Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: The Creek

19 fighters parachuted into the parking lot this morning in order to engage in a beatdown together. The side bumps & laughter were interrupted by the call to arms and then into the workout that went something like this… Mosey to across the field to the far corner and back. COP (all IC) – 50 SSHs, 5 merkins, 20 imperial walkers, 5 werkins, 20 LBCs, 65 SSHs, 5 merkins, 10 don quixotes, 5 werkins, 20 copperhead squats, 5 merkins, arm circles, 50 SSHs Mosey to the pavilion and find a table. Crush It! 5 Skullcrushers one way / Turn / 5 Skullcrushers…

Several late PAX members rolled in right at 5:30a. HPC started the workout as the last door opened. Mosey around the church. STOP! Pirates! – 6 Burpees on the way commemorating the 6 years Patrick spent in slavery after being captured by YHCrish pirates. Continue to parking lot near pavilion. COP St Pat’s day is always the 17, so: 17x SSH 17x LBC 17x Copperhead Squats 17x Hillbillies 17x Leprechaun Jacks! (crowd favorite) Due to the fact that Patrick lived 1600 years ago, some of the facts may be lore or symbolic.  There is a legend that he chased all…

15 PAX showed up to make it happen at The Creek in the gloom.  Too many stayed in the fart sack for such a tolerable morning temp.  Wild Thing succumed to peer pressure from Mud Face and The Carpenter (who never showed due to shame at uVA’s loss) and took on his VQ. Carmen San Diego showed up from afar to support Gumbo who was the original Q.  No Gumbo for Carmen San Diego but he joined in none-the-less. Workout went as follows: Mosey to side lot and circle up.  60 SSH’s on Abacus’ cadence, 60 LBC’s on Hardywood’s cadence,…

13 Northerners and 1 West Ender came out on this brisk Friday morning for a Hot Potato Q at the Creek. This is how it went down: Mosey around the church to pick up any LIFO’s THANG COP SSH Hillbillies Dolly’s Merkins Arm Circle 4 Corners – (Spit’s Q) 1st Corner – 25 Burpees (Lunges to the next corner) 2nd Corner – 50 2 count Mtn Climbers (Run to the next corner) 3rd Corner – 75 Merkins (Lunges to the next corner) 4 Corner – 100 LBC’s 6 inches until under PAX completes all exercises Mosey to the side parking…

15 PAX enjoyed a blistering 53-degree wake-up call Friday 2/24 5:30am at “The Creek” New Highland Baptist Church parking lot in DaVille. From ages 8 to 60, the men endured a double-Q, divided strategically between 1) an accountant and 2) a slimy sales/marketing entrepreneur -for maximum torture and muscle confusion. Yard Sale took the Q: Warm-O-Rama: Side Straddle Hops X 50 (IC) Arm Circles X 20 (IC) Merkins X 20 (IC) LBCs X 20 (IC) Don Quixotes X 20 (IC) The Thang: Church Run Partner Up One partner merkins while other partner runs around the church and relieves first partner…

11 fighters descended into The Creek this morning (10 regulars and Flipper from deep Goochland) for a beat down worthy of a true fighter. The shovel flag was planted and the PAX went to work. If you could climb up the bell tower (cell tower that looks like a bell tower) then you would have looked down and watched this happen… Mosey around the church building in one direction and then reverse direction until the landing at the COP. COP 5 SSHs IC, 10 burpees on your own, 20 Imperial Walkers IC, 20 Copperhead squats IC, 20 Don Quixotes IC,…

14 eager and somewhat feisty PAX members showed up on a cold Friday morning for their beatdown.  This is what transpired… Semi-long Mosey around the church and the big field, back to parking lot for opening circle frivolity. YHC thinks these numbers are accurate.  There is no way to know for sure, though, since Abacus was in the fartsack. SSH x 30,  Smurf Jacks X20, Crunchy Frogs X18,   LBC’s x25 Rotating Merkins X25,    Plank Jacks X30 Red Bull Smurf Jacks X20 (Ouch) Booyah Merkin Mixer — Bear Crawl to a friend, do 7 Boo yah merkins with them,…

19 F3 RVA men fought off the fartsack, into a 70 and sunny version of The Creek.  Here is what went down: Mosey around church for COP. Exercises included: Invisible jump rope x 46 IC, Arm circles 4 big and 6 small IC, LBCs x 46 IC, 46 burpees OYO. Descending curb crawl:  Bear crawl between curbs across church parking lot and perform 10 merkins, bear crawl back 9 merkins.  Repeato until perform 1 merkin.  (Q audibled at 5 merkins to move on to next exercise) Partner up for DORA 146, 246, 346.  One partner runs around church building while…

A Pax of 14 showed up for Guppies virgin Q at The Creek.  At first, Guppy and Abacus were anxious that no one would show as there was only one car in the parking lot at 6:25.  But we start at 6:30 and not at 6:25. This is what transpired: Mosey to the side parking lot COP X27 SSHs X54 LBCs X27 Imperial Walkers X54 LBCs X10 / 5 / 10 / 5 Arm Circles THANG Guppy, being a runner, put together a Q that mixed some of his favorite exercises with some running. The run took us through Forest Lake…

23 fighters arrived on the scene to be inaugurated into a beat down that was well worth the alarm clock and pain. The shovel flag was planted, fist bumps were exchanged, side bumps were given and this is how it went down… Mosey around the church building to get the blood flowing. The PAX circled up to get inaugurated and we launched into the morning’s work. COP – The first “100 Days” Warmup All IC – 100 SSHs, 20 Imperial Walkers, 20 Mountain Climbers, 20 Copperhead Squats, 20 Don Quixote, 20 Hillbillies Get To Work, F3 PAX… Partner up – One…

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