23 fighters arrived on the scene to be inaugurated into a beat down that was well worth the alarm clock and pain. The shovel flag was planted, fist bumps were exchanged, side bumps were given and this is how it went down…
Mosey around the church building to get the blood flowing. The PAX circled up to get inaugurated and we launched into the morning’s work.
COP – The first “100 Days” Warmup
All IC – 100 SSHs, 20 Imperial Walkers, 20 Mountain Climbers, 20 Copperhead Squats, 20 Don Quixote, 20 Hillbillies
Get To Work, F3 PAX…
Partner up – One set ran to the far side of the parking lot.
Each group did the following: 50 LBCs, Broad jump burpees to the middle of the parking lot, lunges to the far side of the parking lot, 50 LBCs and plank up. Repeat going the other way.
Bipartisan Beat Down
Meet in the middle of the parking lot and then do 100 LBCs, Bear crawl to the far side of the parking lot, 100 LBCs and plank up.
Leadership in the Dark
Mosey to the field. Find your partner in the dark and get to work. 200 merkins total. One partner did the merkins while the other ran across the field to the road and back. Continued until all 200 merkins done. LBCs until everyone was finished.
Bipartisan Repeat
Mosey back to the parking lot and meet in the middle. Do 50 LBCs, Crab crawl to the far side of the parking lot, 50 LBCs. Continue to do LBCs until everyone finished.
100 Day Finish Line
Mosey to the flag. 100 SSHs IC…
Numberama, Namerama, Announcements.
Psycho took us out.
There is only one January 20th, 2017 and today is inauguration day. This day called for some perspiration from the PAX – some “inauguration perspiration.”
As is always the case, The Creek’s parking lot was buzzing by 5:20 am. Some of the PAX have bought into the intense side bumps that greet guys as they roll out of their cars. Nobody got hurt today but we can’t promise that in the future…
23 guys ranging from age 8 to age 60 launched out into the workout with reckless abandon. The YHC wanted to find a new warmup location since we have been settling into the same location. We blazed a trail through the normal spots and circled the church building.
We circled up and the stragglers make there way to team. YHC shared how it was inauguration day – OUR inauguration day. He said, “Repeat after me using your F3 name… I, <insert name here>, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of the F3 PAX and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the right to receive a F3 BEAT DOWN!” He followed up with, “you have been inaugurated. Now it is time for your first 100 days. 100 days of PAIN!”
The PAX got right to work with YHC’s favorite discipline of the 100 SSHs. The Creek and Daville are growing in strength with this fun-filled adventure of SSHs. Emoji kept trying to throw everyone off by yelling out numbers that were way ahead of the pace (e.g. yelling 39 when we were at 9 or 99 when we were at 49). This has become an Emoji special. The rest of the workout included exercises of 100 or sets that added up to 100.
YHC demo’d a broad jump burpee and Abacus seemed to be impressed with the broad jump. Abacus is not easily impressed. Chow-DAH chimed in and said that it must be the year of the FROG in the Chinese calendar. (Note: YHC is 51% Chinese. He is technically 1/3 Chinese according to his middle school friends in Jersey because he was good in math, horrible in ping pong and never took karate – that description probably wouldn’t fly in our culture today but it is still true).
The transition from the parking lot to the field always messes everyone up because it is pitch dark. The change from the bright parking lot lights to nothing causes an unpredictable vertigo-like response that can mess with the senses. That provides a perfect opportunity to trick the body even more! The PAX ran through the field in the dark and YHC witnessed numerous near collisions. Beautiful.
The PAX rolled back toward the parking lot and YHC had a slower ending in mind before Abacus or someone who sounded like Abacus said something like, “Really? Already? That’s it…” That prompted YHC to run back another set of the parking lot exercise with the crab crawl. It was quite a scene to see 23 men take off across the parking lot like a bunch of scared crabs in a Maryland crab hunt (whatever that means).
The final set of 100 SSHs was not greeted with enthusiasm. YHC was wondering if this would break the crew but everyone pushed hard to the end.
The old adage, “The workouts do not get easier BUT you will get stronger” undergirded today’s fun fest at The Creek.
A final highlight came when we brought it in. We huddled up and stood there awkwardly for 10 seconds. Everyone looked up and YHC said, “Look around. Look at us. We are crazy enough to do this and we are better for it. This is a gift. Now, go and find at least one other man who needs to get out of the fart sack and have his sad clown syndrome killed at the root!” Psycho took us out with a bold prayer and we all launched into our day.
It is an honor to have lead this crew of fighters this morning. We all are facing life’s challenges. The good news is that we do not have to face them ALONE. We have God’s help if we look to Him and we have one another for support, encouragement and accountability. Let’s keep it rolling!
The Carpenter
Awesome beatdown and theme as always Carpenter. I knew 100 SSH were in order before we even got started! Can’t say I was fan of the second set at the end.
Welcome to Bam Bam! Hope to see you out at DaVille on Tuesday!
I think we have to remind Opus how we count in Mechanicsville. I heard a lot of whole numbers being said by him while IC. 🙂
Hope to see a good showing at CSAUP tomorrow from the DaVille PAX!!
The second set of SSHs was a stretch but it definitely took us out of our comfort zone (again).
Strong showing today. My calves will remember this workout for days to come. The body was shocked by the happenings at The Creek this morning. We are now on our way to making our bodies great again!
Glad I came this morning — ready for the SSH’s because it’s a Carpenter workout — was not ready for the second set though. Convinced we need to have another Merkin challenge soon — I was slogging my way through those this morning! Thanks for the amazing beat down this AM. Seize the day, gentlemen!
Rep’ing DaVille in the RVA studios today!
Listen to F3RVA Podcast 6 by N_Bollen #np on #SoundCloud