Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: DaVille


The Thang: Built on isaish 45:18 “For the Lord is God, and he created the heavens and earth and put everything in its place.  He made the world to be lived in, not to be a place of empty chaos.  “I am the Lord,”  he says, “and there is no other.” And Ephesians 1:10 “And this is the plan: At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ – everything in heaven and on earth.” Ten strong men woke up early and came to challenge complacency and obliterate mediocrity.  C’MON is our battle cry: Confronting…

15 Native PAX members showed up for a fun and frolicking good time at Daville! Here is what went down: COP Hillbillies Arm Circles Flutter Kicks dollys Rock Em Sock Em Robots Jump Squat Plank Jack Roll Ups Longish Mosey to Hill near the Gate Doras — One partner does Broad Jump Burpees up hill, run down hill.  100 ww2 situps, 200 merkins (modified to 175), 300 SSH (1 count) Say good-bye to the hill by running up and down three times as fast as possible.  Wheelie did not fall down the hill for the first time ever.  Props and…

Eleven locals stepped onto the grounds of Atlee High School for beautiful and humid Tuesday beatdown.  YHC had an unrealistic goal of what could be accomplished during the 45 minutes.  This is what occurred: COP – All IC SSH Don Quijotes Arm Circles – 10 big, 5 small, reverso Backwards lunge with front kick Merkins LBCs Friddie Mercuries Mosey to the Chickahominy football field Triple Sprints – Split into groups of 3.  Two members stays on one side of field.  The other person goes to the other side.  One person sprints, tags the other member and then does 5 burpees.  The other…

11 Northerners climb out of their fart sacks (some earlier than others) to take part in another addition of YHC’s Q Week! This how it went down!! Mosey to the front of the HS COP (All IC) SSH Copperhead Squats WWII Sit-ups Gas Pump Merkins Arm Circles THANG Mosey to the bus loop 4 Corners 2 Laps where completed with the following: 1st corner – Merkins x20 2nd corner – Mtn Climbers (2 count) x20 3rd corner – Dips x20 4th corner – WWII Sit-ups x20 Mosey to the road next to the teacher’s lot Victory Road At each light…

18 PAX members showed up on a glorious morning to better themselves and hopefully not hurt themselves.  Here is how it went down… Mosey to Circle of pain, but wait, no… it’s a detour to the Atlee wall first to do a Donkey Kick-Off. (This one is going up to the exicon).  5 Donkey kicks, on the fifth one hold feet on the wall for 5 seconds.  Then, up it to 10 donkey kicks and 10 second hold.  Then 15 and then 20. Now to the COP… IJR Arm Circles Mountain Climbers Werkins Copperhead Squats Heels to Heaven Crabcakes Plank…

It’s May!  It’s 42 degrees!!  What is going on?  18 Pax members stepped onto the grounds of Atlee High School for the beatdown that was getting ready to occur.  This is how it went: COP:  SSH, Don Quixotes, Arm Circles, LBCs, Merkins. Mosey to the Soccer Field.  Begin Phonics’s Least Favorite Things.  4 corners:  Richard Kimbles, Burpees, Merkins, WWII Situps.  The PAX completed two laps.  Instead of having a number of each exercise, the PAX moved to the next corner when the Q announced to move.  This allowed the PAX to move from corner to corner today. Mosey to the…

An even 10 posted to DaVille this morning, the weather was here, wish you were beautiful.  Spit and Opus planted the flags this morning while the Q assembled his shoes.  Bonus flag courtesy of Bleeder had the F3 banner flying today.  More on that in a bit. -Parking lot tracers (of course) -COT SSH DQ IW arm circles merkins (form focused) LBC -BEAST WW2 situps merkins burpees Mountain Climbers Carolina Dry Docks WW2 situps -BEAST RELAY Pax split into 2 teams of 5 and perform same as above (minus the 2nd set of situps).  Next guy leaves when guy in…

7 Hungry PAX Members woke up from their winter naps to post on this wet but sunny and 70 morning for the Spring edition of “Old Glory” in DaVille THANG Old Glory 1 mile run in front of the schools, across the school bus parking lot to the track and around to the back side of the school to the field next to the HS teacher’s lot. Complete as many laps in 30 minutes with the follow exercises: 1st Corner – 20 Merkins 2nd Corner – 20 Jump Squarts 3rd Corner – 20 Burpees 4th Corner – 20 WWII Sit ups Mosey Fun Run…

15 men climbed out of the fartsack to greet a perfect morning for a beatdown.  This is what we did: Mosey to soccer field behind AHS for COP.  Exercises included : SSH x 1 IC (for The Carpenter who is traveling this week), Invisible Jump Rope x 20 IC, LBCs x 25 IC, Up Downs x 10, Merkins x 5 IC, Right handed Annie x 10 IC, Left handed Annie x 10 IC. Mosey to sidewalk beside parking lot for Indian Run Style Pole Smokers.  Pax member performs polesmokers x 7 and runs to end of line.  Repeato until all…

Another workout for the books.  A bunch of old guys worked out.  It was so great, we should all write about it. Post your impression of the workout here.  Be nice, and remember…… Whenever you are resting, someone somewhere is practicing.  And when you meet her, she will beat you. Namaste, M. Lab Rat

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