of the Nickel bridge with 3 merkins, 3 WWII, and 3 burpees at each light post. Run back to the toll with 5 jump squirt and 10 flutter kicks Exercise #2 Mosey back to the flag through the Love hill. Thanks to Oyster for taking us out. Prayers are…

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