Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Flash Mob at The Crucible


The parents and kids rolling in for football at Sydnor Playground were treated to the following pre-game show:

COP on the blacktop at Blackwell: SSHs, IWs, DQs, Merkins, LBCs, Helicopters. Mosey to the baseball field at Sydnor Playground for…

Baseball Beast. Start at home plate and in the grass behind first, second, and third base, perform 6 reps of an exercise, run home and reverso. Exercises were: HRMs, WWIIs, Jump Squats, Carolina Dry Docks, Lunges, Burpees. Mosey back to the blacktop for…

Playground pickup and American Hammers: pick up 5 pieces of trash and do 5 American Hammers. AMRAP until time.

COT: T&P for the BRR runners and for the men of THP.

NMS: Joey Chestnut kept his Crucible streak alive (was there any doubt he wouldn’t?). Bean put in great work in his return appearance.

YHC thought he overheard one of the parents express disappointment that she wasn’t notified of the flash dance/mob at the field before the game, referring to the PAX in the middle of their Baseball Beast. PAX invited her to join us.

Note to future Qs: parents and kids roll into Sydnor at 7:45 for games at 9am.

Many masks were lost on the playground during recess this week at Blackwell. `


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