15 Native PAX members showed up for a fun and frolicking good time at Daville!
Here is what went down:
Arm Circles
Flutter Kicks
Rock Em Sock Em Robots
Jump Squat
Plank Jack
Roll Ups
Longish Mosey to Hill near the Gate
Doras — One partner does Broad Jump Burpees up hill, run down hill. 100 ww2 situps, 200 merkins (modified to 175), 300 SSH (1 count)
Say good-bye to the hill by running up and down three times as fast as possible. Wheelie did not fall down the hill for the first time ever. Props and T-Claps.
Indian Run back to wall for donkey kick fun
2 donkeys, touch 1 tree
4 donkeys, touch 2 trees
6 donkeys, touch 3 trees
Some of the PAX made it up to 8 before YHC realized what time it was and had to scurry the group back to the flag.
Numberama, Nameorama, Announcements, Chowdah took us out this morning.
YHC has not quite gotten the hang of how long something will take for a certain PAX. Sometimes, there is not enough stuff and some scrambling occurs. This morning, there was way too much stuff and massive cutting and splicing took place. The original title of this Backblast was supposed to be “What the Hill?” — YHC had two more adventures with the hill planned, but realized that time was not on our side because the daggone DORA’s took much longer than I thought they would. No worries, I will be Q’ing again at Daville soon enough!! 🙂
Yardsale mentioned that the PAX should have a Shovel Flag making/ tasty brew drinking night at someone’s house. YHC concurs. Who is up for having some guys over to make that happen?
Fudd’s house this Saturday. Not sure the time or how to get there. Check the Pre-Blast for more info.
Have a blessed takeover week!
I assume that Yard Sale is calling me out?!? If so, I accept. If not, I still accept. I have a little trip coming up though. Let me know what day ya’ll are thinking.
Great job Opus!! Sorry have missed this morning. I don’t need a SF but am always up for a little 2nd F time!!
Glad to see some many PAX members back again!
See y’all in the gloom!
ohhh, so sorry I missed it. Sounds like an excellent beat down this morning. Definitely up for a 2nd F gathering!
When are you gone for your trip?
I am good most evenings after school lets out.
Why? You going to rob me? (the “wet bandits” strike again)
June 15-22
That is a beast of a workout, Opus! I took a road trip down to No Toll to support Lab Rat in the DaVille take-over. You dished out some serious pain this morning in DaVille and held serve well on the home front as many of us branched out to take over the other AOs.
Another merciless Q by Opus. Loved it! Maybe the next CSAUP could be an Opus Q with no time limit. I bet that would be legendary. Kudos to No Idea and LP for gutting it out today; admirable resolve!
I don’t want that much pressure on me! I never feel like my workouts are hard enough for you guys!