Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Hoedown

Tuckahoe Elementary

Indeed, Bodo’s “smelled the worms” when 7 prime suspects partnered in the Gloom for today’s edition of The Hoedown. Temperatures were, once again, sunny and 70 at F3RVA’s darkest AO. Short Mosey to the 3rd Church Parking Lot: SSHs x 20Dead Man’s HangScorpion Kicks (feel the wetness)Reverse Scorpion Kicks (feel more of the wetness)Hillbillies x10WWIIs x10HRMs x10 Mosey to the corner of Lindsey and Forest for a duopoly of crawling.Partner up in 2s and 3s. Round 1: 3 rounds of bear crawl to the TES sign. Partner does reverse crunches.Round 2: 3 rounds of Army crawl. Flutter kicks. Mosey to…

9 men gathered a bit earlier and started talking about the Upchuck’s legendary corn hole play during the 2nd annual F3 gathering. Mosey to the basket ball court and started the COP with music playing as follows: DMH X10, Helicopter X10, DQ X10, SSH X 50, Copperhead squat X 10, Merkins X10, LBC X20, American Hammers X 20, Reverse Crunch X 20, Scorpion Kicks X5 OYO, not YOY. (Upchuck corrected YHC gently that it is OYO and reminded YHC that the music is somewhat loud.) Exercise #1: Dora. Partner up for 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 squats with the timer…

13 capable cadets came out on another morning of the darkest AO in Richmond. There was hope that the COP would have an early boost of light at 5:31 but after coming on it for a minute and then came back on for a minute and so on. Anyway, the routine went like this: COP: Mosey to front of school led by two handsome bald lads, 20 SSHs, 10 DQs, 25 FMs, and 15 ACs each way. Exercise 1: Curb crawl with merkins near bus loop. I did not realize that the curb was a few feet from traffic which…

An illustrious 13 came out to take in the night sky in RVA’s darkest AO. With no sign of the possible FNG, the Pax rolled up to the Asphalt Sea for for COP. SSH, Helicopters, Don Quixote, Russian Soldiers, Scorpion Kicks Down to the top of Lindsay for Lindsays. The exercises were box cutters and carolina dry-docks, with each set being performed with a run in between. Alas, we arrive at La Casa de Lockjaw and partner up for triple check. Partner 1 runs down the street, hangs a left, runs around the West Drive Circle, and back. Partner 2…

18 eager PAX got their week started off right at Hoedown on a muggy 70+ degree morning. We did: COP on blacktop: SSH, Don Qs, Russian Soldiers, Helicopters, Merkins, Flutterkicks, Scorpion Kicks. THE THANG: Start with 4 Corners: 10 Burpees, 20 Hand Release Merkins, 30 V-Ups, 40 Jump Squats. Run the long way and bear crawl the width. Repeato but add 5 reps on all 4 corners. Partner up & head over to Jerkin bars. Too many PAX so split up groups – 3 sets of 20 PLTs with others do 3 sets of 10 Jerkins. Mosey across street to…

Three of us gathered in the gloom for an early start on Labor Day. Clear skies and a glorious temperature! COP: Deadman hang // Helicopters // DQs // Imperial Walkers // Russian Soldiers// Copperhead Squats// LBCs // Crabcakes // Peter Parkers // Tempo Merkins // SSHs 7 of Diamonds: On the blacktop, run from corner to corner, 7 burpees in each corner // Next round: 14 LBCs each corner // 21 merkins // 28 squats // 21 two count flutter kicks // 14 carolina dry-docks // 7 Burpees. Mosey to field. Triple Check: P1: Wallsit // P2: Dips on bench…

Twelve HIMs started off their work week with journey across the AO at this week’s edition of Hoedown. With only 75 seconds to spare to the start (source: Garmin), YHC needed a couple laps around the bus loop to shake off the cobwebs and collect any late additions. With 12 strong ready for battle, time to venture to the upper fields for COP. Quick COP of DQs, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Scorpion Kicks, LBCs, Helicopters The Thang Exercise I – Triple Check Pace Car runs down to the jungle gym, performs 5 pullups, runs back other exercises are peoples chair and…

After months of avoiding any appearances in the gloom, yours truly decided to go back out and Q. It was nice to see 14 able bodied warriors descend upon the fashionable Westham west location. The workout went like this: COP: 20 SSH, 10 DQs, 15 arm circles each way, 25 Freddie Mercuries Exercise 1: Mosey to where Bodos holds his outdoor services. 4 corners: 10 burpees, 20 WWIIs, 30 2 count mountain climbers and 40 2 count flutter kicks Mosey to another parking lot. Lunge about 200 feet. Curb bear crawl up to 6 merkins Mosey back to school. Elevens…

An excellently divisible twelve showed up for Hoedown on the the first cool morning in a while. After a hasty sign up for the Q at 5:20, YHC got us going with a mosey to the closest Third Church parking lot: COP: Deadman hang // Helicopter // DQ // Crabcakes // LBCs // Merkins // Peter Parkers // Pickle Pounders // Lt. Dans // SSHs 21s. Mosey to next parking lot. Dora with a Coupon: 100 Curls // 200 2x Flutter Kicks // 300 Squats with Coupon. Run the circle. Mosey to back parking lot Windsprints: Group 1 sprint to…

11 strong gathered at Hoedown this morning to start the week off right. COP: Mosey to the side church lot for 20 SSH, 10 DMH, 5 DQ, 15 LBC, 10 MK, 10 Scorpion Honeydo Kicks, 10 bonus HC. Jumped right into a regular Dora, partner up for 100 HRM, 200 jump squats, 300 box cutters with the timer running around the church building. Mosey back to Hoedown central lawn for some Fat Man & Little Boy (40lb & 10lb coupons). The PAX circled up for Q led core work including Supermans, back extensions, hip dips, LBC, WWII, MK, Carolina Dry…

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