Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Shelter from the Storm, but not from the Gloom


Three of the faithful, including YHC, posted at Mills Godwin High School, also known as F3Richmond’s #CircusMaxims AO, with kettlebells in hand. The rain had been falling by the bucket-full and lightning periodically streaked across the pre-dawn sky. Johnsonville (YHC) planted a virtual shovel flag in the soggy soil, and this is how the beatdown progressed, more or less:

Mosey beneath the flat metal roof in the school’s bus loading area. No more mosies.

Warmup including ssh, helicopter, merkins, don quiotes, arm circles.

Elevens consisting of single arm kettlebell swings (1/2 count per arm) and crabcakes


Elevens consisting of cleans & presses (1/2 count per arm) and pole smokers


Elevens consisting of electric slide and (1/2 count per side lunge) and wall planks


COP with sit & presses in cadence

COT with Atilla taking us out.

Moleskin: It was a mess out there this morning, and YHC has been under the weather this week. YHC thus had a very hard time getting out of bed. But, once the gloom began, and once I became completely wet from laying in standing water, and once White Deer starting getting competitive, things became down-right fun. It felt to me like this workout was over in 20 minutes.

We have a number of regulars out for health reason, and we pray for their speedy recovery.

Great job, men! Jville


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