Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Circus Maximus


8 strong, including 2 CM newbies, posted to Circus Maximus in the gloom to swing some bells and get the blood flowing on this glorious morning, and it went a little something like this… COP: SSH x20 IC DQ x12 IC Helicopter x10 IC Halo x10 IC clockwise and x10 IC counter-clockwise Figure 8s x20 OYO Partner up at top of the parking lot.  Partner 1 takes both KBs and lunges about 15-20 yards to light-post and back while Partner 2 does plank-o-rama, then Flapjack.  Repeato x2. Farmer carry mosey around the CM loop and back to the sidewalk in front…

Five of the faithful posted at #CircusMaximus in the muggy heat for a kettlebell beatdown. Johnsonville planted a SF and took Q. This is what went down, more or less: 21x SSH, 10x burpees OYO, 10x sm. front arm circles, 10x large front arm circles, 12x scap merkins, 10x sm. reverse arm circles, 10x large reverse arm circles mosey to back corner of parking lot 10 sets of KB cleans and presses — EMOM, alternating arms mosey along back of parking lot to the other side 20x kb swings 12x figure 8 twists OYO mosey near SF elevens lunging between…

Seven of the able-bodied Faithful posted at the CM under a stunning full moon and ideal conditions. There was little time for pleasantries though, of course, there was a pithy and code compliant welcome and disclaimer. We got right at it as follows: Thang: 1st Quarter – 10 Minute EMOM: Odd Minutes: X5+ KB American Swings X5+ KB Squat and High Pulls X5+ KB Squat and Presses Even Minutes: X5+ KB Right Arm Rack Left Lunge X5+ KB Left Arm Rack Right Lunge X5+ KB Triceps Presses Farmer’s Carry One Lap of The CM – Single KB (alternating R to…

4 Circus Maximus regular Kettlebell(ers) gathered for a great start to a muggy hummid of a day Welcome back Doner Kebab COP: SSH, Don Quixote’s THE THANG: No Mosey around Circus Maximus this morning – just down to “THE” Kettle business! 30 Halo’s (R&L) 20 Good Mornings 30-45 seconds of Side Winders 30 seconds of “around the world” ( C & CC) 30 seconds of “Figure 8’s” ( C & CC) 20 Side Bends Elbow on a 45  (R&L) 20 Triceps Curls 30 High Pulls 30 Squat to High Pull 10 Windmills (R&L) 20 Squats 20 Single Arm Overhead Squats…

75 and moist pretty much describes the setting for another edition of the Circus.  Here’s how it went down: COP: SSH, Russian Soldiers, Don Quixote, Scapula Merkins, Goblet squats Behold The Pentagon of Joy/Doom: 30 sec kb swings in center of pentagon, bear crawl to one of the five points for 30 secs of designated exercise, bear crawl with kb back to center and repeat for all five points with swings in the center each time.  Repeato x 2 with stations = Goblet reverse lunge rt leg, goblet reverse lunge left leg, alternating shoulder press, curls, tricep extension Mosey around…

5 Circus Maximus regulars gathered for last-day-of-June kettlebell beatdown that went something like this: THANG Farmer’s carry around the Circus Maximus bus loop COP: 20 SSH, 10 slow DQs, 20 Crab Cakes, 20 Hello Dolly, 10 KB Roundabouts each side OYO, 20 KB Figure 8s Farmer’s carry around the Circus Maximus bus loop CONVEYOR BELT: each member of the PAX sets up 2 parking lot lines apart; perform a given exercise, bear crawl to the North leaving KB behind, guy on end runs South to the end of the line, stop where you started 10 KB Lawn Mower Pulls (conveyor…

Five of the faithful posed at #Circus Maximus to build strength using kettlebells. The weather was overcast. Johnsonville (YHC) planted a VSF and took the Q. This is how it went down, more or less: COP: 25x SSH 25x Don Quiotes 10x Merkins 40x Arm Circles Farmer Walk Mosey to front of bus loop as rain began to fall. Dora 1-2-3 in pairs, including 100x merkin kettlebell rows 200x squat presses with kettlebells 300x halos with kettlebells Partner had choice of running Circus Maximus or Farmer Walking 1/2 leg of CM. Farmer Walk Mosey to front of school. Observe lightning…

4 Circus Maximus regulars posted on this humid June morning to get swing some bells and get stronger.  Seeing no FNGs, YHC skipped the formal disclaimer and jumped right into it. The Thang went something like this: COP (all IC): Don Quixotes x10 Arm Circles 5 small and 5 large, forward and reverse Halos x10 clockwise; x10 counter-clockwise Figure 8s with a twist at the top x10 Kettlebell Tabata – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest and 15 seconds in between exercises; 6 rounds of each exercise: single-arm swings – alternate arms each round bob and weave/electric slide squat & press…

6 faithful and strong and 19 faithful and fleet warriors posted at Circus Maximus and 45 MOM this morning. Weather was unseasonably cool, but welcome. The Thang: 45 MOM Mosey to COP, Disclaimer, 20x SSH, 40x LBC, 20x Imperial Walkers. Mosey to tree line. Suicide 11’s with WWII situps and Merkins. Mosey to school. Triple Check, Balls to the walls, Merkins, and sprint to fence and back. Repeato x6. Ring of Fire, 5 Merkins, 2 simultaneous rounds. Mosey to tennis courts. Tracers on both sides, suicide, tracers on boths sides, backwards suicides, tracer. Mosey to shovel flag for 3 MOM,…

The theme of today’s Ludi Romani was motion under weight around the Chariot Course; and the conditions were dry and warm for the 8 Faithful and 1 FNG who posted at at the Circus Maximus. Welcome and continuing disclaimer Thang: Farmer’s Walk one time around the CM – medley style (Waiter’s Carry Right Hand, Goblet Carry, Waiter’s Carry Left Hand, Goblet, Suitcase Carry Right Hand, Goblet, and Suitcase Carry Left Hand) 8-Count Body-Builders (Pan Pax Cadence) Round 1 (Waiter’s Carry Right Hand) – – 20 KB Swings – 20 KB Halos (10 clockwise; 10 counter-clockwise) – 20 Alternating KB Single…

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