Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: NoToll

Huguenot Park

12 Redwoods and 2 four legged furry fellas fought of the fartsack for another repeato workout at the hands of Coach Wojo. Borrowed this one from the folks at the Megaship in South Charlotte. Hope y’all enjoyed the ride. COP Mosey to the parking lot for an on the line dynamic workout walking russian soldiers, walking Lt. Dans, walking/shuffling hillbillies, walking DQs, and polar bears mosey to the center of the best fields of SOJ The Thang Exercise I: Mega Starfish 4 corners with a variation, meet back in the middle after each corner/exercise for 5 burpees in the center…

8 Gloom professionals and 1 FNG posted to see what Doozy had in store for No Toll Mosey to the parking lot for the COP DQ’s, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Russian Soldiers, Hill Billies Man Killers, 5 burpees OYO Mosey to end of parking lot Inch Worm parking lot crawl 1 merkin at each line X15 lines Crawl Bear back 1 Merkin at each line. The Plan was to do 10 lines of bear crawls with increasing merkins at each line. Audible because the PAX is smoked Mosey to the corner 4 Corners / Prostitute style 10 LBC’s, 20 Jump Squats,…

The lush dry fields of NoToll welcomed a dozen dutiful gloom warriors to find the sunny and 70 side of self-discipline. The teenage soccer players cramping our parking lot space chewed on this juicy gossip during their sunrise practice: The THANG: COP #1: Mosey down to Field 1Welcome & F3 DisclaimerUsual DTH Warmerama COP #2: 4 CORNERS (Prostitute Style)Corner 1: x10 MerkinsCorner 2: x20 WWII’sCorner 3: x30 SquatsCorner 4: x40 Freddie M’s (4-ct)Front Runners return to bring the SIX home COP #3: TRIPLE CHECK:P1 – Bleacher Box JumpsP2 – American HammersP3 – Runs across Field & Back COP #4: 1 min Plank1…

A dirty and soon-to-be slushy dozen posted to No Toll to see what was up. Here’s how it went down: The THANG: grab the shovel flag and mosey to the lower parking lot for Old Glory – Two laps around all fields (1 mile) corner 1: merkins x 20 corner 2: jump squats x 20 corner 3: burpees x 10 (x 20 if you’re a Davillian) corner 4: WWIIs x 20 AMLAP in 20:00 minutes Two laps around all fields (1 mile) to Double Your Pleasure™️ BTTF for Merkin Ring of Fire and some old man cool down stretches. Numbers,…

9 Apollo Anton Ohno wannabees awoke this morning dressed for a spelunking adventure along Robious Road. Here is what was rumored to have occurred according to the Greenfield Elementary lunch ladies arriving for the early shift. Warmarama: Mosey thru the Basketball court ice rink back over to the safe gravel for the following as we awaited for Fresh Prince to arrive in his typical fashion (hot). Exercises included SSH, DQ’s (as requested by Bone Thugs), Dead Man Hang, Imperial Walkers, Russian Soldiers, Arm Circles. Prince arrives, lets mosey. COP 1: Mosey across Robious into Greenfield Subdivision. Lindsay along Greenfield Road.…

9 SOJers embraced the soggy conditions at Huguenot Park and prepared for another epic No Toll beatdown. As always, jorts were optional; but having a good time was not. Here is how it all went down. Mosey to the back parking lot for COP: Don Quixotes, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Dead Man Hang, LBC’s – added on a few to accomodate a dry Fresh Prince. Line up for walking Russian Soldiers x2. Exercise 1: 3 stations: back parking lot, chain, F3 flag On the way out: Stop 1 -25 merkins, Stop -2, 25 WWII sit ups, Stop 3- 25 hand release…

NoToll welcomed 13 SOJ warriors and two poodle variety pups, none of whom are on IR, but all of whom enjoyed an IR-friendly workout. Here’s what embracing love and faithfulness looks like: The THANG: COP #1: Circle up on the Basketball CourtWelcome & F3 DisclaimerDisclaimer #2 for those on IR to modify as needed while keeping the “Tryhard Rule” in mind – “It doesn’t matter what you do, just do something!”Disclaimer #3 for those with dogs to bag up any landmines.SSH x20 ICDQ’s x10 ICThe Opus x10 ICRussian Soldiers x10 ICElbow Plank Leg Lifts x10 ea side ICFreddie M’s x10…

8 mostly burly men arose this morning through the gloom and some snowflakes falling to find out out what Boberry had in store. Only Boberry was warm in his sack and YHC took the Q for a birthday Q. Even though 49 years of mileage was on his body YHC felt a little lighter on his feet today. According to the Groundhog here is what went down. COP- 49 SSH, 9 each: DQ’s, cherry pickers, helicopters, Jazzercise, IW’s, Merkins. The Thang: Do 49 of called exercise and run a lap. Over and over and over again. Just like the movie…

Five faithful SOJ HIM’s posted to NoToll expecting a DTH beatdown in freezing rain. But, their Faith being true, God cradled the AO in His hands, keeping conditions mild and dry, and they embraced the DTH beatdown with gusto – as follows: The THANG: COP #1: Mosey to Circle Up in the Parking LotWelcome & F3 DisclaimerSlow Body Builders x10 ICDQ’s x10 ICImperial Squat walkers x10 ICHairy Rockettes x10 ICCDD’s x10 ICWerkins x10 ICCrunchy Frogs x10 ICOblique Crunches x10 IC ea side COP #2: Mosey over to Field 1 and line up along the baseline for a LINDSEY: Merkins: 30, 25, 20,…

5 could be criminals could be saints showed up to a 70 – 41 degree day at No Toll. YHC arrived ahead of schedule dresses in all black which must have seamed suspicious to the two cop cars sitting in the parking lot at 5:30ish A.M.. COP (Pass the Po-Po) smile and wave, boys just smile and wave DQ’s, Helicopters, Deadman Hangs, Cherry Pickers, Slow Jasersize, Crab Cakes, Merkins Mosey to the shelter area Dora – 100 Sugar Sticks, 200 American Hammers, 300 Scrunchy Frogs partner 2 runs across the field Stay put for 11’s 1 Squat run to the…

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