Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Big Rig got in a 3 mile run on his own before launch time then joined Chaplain and YHC for another 2 miles of Morning Wood. Mumble chatter included weight loss accomplishments, increasing pull up reps, and upcoming races. Big Rig is an inspirational guy. He’s lost about 50 pounds over the past year and will be doing the Fall 10k in Waynesboro. He had to leave before Rock N Roll due to momma bear in town visiting.

The parents and kids rolling in for football at Sydnor Playground were treated to the following pre-game show: COP on the blacktop at Blackwell: SSHs, IWs, DQs, Merkins, LBCs, Helicopters. Mosey to the baseball field at Sydnor Playground for… Baseball Beast. Start at home plate and in the grass behind first, second, and third base, perform 6 reps of an exercise, run home and reverso. Exercises were: HRMs, WWIIs, Jump Squats, Carolina Dry Docks, Lunges, Burpees. Mosey back to the blacktop for… Playground pickup and American Hammers: pick up 5 pieces of trash and do 5 American Hammers. AMRAP until…

Can a party of 1 still be a party? Can a club with 1 member still be a club? You’re darn right it can. Breakfast Club is so fire only YHC can get in. Next week is ladies night.

Eight faithful HIM’s chose Rocking out over sleeping in, and posted for a sunny and seventy beatdown delivered by yours truly. Keeping in form with Park rules, there were no merkins harmed in the making of this beatdown. The THANG: WARMERAMA: Moseyrama around the lot and circle up on the basketball courtWelcome & DisclaimerVariable IC Reps to get the muscles warm top to bottom COP #1: Indigenous Mosey to the far parking lotSIX-PACK OF DIAMONDS: (6 Rounds each with a different exercise, and each round’s reps completed at each of the diamond’s 4 corners)Round 1: x6 Kimchi TwistsRound 2: x12…

YHC jogged in just after the scheduled 5:30 a.m. departure to find Opus and Mr. Holland. They had no route in mind, so YHC suggested repeats of approximately 1 km around a relatively well-lit townhouse loop after an easy running warm up. We got 4 repeats in with brief walk breaks to regroup before a brief cool down jog. Opus took us out.

Nine ran around the West End to parts YHC doesn’t recall, but there were loops around a townhouse or condo community to determine the desired mileages. Backblast was timely-ish.

With BRR live, five men took to the mean streets surrounding Godwin HS in their honor.  According to the interweb, the route should have been a public hair shy of 5 miles, though Gypsy’s watch said otherwise.  Nonetheless appropriate mileage was accomplished.  Here’s where they went: The Route R on PumpL on RidgefieldR on CopperasR on Little League DriveFollow main road up and around TSI Training CenterExit TLL complex passing Field 10 over to Field 4 and through the pathwayL on John RolfeR on PumpFinish with a loop of Godwin Numberama, Nameorama, COT MOLESKIN YHC figured numbers would be low…

3 Iron PAX and 1 Runner descended upon BWES. Here’s what the lunch lady observed : Doozy ran around parts unknown and eventually met up with us at BWES parking lot. Here’s what the Iron PAX did : Care Bear Squared : Done using a square area. Bear crawl forward 25 yards to first corner then do 25 Squats. Bear crawl left 25 yards to second corner then do 25 Merkins. Crawl bear backwards to third corner then do 25 Big Boi Sit Ups. Bear crawl right 25 yards to fourth corner then do 25 Burpees, which completes 1 Full…

5 Stallions ready to take on Satan’s Hill. One needed some extra time getting ready this morning and missed his Q. So the Hot Potato was passed. Oyster starts: In honor of BRR we ran up Satan’s Hill then we ran down Satan’s Hill. repeato Boberry took us out. See Slack for events and other news… Oyster

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