Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Batteau

Forest Hill Park

6 warriors rose to greet the dawn of a new day.  The lens of success made it a nearly perfect 70 and sunny for a Hot Potato Q.  According to legend it went a little something like this. Hardywood COP: Mosey to duck pond, grab a rock and mosey to the base of the Hill of Ill Repute. 10 Hand Release Merkins (arms out to the side) regular, 10 HRM right leg up, 10 HRM left leg up 20 Mark Spitz (modified flutter kicks with arms extended straight over head) 20 Squats with rock 10 SSH Regular, 10 SSH Right…

4 strong posted @ Batteau this morning and here is how it went down. COP: SSH’s, Windmills, IW’s, RS’s 4 Loops: run loop while others do exercises which included – WW11’s, regular planks, and elbow planks, Flutter kicks, squats, LT. Dans. Arms:  5 pull ups, 10 incline merkins 15 dips – 4 sets. Indian Run around the front side of the park back to the circle. Curb Crawl : 1-5 ladder and back down. bear crawl to the curb incline merkin – crawl bear back decline merkin . Partner Leg toss : 3 sets of 20 Tennis Court:  10 hand…

Four men gathered in the gloom with hopes of working some soreness out of their cores and getting their weeks off to a positive start with a Hot Potato Q. This is how it went Swirly opened the COP: IC: 20 x SSH, 10 x DQ, 10 x Helo, 10 x Merkin, 20 x LBC, 10 x Flutter, 10 x Freddie Swirly continued: 10/20/30 of each with a run to the top of the hill between sets: Dips, Decline Merkins, WWII Baton handed to Sippy Cup who lead us to the coupon bin as he is want to do and…

3 warriors rose to greet the dawn of a new day for a hot potato Q.  The forecast met expectations and the conditions were a near perfect 70 and sunny.  According to legend, it went a little something like this. Mosey down to the duck pond for a Hardywood COP IC 10 SSH regular, 10 SSH Right Leg UP, 10 SSH Left Leg Up IC 10 HRM regular, 10 HRM left leg up, 10 HRM right leg up IC 10 Flutter Kicks IC 20 Mark Spitz IC 20 WWII Situps Pass to Sippy:  At each light post complete 10 merkins. …

On a beautiful Spring day in, January?!?!?!, seven men convened at Batteau in the darkness to start their week. This is how it went Mosey lap to COP IC: SSH 20, Don Quixote 10, Box Cutter 10, Freddie Mercury 10, Merkin 10 DirtyMacDeuce: Four sets of 3 x 20 count exercises – each set followed by a Lap Set 1 – Incline Merkin, Lunge, Heels to Heaven Set 2 – Merkin, Squat, LBC Set 3 – Dips, Lt Dan, Reverse LBC Set 4 – Decline Merkin, Step up (10 each leg), WW II sit up Mosey to the tennis courts…

Five warriors rose to greet the dawn of a new day.  With the forecast for 70 and sunny, the air was ripe for success.  According to legend, it went a little something like this. Mosey to duck pond for COP IC X 20: SSH, IW, LBC, FM, M, ACF, ACR Bear Pawtastic Dora – Exercises are 50 burpees, 100 merkins, 150 squats, 200 SSH. While one partner exercises the other partner bear crawls uphill to the first light post then runs back down. B.A.R. Crawl (Burpee Animal Run ) – Native American run setup.  Pax does exercise up the Hill…

6 strong hit Batteau this morning for a hot potato q and here is how it went down.. Swirly : COP – SSH’s , Windmills, Helicopters, Bunny hop burpees , IW’s 3 stations – 15 reps 3 rounds – dips on the bench – incline merkins on the steps, derkins on the bench. Sippy Cup: Polar bears – starter sprints across the field – back across the field – starter sprints , WW11 sit ups. Bootleg : Find a tree – 3, 6, 9 – partner up run touch tree –  exercises – squats, Balls to the wall, LBC’s. Wedding…

The Batteau Four arrived in the gloom for a hot potato Q; although walking may have been better than running. Here’s how it went down, more or less around an AO that was partly under construction( at least that’s what the signs said) THE THANG Batteau Part 1 Bleeder Q Mosey up the Steps of the house, then back down to the tennis courts COP 25 SSH 10 Merkins 20 Imperial Walkers 15 – 2X arm circles Mosey to bottom of Steps Quick Lindsey Dips, LBC’s Mosey to Lake Light Pole to Light Pole, Run, Lunge, Bear Crawl, in that…

4 regulars arrived in the gloom for what is becoming a Batteau tradition–a Hot Potato Q.  We began with: COP Swirly Q:  SSH, Imperial walkers, Don Quixote, Merkins, LBCs, Flutter Kicks. Then head to the circle–run around circle and then do 10 Dips, 10 incline merkins on picnic benches.  Repeat 2x, increasing reps by 10 each time. Bleeder Q:  Head to tennis courts for a series of double wide court suicides (5 touches each suicide).  Regular suicide, Forward-backwards suicide, Lunge across, backwards lunge back.  All backwards suicide, Regular suicide. Sippy Q:  Jump diagonal sideways forward and backwards between side line and…

Two intrepid souls, ( and 7 wandering deer) arrived at Batteau for a Rock oriented beatdown to celebrate the First Thanksgiving in Virginia which occurred on Dec 4, 1619. THE THANG Mosey to Tennis Courts for COP SSH, Stretch, Imperial Walkers, Stretch, Merkins, Stretch, Arm Circles Mosey to pick up Rocks( Big ones) Mosey Back to Tennis Court, Cross over Merkins & Bear Crawls & Duck Walk to move Rock and Backwards running, 4 intervals. 4 Corners Curls, Tricep Press, Overhead Press, Rows: Swap Rocks – Repeat Run 2 laps, with and without Rock, Backwards with Rock, Swap Rocks 4…

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