11 strong gathered at Hoedown this morning to start the week off right.
COP: Mosey to the side church lot for 20 SSH, 10 DMH, 5 DQ, 15 LBC, 10 MK, 10 Scorpion Honeydo Kicks, 10 bonus HC.
Jumped right into a regular Dora, partner up for 100 HRM, 200 jump squats, 300 box cutters with the timer running around the church building.
Mosey back to Hoedown central lawn for some Fat Man & Little Boy (40lb & 10lb coupons). The PAX circled up for Q led core work including Supermans, back extensions, hip dips, LBC, WWII, MK, Carolina Dry Docks, and reverse crunches while the PAX took turns with the coupons for 12x squat thrusts or squats with Fat Man and 12x 4 count American Hammers with Little Boy.
Head up to the gaga ball pit with just enough time for 6 minutes of fun. Partner up for ascending, alternating partner burpees: 2, 4, 6, 8…. for 6 minutes running clock.
Slow roll back to the flag for numberama, namearama, announcements and YHC closed us out.
Announcements: See Honeydo to sign up for Slack, etc. The Bonethug 10k is next Friday at RAMM, 5:15a start time.
Moleskine: YHC intentionally avoided crawl bear this morning, saving up the GP special for next time. Not sure how many PAX picked up on the WWII coupon reference from 75 years ago but none the less YHC enjoyed planning and mixing things up this morning. Unfortunately the dew is back out for the first time in a long time and the Hoedown lawn hasn’t been mowed in a long time which made for a very soggy start to the workout week. Until next time, GP.
Solid Q even without the crawl bears. The humidity and wetness on the cricle lawn zapped my energy. Dig the wwii reference.
Burpees with wet shoes on blacktop were like doing them on ice.
Great Q Garbage Plate, i definitely picked up on the reference. I wasn’t paying attention to the the date, so I didn’t pick up the time specific reference.
Congratulations to Wojo for starting his new job today in his desired field.
Great workout this morning, so hot from the Dora that the Dew grass was like a cool shower and the Fat man was no joke. Cheers…CB