Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Crush It!


19 fighters parachuted into the parking lot this morning in order to engage in a beatdown together. The side bumps & laughter were interrupted by the call to arms and then into the workout that went something like this…

Mosey to across the field to the far corner and back.

COP (all IC) – 50 SSHs, 5 merkins, 20 imperial walkers, 5 werkins, 20 LBCs, 65 SSHs, 5 merkins, 10 don quixotes, 5 werkins, 20 copperhead squats, 5 merkins, arm circles, 50 SSHs

Mosey to the pavilion and find a table.

Crush It!

  • 5 Skullcrushers one way / Turn / 5 Skullcrushers looking the other way
  • 5 Derkins IC
  • 10 Skullcrushers one way / Turn / 10 Skullcrushers looking the other way
  • 5 Dips IC
  • 15 Skullcrushers one way / Turn / 15 Skullcrushers looking the other way
  • 5 Incline Merkins IC
  • Run around the edge of the field

Repeat… then bear crawl around the pavilion

Repeat… then 50 SSHs

Mosey to the front corner of the church building.

Four corners. 5 burpees and then run around the building while stopping at each corner and do 5 burpees.

50 SSHs to finish.

Numberama, Namerama, Tea Party took us out.


The one-year anniversary party continued this morning as YHC took the Q at The Creek with the intention of dishing out 365 SSHs (one for every day of the year). Some of the PAX had egged him on via text the night before so he came ready to make them work.

The theme of the workout came from our brothers in Houston when I posted there a few weeks ago. Cruiser (61 years young) crushed us with a ton of skullcrushers in the Texas humidity that morning. I thought that I could bring a gift from Texas to Virginia this morning.

The PAX was lively and ready with a few minutes before launching in. A rousing ovation exploded when Erwin Padilla (FNG – Dory) stepped out of his car. Dory had posted to the Third F at The Shining the day earlier and took the challenge of rejecting isolation to heart.

The COP started with the predictable SSHs. The first set went well but the subsequent sets were not welcomed with enthusiasm. YHC heard more groans than ever this morning.

The skullcrushers on the table benches under the pavilion provided a new challenge. YHC had some counting issues and feared being renamed Abacus the Second. Wheelie’s face broke into widespread confusion when he went beyond the stated 5 at the start. YHC corrected the problem.

The bear crawl around the pavilion was a lot shorter than going around the entire church building. YHC kept everyone moving and the PAX demonstrated a fighting spirit throughout. The workout ended with 50 SSHs and we finished with 265 total (100 short of the 365 goal). There will be another time for the full 365…

YHC is constantly in awe of looking around the circle at The Creek and seeing multiple eight-year olds, a twelve year old, high school students, college students and then men from every decade up to the 60s. Every age is teaming together to get stronger and attack the Sad Clown Syndrome that wars against our hearts and seeks to pull us toward mediocrity. I know for certain that I am a different man because of the disciplined step of denying myself to join up with this F3 band of brothers in the gloom.

I can’t wait to roll into Dogpile and Q there for the first time tomorrow…

The Carpenter


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  1. Sorry I had to miss it could have round out the group to an even 20! I will finally be back in full force tomorrow for your DogPile VQ!!

  2. 19 strong, nice work! No idea what a Skullcrusher is, can we try those out at Dogpile?

  3. The Carpenter on

    I’ll see if I can work them in. The idea came from the Q in Houston when I was there a few weeks ago. The Q increased the rate until we almost passed out. It was awesome!!

  4. Enjoyed seeing the Creek crew again. Thanks for a great workout and mixing it up a bit, TC. Sorry to miss tomorrow. Will be thinking of you all.

  5. Skull crushers are a beat down that will spread to the corners of the US. KaBOOM! TC, I am proud to call you my friend. Last year, there was maybe, and I really mean maybe, one person I would feel comfortable calling at 2am. That list has expanded. Death to the sad clown!