Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

3 men got in 6ish miles before their respective Easter festivities. If no Backblast is written, did it actually happen? TCLAPS to Doublemint for all the training he is putting in for BRR, tennis, etc.!

7 men descended upon the grounds of Timberwolf in search of a great start to the day. To the best of YHC’s recollection, they were not disappointed. Mosey around the school to the far parking lot for some COP. Including Collard Pickers, Michael Phelps, Hairy Rockettes, Merkins, and WW2s Mosey to wall adjacent the exercise bikes for a Dora with 100 Donkey Kicks, 200 squats and 300 LBCs. Mosey to the track for a 2 pack of Boberry biscuits. Back to some softer grasses for some captain Thor’s Followed by by a round of PAX choice ab work. Mosey about…

6 Davillians arrived on a cool May morning for YHC’s first Q at The Creek in some time. This is how it went down Warm Up – Mosey around the parking lot weaving in and out of the traffic cones the school sets up student drop off (this has become a new thing to start with) Head to the blacktop COP (ALL IC) – SSH, DQ, LBC’s, Arm Circles THANG Mosey to the playground Mini Dora – 50 Pull ups, 75 Box Jumps, 100 SSH. Partner runs to a tree and back Mosey to the track Mini K.I.S.S. – Run…

YHC suggested Texas Beach, so PAX went about 1/2 mile past the pumphouse, through a small hole in the fence, under the train (Sally’s highlight), back to Texas Beach, then Northbank to Belle Isle, around the west end like old times, and back on Buttermilk. Then YHC and TYA headed to ET’s.

… for Partner Jerkins, a Garbage Plate innovation. The Thang: Mosey around the school. Some runners couldn’t keep up so they went to the track for the rest of the time. COP IC: SSH x20, IW x20, DQ x10, Helicopters x10, Merkins x10, Pop Squats x15, Stand on One Foot and Bounce the Imaginary Ball x10 each foot. Mosey to the playground for Jack Webbs with Pull-ups and 5-PAX Partner Jerkins. After round 4, the Partner Jerkins were modified to a hold for a count to the Jack Webb-prescribed number. Mosey to the blacktop for Jack Webbs with WW IIs…

Eleven elites broke the bounds of the fartsack to enjoy the cooler temps and celebrate the 1 year anniversary of this AO with a run. 5 milers – Maremont, Raintree, Falconbridge, JRP, cut through apartments & townhomes, Flintwood, Falconbridge, Pump. 5.5 4 milers – Maremont, Raintree, Falconbridge, JRP, cut through apartments, Ridgefield, Pump. 4.2 YHC took us out – prayers for the PAX. NMS- great to see everyone out especially some new attendees from SOJ and the ville. Welcome to new-to-Currahee PAX Blue Moon, Shakedown, and Corned Beef. We have been running Currahee for a year now. Special thanks to…

6 warriors descended upon Satan’s Hill on brisk morning to make themselves and each other a little better. According to the white Tesla here is what went down. COP- 30 SSH’s, 10 each: DQ’s, Cherry pickers, Deadman hang, Helicopters, Phelps, Jazzercise, MErkins, Flutters, Dollies, LBC’s. The work: Mosey to first mailbox. Rosco pick a number=6. Run to every 6th mailbox on right and perform 4 merkins (called exercises. Next 5 merkins at every 5th, 7 WWII at every 3rd, 8 plank jacks at every 2nd, 7 Bobby hurleys and every 2. 9 at 1. Every other mailbox perform 10 dollies,…

14 mighty runners and bikers came out for a morning of cooler temperatures and Spring light. Snake River was called and off we went. West on Grove, left on Granite and cross Cary. 4s go to the fork of the snake’s tongue, 5s do each tongue, and 6s do each tongue twice. Head back out on Granite to Patterson and take a right and a right on Westmoreland back to the AO. TYA took us out. Good luck to Bodos in his competition tomorrow. Too bad he couldn’t count the beautiful fly by the majestic Huron after COT.

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