Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

cop We started the sunshiney day off with SSHs, merkins, a variety of stretches and then I took off the sweatshirt. thang since we did choice B on Friday I went with choice A today. It was a horseshoe buildup. exercise, run the trail up hill, exercise, run the trail down hill, add an exercise, rinse and repeat. 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 plank jack, 25 lbs, 30 ssh then drop an exercise each run until only 10 merkins left. Finished and rock exercises until arms felt like jelly. We were inspired to stop due to the size of POG’s…

A prime 11 found RVAs darkest AO to have some sunlight in the COP. COP: SSH, Don Qs, Imperial Walkers, Reverse Crunches, Merkins, Scorpion Kicks. Mosey over to 3rd lot: THE THANG: 11s of HRMs and V-Ups. Over to secret coupon garden, a few seconds of Boat & Cano then Partner up: 3 Rounds of Thrusters while other runs the lot. 60 Block presses. 4 corners with blocks lunging between of 25 Squats, Swings, and Curls4theGirls. Drop coupons and head down to Triple check loop. Triple was Donkey Kicks, WWIIs and the loop. Finish with “Bearrow the Loop” aka 5…

Two grizzled vets posted to River Run to put in some work. The Twin Team hill beckoned, but with age comes wisdom, so the PAX decided to sneak up on it from behind. The Tarrington Loop was called, with a bonus lap around BWES at the end to round out the mileage to 5+. Many thanks to Doozy for coming back to pick up YHC on those rolling hills. Numbers, names, YHC took us out. Make it a great one!

Two HIM’s each brought a couple 2.0’s for the first PuppyPile of 2021. While our numbers were few, our enthusiasm was mighty, and great fitness, fellowship, and faith was enjoyed by all.  The THANG: COP #1: Mosey to the BBall Court and Circle UpWelcome & F3 DisclaimerANIMAL WARMERAMA:Kangaroo Side-Straddle Hops x10 ICFlamingo Lunge until Q callsButterfly Quixotes x10 ICBunny Hop until Q callDancing Bears x10 ICBear Crawl until Q callsCrabcakes x10 ICCrab Walk until Q callsStarfish Crunches x10 ICGorrilla Shuffle until Q calls COP #2: Mosey out to the FieldFOLLOW THE LEADER:Leader chooses whatever moving activity and direction desired, followed…

7 hombres rose mucho early to run and enjoy a peaceful desayuno with amigos. Temperatures were a perfecto 70 and sunny. According to the River Rock runners, here’s what happened: Route was “follow the signs” to the route, the bridge to Buttermilk to Belle Isle, round the loop, to North Bank and BTTVSF. Topics included: Should we run on the route in use by the River Rock Runners? Does the definition of diversity include more than race? In light of the CDC’s new guidance, do we still have to wear a mask to TYA’s virtual colonoscopy? Answers were, in no…

YHC signed up for this date as the beginning of the 3rd year being in F3 (5/14/21 was my 2 year anniversary) and with daylight early and less gloom had a full agenda to ensure Emoji has some fond memories of Dogpile. So here is what went down: COT We mosey to the crop circle at the top of the Triangle loop via behind the Amphitheater and Ha Penny Stage(No coupons today) and performed 20 SSH, 10 DQ, 20 Russian Soldiers, 10 Imperial Walkers, 20 2ct American Hammers, 10 4 ct LBC’s, 10 4ct Modified Alabama Prom Dates, 10 Scorpions…

10 warriors showed up on a crisp Mid-May to celebrate Attila’s birthday by doing a workout led by Fireman Ed. The workout went like this: COP: DQs, CPs, Merkins, Scorpion kicks (the PAX had a lot of mumble chatter on this; I am told this was because there was a lot of chest rubbing against the blacktop. Perhaps the third nipples that developed from the vaccine shots were getting removed so I was doing y’all a favor), Freddy Mercuries, large arm circles. Mosey to the soccer field. Exercise 1: Elevens with diamond merkins and SSHs Exercise 2: Four corners with…

Five warriors shook off the fart sack and landed in the parking lot by 5:30am for a fun fest that went something like this… Mosey to the blacktop. Stop on the map of the United States. Mosey around the school and cut back through and back to the black top. COP All IC – 25 SSHs, 10 don quixotes, 10 helicopters, arm circles, 25 SSHs, 25 LBCs, 25 SSHs, 10 hand-release merkins (HRMs), 25 SSHs. Back To Jersey – Triple Check Run across the field, run around the track and back to the black topLunge the length of the black…

COP came in hot in my own hood. The dog wouldn’t pee. Tried to take out honeymoon to put him out of his misery. THere were doubts about Duke’s attendance (not by me) but alas he arrived with bells just in time to go right back up and down Satan’s Hill. There was a small mutiny with commentary that if I had showed up instead of fartsacking for 3 weeks I’d know that they already ran this week at other venues. The run was followed by some SSHs, merkins, DQs, helo’s, and jazzercise. THANG Wilson chose “choice B” – the…

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