Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Big Wood


Big Rig got in a 3 mile run on his own before launch time then joined Chaplain and YHC for another 2 miles of Morning Wood. Mumble chatter included weight loss accomplishments, increasing pull up reps, and upcoming races. Big Rig is an inspirational guy. He’s lost about 50 pounds over the past year and will be doing the Fall 10k in Waynesboro. He had to leave before Rock N Roll due to momma bear in town visiting.


About Author

Joined F3 in Tallahassee FL on 9/12/18 during Hurricane *Florence*. Brother-in-Law Bocephus from F3 Charleston SC was responsible for the EH. Moved to Richmond in August 2020 and been rollin with F3RVA ever since.

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