Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Bermuda Triangle

Goyne Park

7 High Impact Men ready for the day. Ready for some Burpees, Ready for this sun to rise. Where you at Sun? Let’s go!!! Warmarama: Mosey to the back parking lot, SSH, Arm Circles, DQ, Cherry Pickers, Merkins, LBC, Flutter Kicks. The Thang: Round 1 – Eye of the Storm – Chester edition5 BurpeesCorner 1: KB Swings x 20**5 BurpeesCorner 2: Heals to Heaven x 205 BurpeesCorner 3: KB Sumo Squats x 20**5 BurpeesCorner 4: SSH x 405 Burpees** if one of the PAX beats you to Corner 1 and/or Corner 3 – Extra Burpee and hold plank until they…

Started with the quick mosey to the BBall court. WARMARAMA: circled up for my introduction. SSH’s, Ukrainian sliders, grass grabbers. Around the perimeter of the basketball court we started on the long side with lunges, then broad jump burpees, Mario hops, finished our lap with bear crawl. From there we mosied over to the entry way polls for some pole smokers and pole dancers. Quick stroll around the cow pasture to the Pavillion for some dips, incline merkins and decline merkins. At this point someone thought it would be a good idea to call 21’s with burpees and WW2. This…

9 HIM’S set sail in the treacherous waters to the Bermuda Triangle. I have made 26 posts with no rain so what better than washout VQ. WARMARAMA: Mosey to the basketball court for my welcome and disclaimer. Some fast counts, some slow counts, and some missed counts. Helicopters, Don Quixotes, Ukrainian Soliders, Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Walkers. From there was a mosey to the football field for some 4 corners. 10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 pole smokers, and 40 squats. Leaving the field we curb crawled our way to the hill by the parking lot. Bernie up the hill and…

3 HIMs made it out for the latest edition of the Bermuda Triangle. It was slightly less uncomfortable than it’s been the last few days but still 70 and sunny. Started out with a long mosey around the parking lot then back for a standard warmarama. Next for another long mosey to the field that for today will be known as the Coupon Cowpasture. We ran the perimeter of the field and it measured out to .22 miles. Next we went out behind the shed for the coupons. Let’s just say there were lots of triple checks including the following…

4 brave Gents beat the heat to explore what the Goyne has to offer. No law enforcement had to be called for the random guy rifle carrying a sledge hanger through the neighborhood. Quick water break halfway through, then on to the plastic frisbee wanna be golf course. We made it back to the jungle gym for dips, pull ups, jerkins, and a quick mosey BTTF. 2.5 miles to start the morning off.

The four man crew started with a quick warmup: side straddle hops, arm rotations, merkins, and WWII. The workout consisted of 20 Squats, bear crawl up hill, 20 merkins, 100m dash, 20 Carolina dry docks, crab walk down hill, 20 WWII, Berny sander 100m, indigenous run w/ shoulder taps, WWII, and squat’s repeat all 3X. Sets of dips, step ups, wide arm merkin, and elevated merkins.

5 gloom stallions assembled at Goyne Park for a guest Q of Bermuda Triangle, courtesy of the summer tour. With State Farm gushing about feeling some Wildcat love in his chesticles, here’s the latest and greatest brand new Q material from yours truly: The THANG:  WARMERAMA: Mosey up to the entrance field and circle up Welcome & Disclaimer Variable IC Reps to get the muscles warm top to bottom COP #1: Mosey to the Football Field for the BERMUDA BEAST Total of 7 stops including field-end with x7 reps of each exercise at each stop B – Burpees E -…

5 of the Bermuda boys came out to play in the gloom! Welcoming back Broadway Warmups: Side Stadlle Hops Don Q’s Helicopters LBC’s To the newly discovered tennis courts for some at Goyne Park we started with ascending 4 corners 10,20,30,40 of Burpees, Merkins, LBC’s & Monkey Bumpers. Mosey’d to the open field by the flag where comes were set up for my signature at Bermuda… Yes “THE BEARMUDA TRIANGLE” ~3 markers ~3Oyds apart in shape of atriangle. Pax performs one burpee at firstmarker and bear crawls to 2nd marker, 2burpees and bear crawl to 3rd marker, 3burpees and bear…

With the Summer Tour and SOJ Takeover in full effect, YHC packed my day bag and headed east to hang with the Bermuda Boys. The PAX were ready to put in some work! As is customary, I have included a brief summary for your viewing pleasure. Mosey to the parking lot for Warm Up:Side Straddle Hops, Ukranian Soldiers, Mummy Kicks, Windshield Wipers, Biodomes, Hand Release Merkins, Freddy Mercuries, Alabama Prom DatesMosey to the Track that apparently does not exist:Exercise One the Stupidest Mile:400m Bernie Sanders around the football field200m Lt. Dans200m Crawl Bear100m Reverse Frog Jumps Bernie Sanders Raise the…

Three Bermuda big boys gave Goyne park a run for its money today. We’ve recently planted some cindys at the AO – so we broke those in! At 5:31am we realized Q might be MIA – so YHC might have cooked up the following on the spot. Warm-up Curb Work, Stretches Ukrainian Soldiers Okay we’re warm! COP 1 Triple Check Dips Pullups 200m run Mosy with squats in between COP 2 Triple Check Shoulder raises 1-legged Cindy Squats Run/Bernie up Quad Hill COP 3 Double Check Swings Merkin/Plank Jack / Bearcrawl combo Finisher Big Rig led out with 5 minutes…

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