Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Battling low energy at CM


5 faithful posted to Circus Maximus on what seemed to be collectively 20 hours of sleep to toss around a kettlebell rather than a pillow. Here is how it went down:

1 Lap around loop Waiter carry. COP – SSH, Merkins, DQs, Flutterkicks, KB Crab Cakes, 25 Swings

Mosey to curb – 10 Jump ups w/ KB, Lunges, 20 HaLos R, repeato x4 alternating Halo side.

Mosey to grass – Situp press escalator up to 10. 2 sets Clean press and 1 arm swing, each arm twice. 2 sets Figure 8s. KB Russian Twists. 10 more KB Crab Cakes.

Lawnmowers and cleans x2. Back to grass for 1 more set of Situp escalators to 10, Mary of- Hello dollys, Freddy Mercurys, LBCs.

COT , Atilla took us out.

NMS – Apparently YHC was not the only one who got little sleep last night. Before the beatdown Atilla and Jville shared they were both running on fumes. Once the PAX got moving everyone woke up.

Having tried KB Alabama Prom Dates on YHC’s original CM Q the next logical normal exercise to try with the KB was Crab Cakes. This was met with mixed results for the PAX.

Mumblechatter was light and consisted mostly around the lack of attendance by Earthworm. Sounds like he has a lot going on at work, but YHC thinks he was wary of excessive Lunges possibly being on YHC’s Weinke. Instead of lunges the PAX got their fair share of another Earthworm favorite the Situp Press Escalator, doing that up to 10 twice got the PAX grunting. Nice work by all and good to see Flip Phone out at CM.

Announcements- Bring your KB, ropes, etc. To Gridiron this sat. And at Dogpile be sure to wear a flannel shirt, and any other Grunge related attire.

Honeydo Out.



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