Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Heartbreak Ridge

4 fearless faithful found a completely empty AO to play with by ourselves. So we did: COP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Don Qs, Flutterkicks, Reverse Crunches, Merkins. Over to PES lot for Dora 123: 100 Merkins, 200 Donkey Kicks, 300 Jump Squats (audible to 100 for time). Over to PES playground: 5 rounds of 6 Pullups & 10 Squats. 3 sets of 25 PLTs. Down to Jerkin Gym: 4 rounds of 8 Jerkins. 40 Reverse Crunches. Across field then round of Donkey-Ups. Up to blacktop for rounds across including: lunges, Bear Crawls, and Crab walk. Back to flag and some mary…

Time to reclaim Hearbreak Ridge. After 3 straight weeks of ultimate and dingers (all good, just realizing it had been 3 straight weeks), time to strap on the boots for a beat-down. Here is how it went down: COPSSHIWDQHelicopterArm CirclesMosey to the football field for a cumulative beast:216 HRM180 reverse crunches144 squats108 flutter kicks72 2x crab cakes36 burpeesCool down with 50 LBC and 40 APDMosey back to the parking lot with a Bernie back up the slopeCOT with YHC taking us out It was time for the paid workout hogging the parking lot to see how real men workout. Solid…

Heartbreak hosted the last Ultimate Frisbee for the season, landing two awesome FNG’s into our brotherhood. The morning started with Chaplain joining YHC for the ride up from SOJ, rolling up to QMS in time to witness some tension between Pinto and the new workout crew’s boss lady telling him to move his car out of “their” planned workout area. YHC was also asked to move…and YHC suggested they put their cones out earlier to avoid this little misunderstanding in future… With a mash-up of vets and FNG’s from all over, YHC led the PAX in a little moseyrama around…

A lucky 13 dusted off the bats and mitts to play some long ball. Mosey through the woods into TLL complex onto Field 5 outfield COP (IC) SSHsDQsHelicoptersCopperhead SquatsMerkinsFreddie MercurysLBCs Mosey to the 1st base line High KneesButt KickersKaraokesBernie Sanders Mosey to Home Plate Run out a Single, Double, Triple, Homer DERBY TIME Objective hit Homers – roughly 15 pitches 0 = 3 Burpees1 = 10 WWIIs2 = 10 Jump Squats3+ = Batter’s Choice Numberama, Nameorama, COT MOLESKIN There’s nothing like some old timers hitting the sandlot and re-living their glory days.  Unless of course they never had glory days. …

11 hippy looking dudes showed up for some Ultimate frisbee this morning…some knowing what was coming, others didnt have a clue. After convincing almost everybody to give it a shot, we got going to the dewy field of Heartbreak for some fun. The light was not optimal and the frisbee was always wet, but no excuses were made for the multitude of bad throws and many drops. Fun was still had by all, and the dark jerseys won out with their extra man. MVP standout was definitely Snuff…he has skills. Bodos quickly found out that Snuff was his man and…

The heavens declared 8 warriors worthy to ascend the mighty Ridge, including one yet to earn his place among the brotherhood. According to legend, and the gawking herd of pay-up-to-workout “Reload” clowns cramping our parking area, this is what transpired: The THANG: COP #1: Mosey up to the grass field and circle up for Welcome, F3 Disclaimer, and a fair number of Tryhard-style Warmerama exercises in-cadence, broken up with short runs around the lacrosse goalsHolding elbow plank at the end, YHC provided a little review of the F3 principles and outline COP #2: Mosey to the base of Heartbreak RidgePartner…

Strong showing at Heartbreak Ridge and we may have deadlocked a FNG (CarFax) in to joining going forward. After a mosey (as I was told a fairly quick mosey) to warmup, we headed to the upper parking lot for some leg workouts( Dora of 100 Lunges, 200 Calf Raises, and 300 Squats). Then a mosey to the bottom of the hill for a chest workout (and definitely Homer’s favorite), Clockwork Merkins. Mosey to lower field and exercise equipment for a modified arm workout (Triple Check of 30 dips, Jerkins, Pull-ups). Mosey to the big field where we met a FNG…

No Q at Heartbreak ridge this Tuesday so it was another hotpotato. YHC did not realize the rule was who ever is last writes the BB.. Thought who ever took the lead wrote it. But Handshake helped remind me that was not the case. Soooooooooo.. because i didnt think i was writing a BB i didnt really pay attention to what we did. Maybe Handshake can add it into the comments field. ;)I remember doing lots of triple checks… I think i watched everyone do a 100 burpees.. i bet we did Merkins..and LBCs along the way.. Oh yeah… i…

Seven warriors braved HBR on a quick tour of what is normally Swamp land. It started with I hope it’s not like yesterday. Well good news folks it was a totally different beatdown and it went a little like this. Mosey around the school to high ground for a Warmarama: arm circles x 15 Reverso x 15 Don Q x 10 Dead man hang x 10 Merkins x 10 American Hammers x 25 Freddie Mercuries x 25 Descend into the swamp for which was 100% dry today for COP #1 Big Apple Turnover with a twist We visited the big…

An enlightened 11 came out to HBR to see what damage the storm a few hours earlier did. No rain and cooler temps were what we found. COP: SSH, Don Qs, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Flutterkicks, Scorpion Kicks (per pax request) Mosey over to PES for Dora 123: 100 Burpees, 200 Jump Squats, 300 LBCs. This took a while. Then over to MS basketball courts for: 10 HRMs at each hoop with bear crawl between baskets. 60 HRMs in total. Then wheelbarrow length of blacktop. Down to the Jerkin Gym, for Nomad’s sake. 4 sets of 8 Jerkins followed by 60…

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